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Values ​​education in mexico


The human being is obliged to observe in the coexistence with his fellow men a standardized scheme of values; otherwise, it will fall into subjectivisms and relativisms that, surely, will generate imbalances in its environment.

The house is the first school and the parents are the first teachers of this value code from which it is very difficult to discard and that will persist in the person throughout his life. The school is only an extension of the principles and positive ways of being acquired in the home, among several of its purposes the family has been instilled values, the school consolidates them and they are exercised in the social fabric.

When teachers, as custodians of the contents of formal education, assume a belligerent attitude; when they leave aside the neutrality proper to their pedagogical, psychological and didactic deficiencies; when they build a pleasant environment for the student; Then, he will open his will to learn to learn, to be to do and to live with others. Meanwhile, how do you demand self-control, mental hygiene, analysis, judgment, reflection, etc.; if they (the educators) do not teach them by example? How do you suggest moral judgments, if the teachers lacking them, do not manifest them? How to activate or channel their will, if the school environment does not have a macroproject for this sphere? Remember that you learn more by will than by ability.

In Mexico, public education is well-founded legally to form, in an integral way, the individual (Art. 3 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and the General Law of Education); This legal framework encourages teachers to act responsibly and consistently towards the reactions of students. There have been situations with which these premises seem more utopias than mandates and guarantees of law; then, how do you create citizens capable of understanding their rights, their responsibilities and demand solutions? How to make them free and democratic?

In Art. 3 of our Magna Carta, it is evident that the State requires a formation overflowing with freedom, justice, tolerance, equality, responsibility, love for the Homeland, respect for human dignity and the rule of law, democracy, international solidarity; but which of these values ​​are practiced when reviewing tasks or assignments, when giving an indication, when making a disciplinary observation, when being at a civic event; Anyway, in daily school activities? In other words, any conduct that did not comply with the indications of the mandate in question should be considered unconstitutional.

All these considerations serve to make an alternative proposal aimed at eliminating traditional practices and immediately tackling a modern educational task, such as the student, his time and his environment. This suggestion is supported by studies carried out by J. Locke, JJ Rousseau, S. Freud, among others.

The absolute values, typical of human nature, are cited by the first as: "Good and evil are learned"; that is, if ethics represents our individual actions, morality is our coexistence in community; therefore, education must be conceived with freedom, dialogue, reflection, empathy, self-regulation, autonomy, relevance, etc.; This is the minimum moral education, as opposed to that practiced based on relative values, for example subjectivism and skepticism, which have done so much damage. The second (Rousseau) says that: "Man is born good, society corrupts him or preserves his goodness"; Suffice it to read his Emilio or education, which contains the recipe to form, channel and strengthen the will and, with it, the ability to know how to choose what is convenient. The third (Freud) sustains: "The human being is a perverse polymorph"; the school must provide it with the resources to abide and apply basic rules of conduct and, thus, acquire self-regulation, autonomy and elementary universal principles;tending to overcome possible inappropriate behaviors.

That said, it would only enunciate one more utopia in this field; But, if the home is involved as an incubator of their training (especially the value) and parents as the initiators of this process, where is the theoretical support on the matter of the latter so that they can pour it in favor of that person, budding citizen? Diverse instances have opened and offered conferences, symposiums, programs and postgraduates about School for Parents, value education, in addition to the vast literature on personal improvement, emotional coefficient, etc.; perhaps many paterfamilias will have attended these events or read something about it; However,everyday reality will have dragged them into the daily treatment of their children and it is very possible that they expect a “miracle” from school to decrease or eliminate certain attitudes of the boys. However, as long as there is no direct communication between them and school personnel, the expected results will be far from their purposes.

Some institutions already provide the tutoring format as an optional resource to further connect parents, students, and the school; But, without close collaboration between these three elements, expectations of positive progress will be poor or nil. They are bio-psycho-social entities and respond to stimuli in these three directions. Despite their ages, their interests, their situations; however, they must focus on making one in the formal education system, in which they are gears that collide and complement each other alternately.

In the social sphere, for example, there are certain proper competencies for an acceptable performance in conflict resolution; namely: dialogue, negotiation, law enforcement, empathy, consensus, dissent, conciliation, mediation; without the minimum command of all of them, it will be very difficult for the boy-student to solve their problems and face their consequences. For that school and family must prepare it. Parents and teachers must assume the commitment to provide the child-student with everything necessary so that, immersed in an increasingly complex environment, they face the challenges that arise and assume with conscience, will and high moral the consequences of their actions, each time, for sure, less disastrous and closer to contributing something positive to their social and natural environment.

For this, teachers must arm themselves with the appropriate technology to make their task more enjoyable, adapt their values ​​to the age of the students, seek physical, mental and spiritual health that present themselves to their pupils with integrity and an open communication capacity, and sincere, with which the boys also open their channels of expression and thus generate the comprehensive, direct and quality education that is so much proclaimed in the discourse.

The task of the parents will be to infuse, demand and educate them the values ​​already mentioned from the first years of life, in addition to channeling attention, through games, dynamics, activities with which they solve problems of their ability.

Home and school are obliged to make the perfect dumbbell in educating the values ​​of the people in their care; the minimum theory, here it is; maximum practice depends on the expectations of each person.

Values ​​education in mexico