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Interpersonal communication, a key to success for the Cuban tourism company


In this article, a brief introduction is made about the importance of interpersonal communication for the development of the human being from the phylogenetic and ontogenetic point of view, later deepening in the significance that the appropriation of social communication skills by workers and managers in this sector. An analysis is made of the main weaknesses that have been detected in this regard in consultations carried out with hotel facilities in the tourist pole of Varadero, providing some of the possible solutions that can be given to these problems.


• Communication seen as a social phenomenon can be defined as a process of social interaction that occurs through symbols and the message system.

• Process through which people communicate verbally and non-verbally and throughout it each of the parties involved reflects, values, and offers points of view (Collective of authors Ministry of Education, Cuba 2004).


It constitutes a social phenomenon that consists of the voluntary and temporary displacement of individuals or groups of people who, fundamentally for recreation, rest or health, move from their habitual place of residence to another where they do not carry out any lucrative, unpaid activity., generating multiple interrelationships of social, economic and cultural importance (Oscar de la Torre Padilla, México 1980).

Interpersonal communication, a key to success for the Cuban tourism company

Interpersonal communication is undoubtedly the most effective way to exchange information and establish a relationship between human beings. (Orlando Borrego Díaz, 2009).

Interpersonal communication has been an essential factor in the development of man from the phylogenetic and ontogenetic point of view.

If we analyze it briefly from both edges, we have that a series of fundamental factors affected the evolution and emergence of man as a species:

• Work (the different activities for subsistence: hunting, fishing, gathering, etc.).

• Collective life: essential for carrying out the aforementioned activities.

• Emergence of language (first by signs and later, articulated). as a material envelope of thought, and therefore the development of consciousness, essential premises for communication between human beings.

From the ontogenetic point of view, the personality is not born, but arises and develops throughout the life of the individual and is in constant change and transformation, this development occurs from the interrelation of:

Internal Conditions External Conditions

• Biological Living conditions

• Psychological and Education

The human psyche, and therefore the personality, are formed and developed from the different types of ACTIVITY that man performs throughout his life and the process of interaction with his fellow men (COMMUNICATION), through which he He appropriates the accumulated social _ historical experience and gives his contribution, creates his own history. (Active role of personality).

Precisely, communication scholars have found a surprising consensus on the importance that the development of skills related to this issue have in professional and personal growth, highlighting among them: assertiveness, empathy and the existence of adequate self-esteem, among other.

In these considerations, it is good to emphasize that for the development of the tourist activity, the promotion of social skills in managers and workers constitutes an effective means of inducing the desired responses in others.

These comprise eight emotional skills, very significant to take into account in the relationship with both the external and external client:

1. Influence: Implement effective persuasion tactics, the result will be a convinced customer but also, a pleased one.

2. Communication: Listen openly and convey convincing messages;

3. Conflict management: Handle and resolve disagreements;

4. Leadership: Inspire and guide individuals or groups;

5. Change catalyst: Initiate or manage changes;

6. Establish links: Nurture instrumental relationships;

7. Collaboration and cooperation: Work with others to achieve Shared goals.

8. Team skills: Create synergy to work towards collective goals.

At the level of the productive and service organizations and in the companies themselves, it is evident that the communication processes, although sometimes unconscious or inconspicuous, play a fundamental role in raising quality, productivity and general efficiency in the business set.

By reviewing the concepts developed above, it can be clearly seen that these skills are fundamental in the effective performance of the various functions that a tourism organization demands, especially in the managerial function itself.

In the particular case of this company, whose raison d'être is customer satisfaction, offering a quality service in accordance with the quality standards of the Caribbean region, providing peace, health and safety tourism. The possession of these skills by the management teams and workers constitutes a first-rate need that guarantees the fulfillment of this Mission.

However, in the different consultancies that we have carried out, it has been possible to detect that there are still difficulties in some organizations that need to be resolved, including the following:

• Deficiencies in upward and downward communication, often confusing information with communication.

• Existence of communication barriers, mainly of a bureaucratic nature, between key process areas such as accommodation - reception and technical services.

• Autocratic management style - not effective - in some managers and poor use of persuasion as a communication mechanism.

• Poor use of teamwork as a management technique, which favors the solution of problems collectively, develops a sense of belonging, and improves interpersonal communication in all senses, among other benefits.

• Misuse of extraverbal language in the relationship of workers (dependents, waitresses) with the external client.

All these examples demonstrate that it is necessary:

1. First, the visualization by tourism managers and workers in general of what are the strengths and weaknesses that are present in each entity, area or department with respect to communication, being consistent with the idea that They constitute the first direct contact, the first relationship established by the external client with our country, with its culture and education.

2. Managers must be aware that adequate communication with their subordinates, greatly favors the climate of the organization, the motivation of workers, the development of a sense of belonging to the entity and therefore the achievement of its MISSION..

3. Search for the ways and means necessary for training in courses or in on-the-job training that enable training and successful development of communication skills in workers and managers in the tourism sector.

An effective communication does not constitute the magic wand that solves all the obstacles and difficulties that a tourism company faces, but we are not afraid to affirm that it does represent a very important link in the achievement of success, a friendly and cordial treatment, a friendly smile A permanent disposition to listen to the other are simple actions with a very high impact.

Bibliography Consulted

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Interpersonal communication, a key to success for the Cuban tourism company