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The summit of paris deserves the grave and no more summits ... opinion


The Paris Summit deserves the grave and no more summits!

Regarding the famous summits in which they always meet with them, on the one hand the diplomats with their frivolous arguments on topics that they do not even have the slightest idea, since this was initially started by NASA with the destruction of the layer of ozone, the strategy was changing, then the "melting of the poles", now the "greenhouse effect" gases, I will not repeat the same as always because it is a tour that has been running from the moment these fallacies are invented, which without fear of being wrong I manifest that they are market strategies, first the objective was to submit to the Opec, second to manipulate oil prices, third to stop the growth of emerging economies and finally as the end of the strategy to control and manage resources natural,biodiversity and place more taxes to "adapt to climate change", because we no longer talk about global warming, now we talk about "climate change".

What can a diplomat know about physicochemistry or astrophysics? Where is Harvard, MIT, the Sorbonne, NOOA, NASA. Of course, China, Australia and the US were not welcomed at the recent G7 meeting, Donald Trump said a great truth about "climate change is a tall tale" and perhaps he was not wrong, what nobody remembers is that it was NASA the material author of this farce. Donald Trump thinks this way because the results obtained by this strategy designed by themselves did not have the expected results, even though they did manage to reduce the price of a barrel of oil worldwide. What they did not count on is that European countries would lean towards energy alternatives and countries whose economies depend on oil would suffer the consequences of environmental responses.

What difference is there between the CO2 from oil, coal, biodiesel, ethanol, or biofuels? Of course, there is no difference, within this strategy with ethanol what was sought was to save North American refineries 217 million barrels per day in high octane additives, to the detriment of Latin American agriculture. Another detail for the Paris Summit -as I will send this document there-, oil is not fossil, oil can be sown, oil is like manna, oil and ethanol are the only biological fuel, since produces with the intervention of the Bacillus Perfringens battery ”, this was demonstrated by the French scholar Jean Laigret, the only fossil fuel is mineral coal because it is petrified,But now I will explain the most interesting thing about this without having to invent expressions such as "Climagate" so as not to talk about "alteration of data by scientific organisms", this does not make sense, because in this case neither the figures nor the statistics fit by the simple reason that the analysis is not of figures. The case of oil is not burning, the deterioration is in exploration and exploitation, the same as for gas and coal in exploration and exploitation is where the environmental deterioration is, but with the fracking technique, the ecosystem not predating more on these energy sources.Well, in this case neither the figures nor the statistics fit for the simple reason that the analysis is not of figures. The case of oil is not burning, the deterioration is in exploration and exploitation, the same as for gas and coal in exploration and exploitation is where the environmental deterioration is, but with the fracking technique, the ecosystem not predating more on these energy sources.Well, in this case neither the figures nor the statistics fit for the simple reason that the analysis is not of figures. The case of oil is not burning, the deterioration is in exploration and exploitation, the same as for gas and coal in exploration and exploitation is where the environmental deterioration is, but with the fracking technique, the ecosystem not predating more on these energy sources.

When we look at the solar constant with which the terrestrial albedo is calculated, whose measurements have been verified and carried out with state-of-the-art technology, this figure remains the same, that is, 1366W.m-2, the Earth continues to maintain its distance with respect to the Sun for both the Aphelion and the Perihelion, when it is far away it is 152,000,000 kilometers and when it is closer it is 147,000,000 kilometers, it has not been seen that the seasons have been out of square: autumn, winter, summer and spring, they continue its normal sequence.

Ozone is an allotropic state of oxygen, an ultraviolet ray transforms atmospheric oxygen into ozone, we would also have to ask ourselves from where is an ultraviolet ray going to get heat if it does not contain kinetic energy in its particles? On the other hand, absorption of ultraviolet radiation from the oxygen already converted into ozone generates an absorption spectrum that goes from violet to red, leaving out of these ultraviolet and infrared (calorific) radiation, which are those that allow the climatic conditions of the planet Land.

If we analyze the platform of the criterion of "greenhouse gases", it is perhaps the most atrocious outburst that could have been engendered, the word greenhouse means to protect from the cold, that is to say to prevent the soil from cooling down, imagine the greenhouses for crops in cold climate regions, this greenhouse concept is only applicable to cold climate regions and in other regions after sunset, that is to say that greenhouse means "to protect from cold" and "not to increase heat" as It has been imposed by the "modern academy" and its "intellectuals", the concept of "greenhouse effect" not only in the models of "climate change", but also in practical application, that is;In reality it is without scientific effect and falls into subjectivity when we analyze the way in which heat diffuses in the atmosphere, it does so by convection, that is, it moves from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, that is, a Gas obeying the Dalton Laws, it moves not using the interior or exterior temperature, but by means of the “adiabatic transformation”, and this explains why a gas cools when it expands and why for every hundred meters of height the temperature drops one degree centigrade, hence it is impossible for a snowmelt to occur. The "climate change" model ignores and ignores both the general gas laws, as well as the cycles of the elements, and even the physical and chemical properties of gases.that is, it moves from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, that is, a gas obeying the Dalton Laws, it moves not using the interior or exterior temperature, but by means of the “adiabatic transformation”, and this explains why a gas is it cools when it expands and why for every hundred meters of altitude the temperature drops one degree centigrade, hence it is impossible for a snowmelt to occur. The "climate change" model ignores and ignores both the general gas laws, as well as the cycles of the elements, and even the physical and chemical properties of gases.that is, it moves from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, that is, a gas obeying the Dalton Laws, it moves not using the interior or exterior temperature, but by means of the “adiabatic transformation”, and this explains why a gas is it cools when it expands and why for every hundred meters of altitude the temperature drops one degree centigrade, hence it is impossible for a snowmelt to occur. The "climate change" model ignores and ignores both the general gas laws, as well as the cycles of the elements, and even the physical and chemical properties of gases.and this explains why a gas cools when it expands and why for every hundred meters of height the temperature drops by one degree centigrade, hence it is impossible for a snowmelt to occur. The "climate change" model ignores and ignores both the general gas laws, as well as the cycles of the elements, and even the physical and chemical properties of gases.and this explains why a gas cools when it expands and why for every hundred meters of height the temperature drops by one degree centigrade, hence it is impossible for a snowmelt to occur. The "climate change" model ignores and ignores both the general gas laws, as well as the cycles of the elements, and even the physical and chemical properties of gases.

That unbridled predation is being sold to us as “climate change” is a different situation, so immediate actions must be aimed at stopping environmental deterioration, understanding that environmental protection is a matter of national sovereignty of each country, to take the decision to allow life to continue or to continue destruction, to come to understand that the ecosystem and in general the environment are part of our own existence, we are so foolish that for a few miserable pesos without any value or support we are dried up and diverted Rivers at the convenience of the powerful, knock down hills, mountains, prey on snow-capped peaks as they are doing with Kilimanjaro and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and later affirm through their "prestigious academies" that it is "climate change."Of course, it is presumed that they do so with a future view of exploiting them in mining and population control, suppressing bodies of water, and later affirming that global warming, today transfigured by "climate change" is leaving us without water.

When we analyze the case that occurred in Peru, we observed in the panoramic view that the landslides occurred throughout the central and southern western strip, that is, an area below the site where they predated one of the highest heights, the Yanacocha, which is more than 4000 meters high. We would now have to observe in the studies how the depredation of this mountain allowed jet streams with high water content to pass through, which through heat transfer condensed and caused the damage known to all. The mountain ranges, the moors and the hills were not put by nature as ornaments, they fulfill their function within the regulation of the climate and the water cycle.

No gas traps heat, in the atmosphere for the evaporation of a liter of water per surface and per square meter of terrestrial surface 600,000 calories are used which are transferred to the atmosphere at the moment in which that water vapor condenses (becomes liquid), this to remind them that the concept of greenhouse gases lacks scientific content. The air masses rise by adiabatic transformation (differences in pressure, the temperature of the environment or the molecules of the gases intervene in it). It is impossible to de-ice the poles and snow-capped mountains.


  • The True Science. José de Jesús Tejada Maury. ISBN 978-958-44-0649-1. Editorial CEPEDID (Cepedid Foundation: Center for Psychopedagogical and Didactic Studies of Colombia). June 2007. Barranquilla-Colombia.Yerros de Ciencia. José de Jesús Tejada Maury. ISBN 978-958-44-3165-3.La Cívica Impresores. July 12, 2008. Barranquilla-Colombia.Mitociencia y Mercado. José de Jesús Tejada Maury. ISBN 978-958-44-7206-9. Ediciones Prometeo Ltda. Barranquilla-Colombia September 8, 2010.
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The summit of paris deserves the grave and no more summits ... opinion