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Communication and labor relations

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In a world where communications and effective interpersonal relationships are one of the important elements that govern business entities, a manager cannot put aside the importance that these elements represent within his organization, to achieve the objectives and goals established within of the company and is that these elements affect the organizational climate for better or for worse.

The study of what the organizational climate is, leads us to understand why this element or characteristic of companies is of great importance, since its development, positive or negative, has a great impact on the implementation of projects aimed at achieving efficiency and effectiveness of these organizations through directive management.

Communications represent a pillar that supports the way and ways in which business activities are carried out, this has great strength since its effective and enjoyable development directly affects the activities of the organization. An effective communication could help us to modify those aspects that need to be varied to strengthen the positive values ​​that fit into the vision and mission of the business.

The study of the influence of communications on the organizational climate within an organization is of vital importance for any manager.

The proper history of communication begins approximately 5,000 years BC with the appearance of writing. Accuracy is very complicated, since its appearance varies depending on the part of the world we are talking about.

According to M. Zorín, (Psychologist) “Communication is any process of social interaction through symbols and a message system. It includes any process in which the behavior of a human being acts as a stimulus for the behavior of another human being.

Communication has as basic functions:

  • Informative: It has to do with the transmission and reception of information Affective - evaluative: The sender must give his message the affective load that he himself demands, not all messages require the same emotionality, therefore it is of utmost importance for the emotional stability of the subjects and their personal fulfillment. Regulatory: It has to do with the regulation of the conduct of people with respect to their peers.

These concepts are important to handle when it comes to wanting to have an adequate interpersonal relationship since communication plays a fundamental role in this aspect and a manager must handle it very well when leading. In every interpersonal relationship communication is involved, which is the ability of people to obtain information about their environment and share it with other people. Successful communication requires a receiver with skills that allow him to decode the message and interpret it in the proper way. If communication fails, the interpersonal relationship will be very complicated and ineffective.

One of the most important aspects of relationships between people is communication, since through it we manage to exchange ideas, experiences and values; transmit feelings and attitudes, and get to know each other better.

Communication allows us to express ourselves and know more about ourselves, others and the environment in which we live.

Despite the fact that all of us interact and communicate daily, we do not always stop to reflect on the importance of it or on the problems that may arise in this regard. Such a situation makes it difficult for us to take measures to improve our way of relating in a more positive and creative way and for us to use effective communication as a tool to manage the different ways of thinking and reacting of each one of us to different situations in the organizational day-to-day..

It is precisely in this difference that lies the great richness of human relationships, since when we get in contact we exchange and build new experiences and knowledge; but in that difference is also the difficulty to relate, because we have to make an effort to understand each other and reach agreements.

The latter is not so complicated, if we take into account that most of the people share some common ideas, needs and interests; For this reason, we say that interpersonal relationships are a permanent search for positive coexistence between men and women, between people of different age, culture, religion or race.

Sometimes our different ways of thinking and acting can lead us to mistrust or experience conflicts, but valuing others, accepting that there are differences between one person and another and trying to understand each other, can help us overcome these obstacles. And it must be said that we treat others as we would like to be treated.

The positive impact on the organization of having healthy and adequate interpersonal relationships is so great that many organizational psychologists, coaches and business consultants insist that emotional education is essential to facilitate positive attitudes towards life, which allow the development of skills social, stimulates empathy and favors attitudes to face conflicts, these well-managed elements are key to organizational development in an entity.

Something to keep in mind in management is that even with the best operating platform, the best training, and a great human resources manager, there may be times when labor relations deteriorate. The advantage of training and keeping things in order is that deterioration in relationships can be perceived early before they negatively affect the organization.

In any situation, where there are people working together, there will be disagreements and different ways of looking at things. You can help balance these disagreements by always keeping your business a priority. It is difficult to limit personal relationships in the workplace, but this from another point of view limits the deterioration in your employees' relationships. Like all relationships, work relationships take work, there will be people who will be very easy to work with, just as there will be people who will be a challenge.

In this sense, it will be necessary to find a balance and remind everyone that for the welfare of all they must work well together, reinforcing effective communication to fix the inconveniences that have occurred. If there is a person who constantly creates problems, you should reflect on the best way to deal with it. Sometimes you may only need to talk to them, or you may have to make decisions to restore balance and positive relationships with other collaborators, this is something that demands a lot of attention from managers since they must act in a timely manner using one of the best weapons in this regard, EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION.

Maintaining good management is about fixing problems as they arise. So all the training that the manager has in managing conflict resolution and generating effective communication between human talent will definitely be very useful in his management.

The organizational climate is a matter of vital importance since it has a direct impact on productivity, effective and well-cared for communication by all members of the organization will add to maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships and this in an entity we must all be very clear in order to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the organization and in this way to be elements of value.


Author: Lcdo. Michael Aular - Micdan Consulting Twiter: @Micdanconsultin

Communication and labor relations