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Staff training and development

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All training is very important during work and professional life, since the functioning that the worker or associated group must have depends on it, training is the strong point for successful development, it is very important to emphasize that it is not the same training and staff development this has been like our present and future. Training is to achieve the strength and good results that an organization expects since these achieve that the employee can have a quick and effective solution to any setback that arises during his occupation in the assigned or external area.


Training involves the worker to develop their skills and knowledge and to be able to cope with the execution of their own work with more damage. This knowledge can be of different types and these are focused on various individual and organizational endings.

  • Are you worried that your employees do not function well within the company? Your purpose is to train and integrate the staff into the production process? What benefits does the company obtain by training its staff in each area?

Every company or business must train its staff to achieve improvement and private attitudes for the best performance of their staff and future positions and thus adapt to each employee and be able to carry out the demands that the company requires in their environment.


Training and development applied in organizations must be conceived precisely with educational models through which it is necessary to form a culture of business identity based on the social values ​​of productivity and quality in work tasks. (Aguilar, 2004).

The training must comply with the objectives and personal, professional and work principles since they will be part of the development that leads to the company being clear and present as part of their lifestyle

The benefits that an organization has with the training that workers are given is that it improves knowledge of the position at all levels, and consequently raises the morale of the workforce, and at the same time stimulating each collaborate improving the boss-subordinate relationship.

The training is an aid to understanding and adopting policies. And with the help of this, it streamlines decision-making and problem solving, promotes development with a view to promotion.

One more point in favor of training is that it contributes to the development of leaders and leaders increases productivity and quality of work, it helps to keep costs low.

The unemployment problem does not have a solution, it is a complex problem that must be studied from its various dimensions; social, economic, labor, productive, educational.

Stages of the training and development process

  • Need: the first step in this process is to recognize the need of the company or each department, analyze each of the individuals. Design of the instruction: here the necessary resources or methods are gathered to carry out the training and fulfill with the objective of learning during the training Validation: this point, as its name implies, validates the training by the participants in order to guarantee the validity of the program Application: this stage the worker shows his skills and successfully promotes the training.

Evaluation and follow-up: here the reaction, the learning of each skill, the behavior are evaluated and by follow-up it will be carried out within the company where the improvement in their work performance is determined. (HRFocus, April 1993).


Any company that includes the development of training programs in its budget will make its employees aware of the interest it has in them as people, as workers, as an important part of that organization.

The training has very clear objectives, among which we can mention:

Lead the company to greater profitability and the employees to have a more positive attitude. Improve knowledge of the position at all levels, Raise morale in the workforce, help staff identify with the objectives of the company. Get a better picture.

  • Foster authenticity, openness and trust Improve the boss-subordinate relationship Prepare guidelines for work Streamline decision-making and problem-solving Promote development with a view to promotion Contribute to the formation of leading leaders Increase productivity and quality of work Promote communication throughout the organization Reduce tension and allow management of conflict areas.


Both the Training and the Development of Human Resources are precise elements in the performance of the objectives of any organization. Developing our skills, attitudes and job and professional growth in the employees and executives of an organization approves that they perform their work with greater efficiency and quality. I consider that a very important resource that a company has is the Human Resource. Training is a transformation for the organization, to obtain results from it and not only benefit the training of the employee, but also helps to meet the objectives of the organization to which it belongs. Training and human development are important today and in the future within the organization,it depends on the delicate application of each stage and development of learning that has been acquired for the positive results that all will generate.


  • Aguilar, AS (2004). Training and staff development. In AS Aguilar, Training and staff development (page 17). Mexico: Editorial Limusa.HRFocus, AD (April 1993). The 5 stages of the development training process. In A. d. HRFocus, The 5 stages of the development training process. New York: American Management Association International.
Staff training and development