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Training in the company

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In the following essay you will find information about the importance of training in the company, who benefits, as well as knowing when it is necessary to train employees, what are the advantages of performing this procedure, how the employee can be benefited, which are the topics that should be presented during the training and how to carry out the training properly so that the company has good results and finally teamwork.

Training in the company


Training or also called staff development is any activity carried out in a company responding to its needs and seeking to improve the attitude, knowledge, skills or behaviors of its staff.

In this document we will find information about the training in the company and how to apply it to obtain better results for the company as well as for the employees and to grow professionally.

II. Background

In societies, a formal work process was not conceived or existed since knowledge was transmitted directly, the most experienced people were those who were in charge of teaching and transmitting the knowledge to the people who could take responsibility for the position or work.

We can also find that among the Aztecs there was already an education for work in the tepochcalli and the calmecac. In Mexico this process did not develop as fast as in other countries because slavery and exploitation prevailed for a long time and the only learning system was that of father to son.

"Faced with circumstances such as those in the world today, our behavior is modified and we are permanently confronted with situations of adjustment, adaptation, transformation and development" (Aguilar, 2004).

We can say that it is not enough to know about a specialty but that we must continue to advance as the labor and professional market demand it.

Before the training was focused on teaching basic skills of techniques to be able to do a job well, now it also focuses on teaching to overcome the deficiencies of education.

"Organizational development must be a dynamic, dialectical and continuous process of planned changes based on realistic diagnoses of situations using strategies, methods and instruments that aim to optimize the interaction between groups and people…" (Niebles de las Salas, 2007).

We say that organizational development should motivate us to work as a team and be able to join the work group in order to develop a job.

Similarly, we must bear in mind that training is a short-term educational process, applied in a systematic and organized manner. It also implies the transmission of specific knowledge related to work attitudes towards aspects of the organization of tasks, the environment and the development of skills.

"Training should deal with learning experiences towards the positive and beneficial as well as completing and reinforcing them with activities so that individuals at all levels of the company can acquire knowledge more quickly and develop those attitudes and skills that will benefit themselves and the company. ”(Chiavenato, 2000).

We conclude that training is not only a process but should be an apprenticeship for the person who takes the course or training as they are tools that will serve them throughout their professional career and that will be very helpful in their work and in Her future.

III. Development

Training is the development and training of people so that they can align themselves to a way of working from which all the teachings received will open doors for personal and professional improvement inside or outside the company, in the same way it requires a great commitment and responsibility.

When we speak of training courses and staff development we refer to a particular matter, knowledge or management of a procedure, tool or work team of the company.

You should always have the option of considering the job skills that the company requires and that it also expects from the staff working in the company, it is not enough just to give training and that the staff attend, but the training must be of quality to cover the needs of the company, increase expectations and meet the needs for good performance within job competencies.

Training duros can be taught within the company as well as outside as long as they are suitable for it, in the same way it is recommended that the training have dynamics, team and / or individual exercises to facilitate the understanding of the subject as well as small fragments of videos on the subject to be discussed.

Staff training, although it requires an economic expense, should not be seen as such but as an investment for the benefit of the company, when employees see that the company takes care of their professional growth they feel safe and give the best of them. When in a company there is a lot of staff turnover, ups and downs, one of the reasons may be the lack of training and the demands of managers, bosses and supervisors for employees but they do not provide them with the necessary tools, as they do not train staff you cannot know what the company's needs are,As I had mentioned before, the training must be dynamic and with exercises to know which are the areas that must be worked more but without doing less to the other areas or departments since everyone is holding hands to reach a result that benefits the company and employees.

Training is very important but it will not solve all the problems of the departments and positions, but it will help to improve looking for options to solve them.

You cannot work a part of the company because it is a team so both parties must organize and work in a solidary way, communication is also important to say when something is not working at the right and opportune time to avoid staff turnover, the ups and downs in the company.

If we train the staff and we see the best in the employees, we can place them in an area and / or department in which they can perform better and give their best, thus we will avoid hiring more and less frequently since we will have a good team collaborating with us within the company and they will also be able to develop their talent with us and in this way our company can be placed among the best in the field in which we are working.

It should be noted that you cannot be better in the blink of an eye, it takes teamwork and patience.

Article 153.A of the Federal Labor Law mentions that every worker has the right to have his employer provide training or training in his work that allows him to raise his standard of living and productivity, in accordance with the plans and programs formulated, by mutual agreement, by the employer and the union or its workers and approved by the Secretary of Labor and Social Security.

From this we can conclude that it must be by mutual agreement since the company must train its staff to be at the forefront in the market and in turn, the doors are professionally opened to the workers in the company or in any other to which Well, training is an apprenticeship that will always be with us.

IV. Conclusions

Training these days is no longer a luxury for companies but a necessity and an advantage to grow in the market and in a professional and personal way within the company. It is essential to know and understand more about the company where you work, training as well as physical exercise helps the mind to develop and be able to see things differently.

Everyone has responsibility in the company but the biggest is the owners or senior management and that employees understand what the functions and movements of the company are.

It is important to be in constant training because the labor and / or services market is always growing and technology does not stop, too, it greatly influences the life of the company and the employees.

Everyone must contribute in the company so that it works and can deliver positive results for the owners or managers. It is important to communicate within the departments and to periodically conduct questionnaires about the areas and functions that are being performed and to know what the situation is for which it is occurring.

Training is linked to all departments and managers and employees work together to obtain good training results and both must commit to giving their best for excellence in results.

V. References


  • Chiavenato, I. (2000). Human resources management. Colombia: McGraw Hill. Aguilar, AS (2004). Staff training and development. México, DF:: Limusa.Niebles de las Salas, OC (2007). Processes developed by NGO's managers. Mexico: Free electronic edition.
Training in the company