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The key to the success of organizations: motivation and leadership

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In this essay we will analyze the importance of motivation and leadership within organizations and the personal life of their human factor. We will mention the definition and the factors that encompass the aforementioned concepts, but, above all, we will focus on the benefits and consequences of applying or not applying these concepts both in the work and personal areas.

The key to the success of organizations: Motivation and Leadership


Next we will talk about the importance of motivation and leadership within an organization and personal life. We can find information about what the aforementioned concepts mean, since when they began to emerge and what it represents for anyone.

We already know that motivation and leadership go hand in hand because without a leader to guide or motivate us towards a goal, we will not be able to get anywhere. Although we should not necessarily follow a leader, we ourselves can be those leaders who guide and motivate a group of people and most importantly, our own life. To know how to develop leadership skills we mention important laws that promote it, as well as important characteristics of motivation that we must take into account.

II. Background

What is this difficult art that motivates people? What moves people to do things? Can you really motivate others?

Well, the human being seeks throughout his life, something that helps him to do everything that he proposes both personally and in the workplace. This question did not arise precisely in our century, but comes from long ago, when man began to face conflicts that limited him to achieve his goals.

The term Motivation arises from the evolutionary determinism of Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer: if animals are guided by instincts, there will also be innate tendencies in humans that will serve as the main motor of their actions. (Vélaz, 1996, p. 93)

“Motivate comes from the Latin –movere- which means: to move. It is to generate in others an energy conducive to the achievement of an end… ”(Urcola, 2008, p. 58). Within companies, it is essential to motivate their human factor so that they carry out correctly the performance of an activity that will help to meet its objectives.

While the motivation arises around the year 1700, on the European continent; Business Leadership takes on meaning from 1983.

“The fundamental aspects that determine the development of organizations are the quantity of their leaders and their quality. At this point, many people keep the debate open about whether the leader is born or made… ”(Roman & Ferrández, 2008, p. 10). In the past, leadership as such was not known, but that did not mean it did not exist. Many of the people are born being leaders, that is to say, it is in their nature to be; however, there are others that learn to be so over time.

III. Development

Over the years, we have come to realize how important motivation is in each person, as well as the importance of leadership. But the two terms mentioned above are not only fundamental for our personal life, they are also fundamental in the workplace. A company could not carry out the achievement of its goals if its human factor is not led by a person and if he does not have enough motivation to develop each activity. The same happens in our personal life, when we do not have enough motivation, or rather, the desire or desire, we simply do nothing, we let time advance and we get stuck in our comfort zone. Adding to the above the fact that we are not leaders in our own lives, leads us to the fact that we will never achieve anything that we set out to do.

Going for a run in the afternoon, inviting someone to go to the movies, getting the desired position, among other things, we can only achieve them with our effort, moving in the direction of what we want. “Motivation is totally related to movement. If we are able to move someone in the direction we want, we are motivating them; if there is no movement, there is no motivation… ”(Urcola, 2008, p. 59)

Why do men work? Before it was thought that man got up every morning as part of his routine to go to work because he needed to survive day by day in society. But, now this analogy has been questioned since various factors have been found that drive him to work. "Work is a complex activity, composed of many other activities that include social, legal, psychological, political and economic aspects…" (Vélaz, 1996)

According to the author José Ignacio Vélaz Rivas, there are at least 2 aspects of motivation:

  • Activation: Helps to undertake the activity Persistence: Constant energy to maintain the development of the effort.

According to Robert Sternberg (1997) there are three groups of motivators related to high performance:

Intrinsic motivation: It is that which comes from within us. We enjoy what we do, we do not seek an external reward, but the pleasure of doing things and work is not represented as such because we like what we do.

Extrinsic motivation: It comes from the outside, where the subject's activity is a means to an end. Activity can be a means to earn money, fame, status. This type of motivation focuses the person on the goals and not on the ways to achieve them.

Additional motivators: These highlight the need for achievement and self-fulfillment.

  • Need for achievement: Desire to improve and be excellent in what is done thus achieving increased productivity. Self-fulfillment: It means putting the best of oneself in a work.

Within an organization we can find a person who will guide a group of individuals to achieve the goal of the company, this person will necessarily be in charge of promoting the necessary motivation for the human factor to perform correctly in each activity that is carried out. assign you. This person is called a "leader."

It is important for a leader to know the power he has over the people under him. The level of effectiveness that the organization achieves depends on it. If the leader does not know his power, it is unlikely that he can lead someone other than himself. “… The leadership capacity is the limit that determines the level of effectiveness of a person. The lower a person's ability to lead, the lower the limit on their potential. The higher the leadership, the greater the effectiveness. " (Maxwell, 2012)

According to John C. Maxwell there are 21 irrefutable Laws of Leadership (Maxwell, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, 1998) of which we will mention the ten most important:

  1. The Law of the Top: The effectiveness of a company will depend on the leadership capacity of the person in charge of a group of people The Law of Influence: If the leader does not have enough capacity to influence action and decisions The Law of Process: You cannot develop leadership skills in a single day, it must be achieved with daily work The Law of Navigation: The ability to guidance and planning to know where and how the company will reach its goals. EH Hutton's Law: When a true leader speaks, people listen. If we cannot convey the desired message to our human factor, it will not help us to achieve our goals.The Law of Connection: When a leader manages to understand the needs of his subordinates,By which we mean that they manage to reach their hearts, they will reach out to help them in the activities of the company.The Law of the Granting of Powers: The importance of a leader giving powers to his subordinates must be taken into account. In order for them to grant these powers, they must feel sure of themselves and of who they are giving some power to.The Law of Victory: A leader does not seek his own benefit, it is quite the opposite, he will always seek that his work team wins The Law of Sacrifice: In order for a leader to climb upwards, he needs to give in in certain situations The Law of Legacy: It is useless to be a good leader if someone is not left to continue with what has been achieved up to a certain point moment.They will reach out to help him in the activities of the company. The Law of the Granting of Powers: The importance of a leader giving powers to his subordinates must be taken into account. In order for them to grant these powers, they must feel sure of themselves and who they are giving some power to.The Law of Victory: A leader does not seek his own benefit, it is quite the opposite, he will always seek that his work team wins The Law of Sacrifice: In order for a leader to climb upwards, he needs to give in in certain situations The Law of Legacy: It is useless to be a good leader if someone is not left to continue with what has been achieved up to a certain point moment.They will reach out to you to help you in the activities of the company. The Law of the Granting of Powers: The importance of a leader giving powers to his subordinates must be taken into account. In order for them to grant these powers, they must feel sure of themselves and of who they are giving some power to.The Law of Victory: A leader does not seek his own benefit, it is quite the opposite, he will always seek that his work team wins The Law of Sacrifice: In order for a leader to climb upwards, he needs to give in in certain situations The Law of Legacy: It is useless to be a good leader if someone is not left to continue with what has been achieved up to a certain point moment.The importance of a leader handing over powers to his subordinates must be taken into account. In order for them to grant these powers, they must feel sure of themselves and of who they are giving some power to.The Law of Victory: A leader does not seek his own benefit, it is quite the opposite, he will always seek that his work team wins The Law of Sacrifice: In order for a leader to climb upwards, he needs to give in in certain situations The Law of Legacy: It is useless to be a good leader if someone is not left to continue with what has been achieved up to a certain point moment.The importance of a leader handing over powers to his subordinates must be taken into account. In order for them to grant these powers, they must feel sure of themselves and who they are giving some power to.The Law of Victory: A leader does not seek his own benefit, it is quite the opposite, he will always seek that his work team wins The Law of Sacrifice: In order for a leader to climb upwards, he needs to give in in certain situations The Law of Legacy: It is useless to be a good leader if someone is not left to continue with what has been achieved up to a certain point moment.The Law of Sacrifice: For a leader to climb upwards, he needs to give in in certain situations The Law of Legacy: It is useless to be a good leader if someone is not left to continue with what has been achieved until a certain time.The Law of Sacrifice: For a leader to climb upwards, he needs to give in in certain situations The Law of Legacy: It is useless to be a good leader if someone is not left to continue with what has been achieved until a certain time.

IV. conclusion

To generate personal motivation we do not need anyone else, only ourselves to visualize our objectives and determine how we will achieve them. Of course, the people around us influence our behavior, either negatively or positively, but at the end of it all, we are always the ones who decide what our attitude will be to succeed in life.

There will always be 2 groups of people who are representative of a society: those who are leaders and those who are subordinate. And it will always be up to us to choose which group we want to belong to, and for this we already know what it means to be a leader or a subordinate.

V. References

  • Maxwell, J. (1998). The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Nashville, Tennessee: Nelson Group. Maxwell, J. (2012). Leadership 101: What Every Leader Needs To Know. Nashville, Tennessee, USA: Grupo Nelson. Roman, J., & Ferrández, M. (2008). Leadership and coaching. Books on the Net Urcola, J. (2008). Motivation begins with yourself. Madrid, Spain: ESIC.Vélaz, J. (1996). Motives and Motivation in the Company. Spain: Díaz de Santos.
The key to the success of organizations: motivation and leadership