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The organizational culture of Mexicans

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Culture is our roots, with which we grow, the sense of belonging to our country, the set of many social acts, and the anthropologist Tylor defined it as “the complex whole that includes knowledge, ideas, arts, morals, laws, customs and other characteristics that a man acquires as a member of society ”. Culture encompasses a system of values ​​that are the basis of society, acting under previously established norms.

The way in which each culture makes use of attitudes can be demonstrated over the use of time; The countries that have a cold climate, and that are located in the north of the hemisphere are usually punctual and meticulous with the time in a work meeting, on the other hand the countries that enjoy a warmer climate and close to the equator have some flexibility and tolerance when it comes to business meetings, where it is not surprising that you are thirty minutes late for a business meeting. However, we should not generalize the way of acting for Latin Americans, since doing business is serious; You must meet the Latin American or Mexican counterpart with whom you will do business to know what attitude they will have and not trust and generalize that Latinos are unpunctual.

Mexicans have been characterized by being very friendly, smiling, kind, and welcoming; Personal relationships are of great importance when doing business with a Mexican businessman. This technique will ensure business for a reasonable period of time and with the willingness of both parties.

Now that we have an overview of what the behavior of Mexican culture is like, we can delve into organizational culture, what happens within Mexican companies and the environment that exists in Mexico.

Parallel to the lack of jobs, Mexico is experiencing a worrying reality of job dissatisfaction as a result of working in unsatisfactory jobs.

According to the National Survey of Employment and Occupation 2011, the country registered a job dissatisfaction of 74% of the EAP (Economically Active Population).

Reports from the Confederación de Trabajadores de México (CTM) proclaim that 38% of the workforce feels angry with their workplace.

According to a publication in the prestigious Forbes magazine, 2 out of 3 people are looking for a new job or job. About 65% of Mexican employees in large companies want to find a new job.

Another indicator of the Mexican Academy of Sciences finds that of three thousand Mexicans who obtain a doctorate, less than half find a stable and well-paid job according to their profession; The consequences range from the well-known “brain drain” to a more common one: settling for a poor job and salary, which entangles people in a vicious circle of job dissatisfaction.

A study conducted in Australia revealed that people who are not comfortable with their work have a mental health level of 62 points on a scale of 100, still below the unemployed who reach 68.6.

These levels are reflected in the irritability, low productivity and even depression that these people can present, who are characterized by always waiting for the departure time, the weekend or the holidays.

This panorama in the long run has repercussions on the health of the employee and above all, when taking the cases together, on the life of the company.

Transmitting the feeling of belonging to employees is the way to achieve the goals of the companies, as well as developing in employees a long-term vision, teamwork, commitment and loyalty, which translates into an increase in the profitability of any company.

At the national level, it is an issue that is not discussed openly; Mexican society does not usually wonder about the quality of life that their jobs allow them to lead. It is common to hear about people who do not enjoy what they do or who complain about their wages, but it is not believed that there is a solution, since in the vast majority of cases those affected remain in their jobs for fear of not finding something better or for the security of receiving a fortnightly salary.

A culture of resisting and surviving has been created due to the context in which Mexico is involved: unemployment, insecurity, economic crisis, rising prices and low wages.

Mexicans work the longest hours according to OECD data, according to the 2014 edition of “Employment Outlook”; It is estimated that Mexico ranks first with a total of 2,237 hours worked annually. Now we must talk about the salary which is divided into two zones in the case of Mexico, there are two zones, zone A with a payment of $ 70.10 and zone B with a payment of 68.28.

Zone A includes: the Federal District and its metropolitan area, the states of Baja California and Baja California Sur, the cities of Acapulco, Gro., Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Guadalajara, and its metropolitan area, Monterrey, NL and its metropolitan area, Hermosillo, Son., Matamoros and Reynosa, Tamaulipas and Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, among others.

The salary in classification B will apply in states such as Aguascalientes, Campeche, Coahuila, Colima, Chiapas, Durango, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Michoacán, Morelos, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Tabasco, Tlaxcala, Yucatán and Zacatecas; as well as in specific municipalities of the states of Chihuahua, Guerrero, Jalisco, State of Mexico, Nuevo León, Sonora, Tamaulipas and Veracruz that are not in geographic area "A".

Below is the minimum wage index around the world compared to Mexico.

The organizational culture of Mexicans

It is clear the abysmal difference that exists in the minimum wage of Mexico, compared to other countries.

For this reason, job dissatisfaction is closely related to the economic situation that the country is going through in 2 ways.

One is that in the face of the lack of jobs and the increase in expenses and needs, having a job even if it does not meet expectations or life projects is usually the only option.

And the second; Most of the successful companies that dominate the Mexican market are foreign, the number of large national companies is very limited, the same culture prevents growth from within by doing the undeniable: our companies do not prosper.

In a study carried out by students from the Escuela Bancaria y Comercial, Chiapas campus, it shows us the internal situation of ten companies in the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, with the degree of stress of the employees

The organizational culture of Mexicans

The average stress in companies is 10 points, with which through this graph it can be seen that 60% are at the limit or exceed the average stress level, which leads to low productivity, reflecting negative numbers for the business.

The company that has the best work environment is the Liverpool department store, which manages programs to improve the work environment, has the “Best place to work” certificate.

In conclusion, it can be summarized that the work environment is something worrying for Mexican companies; and that despite the fact that Mexicans have a happy culture, the marginal factors of the companies do not allow the satisfaction of working in a Mexican company. This is not a generalized comment since there are companies concerned about their employees and that is reflected in their business philosophy, companies such as Bimbo, Maseca, Liverpool, among others, are some examples of pioneering Mexican companies at a national and international level concerned about the environment labor and the incursion of culture.


  • http://eleconomista.com.mx/finanzas-publicas/2014/10/14/mexicanos-que-mas-horas-trabajan-ocdehttps://es.santandertrade.com/estableirse-extranjero/mexico/practica-de- businesshttp: //www.cnnexpansion.com/mi-dinero/2015/05/15/los-paises-con-el-mejor-salario-minimo-del-mundohttp: //www.sat.gob.mx/informacion_fiscal/ tabla_indicadores / Paginas / area_geografica_a.aspxhttp: //www.oecd.org/mexico/47573255.pdfhttp: //www.forbes.com.mx International business, competition in the global market, 8th edition. Author Charles WL Hill.
The organizational culture of Mexicans