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Choosing providers is an emotional decision


The great deficiency that humans have is that what we do does not usually coincide with what we say and not because we are fakers, although there is everything, but because the mind acts as a stop and an inn. We believe that understanding is enough to act spontaneously, without realizing that in spontaneity what we really feel comes out and if there is no spontaneity, what we do is play a certain role, which we have learned. Affirming, today, that it is necessary to put the customer at the center of management, makes faces appear of "what simple things are being said at this point". It is something so obvious that no more attention is paid to it.

The mind has acted as a retaining wall. The message has been collected, we have processed it rationally and we have put the logical label on it, so that's it. One more mental reality to our brain, as if it were the proof of the three perpendicular theorem. Everything in the key of knowledge.

Now, not everything fits this key, hence the divergences between what we affirm and what we do appear.

We say that the customer is king, but it is still production and the product that absorbs our energy. We affirm that the client's needs must be satisfied, but we do not know him. That retaining wall is playing tricks on us. Very bad. We have to demolish it.

We have to let the messages reach our hearts, which is where understanding occurs. From that understanding, then, it is when we will integrate the authentic reality of what it means that the client should be the axis of our management and only from that integration, is what we do will be the expression of what we feel. We no longer interpret and by not interpreting, we connect and by connecting, we get to know the client's background and by knowing that background, we will know what it is that makes them decide on one or another provider. This is the circuit and there is no other.

This is, therefore, the context in which we find ourselves, today, we are selling cars, fashion, leisure or machine tools: The customer's decision, when choosing a supplier, is an emotional decision, that is, it is a impressionable, sentimental, sensitive, emotional, tender, delicate decision. We move in terms of feelings, so the provider can only tune us into that key. Talking about quality, for example, in an objective key, leaves us cold.

We no longer see quality as a condition for the product to work and have a long life, but as an attribute that makes us professionally or allows us to climb a step in social status or makes us receive a congratulation for our management or reinforces our self-esteem or…, that is, the infinite concerns of an emotional nature that we have.

This absolute reality, I affect the absolute, does not mean that we can relax in quality, in price, in research, in innovation, nothing further. Quite the contrary. The demands are increasing every day and it will continue to be that way. But excellence in the objective, today, is for that, to be in the market, not to be chosen. And even more, companies with a level below other companies in the objective, but better emotional connectors, are being the leaders.

In short, the buyer chooses the supplier who hits the target of his sentiment at all times, which requires that supplier to have an intimate relationship with that buyer. If this, when reading it, does not feel in the heart that it is like this, it does not feel that our whole body identifies with it, it is that the retaining wall is still preventing us from moving into the world of emotions. We will have buying relationships, but not intrinsic connections.

Choosing providers is an emotional decision