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Eco-gastronomy is a relatively new term that is giving much to talk about in the world of culinary arts. Surrounding yourself with ecological values ​​makes you include gastronomy immediately as a supportive and contributory element for those of us who love the environment and also good food.

Ecogastronomy refers to cooking with organic ingredients, that is, they have not been produced with the help of chemicals or artificial additives and this immediately translates into a healthier diet and therefore an engine to encourage the production of these types of ingredients less harmful. It not only deals with the interest in good nutrition but also in the conservation of the environment, which is definitely the one who puts our food at hand.

The Ecochef

If there is Ecogastronomy then there is the Ecochef, its work is aimed at cooking with exclusively organic products and ingredients and therefore is a way to support the conservation of the environment and at the same time provide the diner with the opportunity to taste original, authentic and different in each of their dishes or preparations. They are professionals in the kitchen whose aim is to prepare these dishes with ingredients of high biological quality and where ecological awareness and respect for the environment prevail through food. The aesthetics of course differ from the traditional ones, since chemical processes do not intervene in the ingredients, changes are observed in the textures of the vegetables, water content, true size, colors and even important changes in taste. This also applies to ingredients of animal origin since these, when fed free of chemicals, hormones and other foods manipulated by industrial processes, will generate natural flavors of their species as well as real sizes, better appearance and an evident biological quality.

As we can see, Ecograstronomy as well as Ecochef are closely linked today in the kitchen through the principles of ecology and organic crops where health is preponderant.

The ingredients to be used must then have what we call the biological quality above, which will be given by:

  1. The total absence of chemical fertilizers, fertilizers and pesticides of artificial origin in the crops of vegetables and food for the animals that will intervene in the food chain The premise of producing higher quality ingredients even if it is made in less quantity. This favors the regeneration of cultivated soils and therefore cleaner future food for livestock, birds and game. Take advantage of the Lycopenes present in red vegetables and fruits, the Sulforaphanes in cabbages and broccoli, the Lutein from spinach, the Resveratrol from grapes, the Isoflavones present in Soy and even the Beta-carotenes present in yellow, reddish and orange fruits and vegetables.Use fruits and vegetables with the shell or with the shell since that is where the micronutrients and vitamins are concentrated. Being free of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides makes them safe to eat. This will add other textures, flavor, and color to the preparations. Raise healthier animals as they will generate ingredients with a higher content of Omega 3, in meats, eggs and dairy. Enter in your recipes the ingredients of vegetables, fruits and vegetables of the moment or of the season. Postpone the canned or frozen as they have preservatives in addition to these are those in which you have to invest much more energy and resources to bring them safely from further afield.Use both plant and animal species that are not in danger of extinction. Constantly looking for and using more efficient and less polluting cooking techniques.

How to avoid dependence on chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides?

  1. Use of repellent plants or polycultures Implement the use of insect traps Produce natural insecticides Rotate crops (sow and harvest at times other than the appearance of pests that affect certain crops) Encourage the hydroponics technique in controlled environments.

Finally I say goodbye this time indicating that promoting and contributing to Eco-gastronomy is to play fair to the environment and undoubtedly give us the opportunity to eat healthy without the damage and irreparable damage that the massive production of food with chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides are causing the environment. ambient.
