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Training as the protagonist of business productivity


Today's business reality is characterized by its dynamism and its need to adapt to new situations that force it to be in permanent innovation if it wishes to continue in the market as leading players. Technology, globalization and the abolition of borders make employees become determining factors when it comes to understanding and applying business strategies in their day-to-day management.

Training becomes a differentiating element when it is understood as an investment and not as an expense, when it is recognized that the hours dedicated to specific training are time that will ensure the quality of work and avoid reprocesses that end up increasing production cycles. Valuing knowledge and the ability to bring it to the job effectively means that productivity is reflected in the improvement of the quality of the products and competitiveness is evidenced in the repurchase, in the value that customers give to the products and the business.

Training for productivity and competitiveness is born from the understanding of the organization's strategy and the way it is translated into training actions capable of converting employee management into valuable results for current and potential clients.

The training processes originate from the so-called "diagnosis of training needs" DNC, which allows the elaboration of a work plan aimed at enhancing the capacities of the collaborators, taking the company's strategy as a frame of reference, in this sense it is about generate and apply models that allow training in the management of new equipment and programs, develop service and attention skills and strengthen the skills required for the development of the task.

For many years the paradigm of recognizing people's weaknesses in order to establish training plans has become a thing of the past, on the contrary, we work on the strengths of the collaborators since they are precisely the factors of success. The training is defined by the company and involves the professional interests of the collaborator, since training efforts must be rewarded in daily management, however, when leaving the company, this knowledge must already be incorporated into business action.

Training has become, for some companies, a factor of retention and personal growth, it is intended that the talent who has received the opportunity to increase their knowledge and ability in a given task can feel that the company values ​​their contribution and that therefore It offers you the necessary stability so that you can contribute to the development of your business strategy.

Now, in general terms, people tend to be very receptive to the training processes offered by companies, especially if it is about programs that end with a certification since for many it will be the only opportunity to access a diploma inasmuch as they did not have the possibility to obtain them in a university or training center.

For many companies, training is part of the culture and is structured by modules, by themes and areas; In many, progress has been made towards the corporate university model, in others there are agreements with universities or institutes, and in others internal training programs have been developed, which allows them to enhance internal knowledge for the benefit of training and development processes. However, for many other companies the subject of training is something exceptional and is not promoted because of the size of the company or the criteria of the owners or administrators of the same.

One of the difficulties that we evidence in the training processes is that sometimes it is the area managers who do not send their collaborators to the training events, however experience tells us that perhaps it is necessary to motivate and negotiate with them the importance of such training, so that they can coordinate schedules and shifts.

The topic of business training has evolved over time and little by little it has positioned itself as a need that must be addressed by management. It is then about recognizing the aspects that can make the difference between a successful training and one that has no impact on the work carried out by employees.

Technical training, on the other hand, is very important because it allows the employee to train his task and recognize new ways of doing things, specific training processes strengthen the expected results and training in general becomes an ally of business productivity. The big question for managers remains if " is training an expense or an investment ", what happens if the person, after receiving specialized training, goes to the competition? How do I retain it? Etc… and although we already know many retention methods, we continue to look for better ways to make talent a differentiating factor in the market in which we compete.

The training must address different management areas in the organization and depending on whether it is a service, production or marketing company, as the approaches will have more emphasis on one aspect or another.

Regarding the specific aspects of the positions, the training is carried out through training that allows to know the process on the one hand and the use of the equipment on the other, it is then about training aimed at the development of manual skills or that allow to speed up the execution of routine processes.

Another area of ​​training is customer service and training in the protocols required to attend and receive different customer communications. Commercial training is essential since it is intended to develop key competencies such as customer orientation, conversational skills, negotiation, closing the sale, etc.

There are also administrative training that includes different management areas such as financial and accounting, security, systems, human management, among others. As I mentioned earlier it all depends on the emphasis of the company.

Many companies understand that the specific and technical are not enough and therefore include their managers and officials in training programs aimed at developing new skills capable of strengthening business competitiveness.

Business reality tells us that the issue of training begins to gain importance as development and innovation forces the generation of new ways of doing things, the incorporation of new technologies, the emergence of new competitors, the integration of many companies in search of a better place in the market and many other aspects make it necessary to think that it is no longer enough to have a good name but that the quality of the people who work in the organization must be recognized not only with monetary aspects but also It must go beyond the culture expected by those who, with their talent, generate a management that contributes and contributes.

It is increasingly difficult to maintain talent and therefore retention strategies must be increasingly creative and willing to understand that the value of people for the organization is manifested in the results it delivers.

Today the term "endomarketing" is in vogue, which is a way of assessing the internal customer and ensuring talent retention processes in the organization. As it is a new trend, it is possible that its scope and application is still part of a business trend that will gradually decay and reveal its real benefits.

I end by inviting entrepreneurs to take the risk of discovering the value of the internet and social networks in productivity and competitiveness, in the difference it makes for the development of the task and the expected results. Banning without a logical and consistent foundation the use of networks during working hours can be a reductionist interpretation that takes away and avoids work for those responsible for innovating and creating better ways to take advantage of technological development within the company.

Training as the protagonist of business productivity