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Wind energy, an inexhaustible, clean and efficient source

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The main objective of the Paris Agreement is to limit the increase in world temperature to no more than 2 ° C, from its pre-industrial level, by the end of this century. To achieve this key objective, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced until they are completely eradicated. Through the premise "Zero fossil fuels" it is intended to replace oil, coal, natural gas and diesel with renewable and clean energy, such as solar energy, electric cars and wind energy.

The mechanism of the formation of winds

The sun's rays heat the atmosphere in a non-uniform way, which is why the air temperature is different from one area to another. The hot air, when rising, leaves a vacuum in the lower layers that are occupied by the cold air that descends from the higher layers. The resulting displacements are air currents. There are other causes in the formation of winds, such as that caused by the difference in atmospheric pressure between the oceans and by the inertia and centrifugal force produced by the Earth's rotation. The wind has a mass and when it moves it acquires kinetic energy, which is what is used in the wind process, by transforming kinetic energy into mechanics and finally into electricity.

Our friend the wind

The kinetic energy of air currents or winds is what has been called wind energy, and it is what humans have used for millennia, first in sailing and then in windmills to grind wheat. In both cases it is a matter of transforming kinetic energy into mechanical energy. In sailboats, wind energy is manifested in the movement of boats. In windmills it occurs through the process of grinding the grain to obtain wheat flour. In recent times, wind energy began to be used to produce electrical energy.

Wind energy and the use of wind

We have all seen, at least in photos or videos, that from a distance they look like light sticks crowned by a fan of a certain size. But the view is deceptive, since the sticks are heavy towers made of steel sheets lined with a weather-resistant material. They are light gray in color, to minimize visual impact, and a matte finish to reduce reflections. The towers are between 25 and 100 meters high to take better advantage of the wind speed. They have a circular base of up to four or more meters in diameter.

With these dimensions, those "light sticks" can house inside a spiral staircase and others even an elevator. Each blade is about 20 meters or more long and is similar to the wing of an airplane. To have a better idea of ​​the size of the tower and the blades, it is enough to know that the transportation of the pieces requires complex logistics. A single blade must be carried in a two-piece truck to be able to wind its way through some of Europe's narrow streets. These components are not light either, as we have seen in an image an accident in which the fall of a blade has crushed the cabin of a huge truck. The set formed by the tower, the blades and the mechanism is known as a wind turbine or turbine.

The wind turbine and the transformation of wind energy into electricity

On top of the high tower is the gondola or nacelle, a kind of cabin somewhat larger than a small truck. Most of the equipment involved in the wind power process goes in the gondola. A three-bladed or vane mill is attached to its nose and the wind vane and anemometer are located on the tail, which determine the direction and speed of the wind, which are stored in a computer, which helps to orient the gondola and the inclination of the blades according to the conditions of the moment. The mill is in charge of capturing the kinetic energy of the air currents and transmitting it through a rotor to a multiplier, which turns the high-speed shaft 50 times faster than the low-speed shaft. In this way the kinetic energy is transformed into mechanical energy. The next step is to convert it into electrical energy,which is done by a generator that rotates at 1500 rpm. Once the electricity is obtained, it is conducted by cables that go down attached to the wall of the tower. From there they go to a transformer that converts direct current into alternating current to finally go on to feed the electrical network.

Wind farms

A wind farm is a set of wind turbines that can be located on land or in the sea, the former being the most common, although parks away from the coasts have grown significantly in Europe in recent years. The number of wind turbines that make up a park is variable and, among other aspects, depends on the electrical needs of an area, the available surface to locate the wind turbines and the characteristics of the air currents of the place. Not all the energy that comes from the wind is usable, wind energy only operates with horizontal currents, since the vertical ones do not have the dynamic energy necessary for its use. Before choosing the site to install a wind farm, the characteristics of the wind for twelve or more months should be analyzed. Also,They must undergo a prior environmental impact study, which includes the effect of the works, power lines, damage to fauna and flora, or visual impact.

Does electricity stop flowing when a wind farm stops?

Wind turbines start when the wind reaches a speed of three to four meters per second (about 11 to 14 kph). Its maximum efficiency is with a wind of about 13 to 14 meters per second (about 50 kph). If the wind acquires an average speed of 25 meters per second (90 kph) for 10 minutes, the wind turbines stop for safety reasons. At times when the wind ceases, there is obviously no electricity production, which is resolved with the compensation of electricity between various parks. When there is excess electricity, a park sells its surplus, which is incorporated into the public network. When the wind stops, then the park buys electricity from the grid.

Pros and cons of wind power

Advantages: it is an inexhaustible, clean and efficient energy. It is called green energy because the transformation of kinetic energy into electricity does not produce greenhouse effect emissions. You are heading in the right direction in the fight against climate change. Wind energy contributes to sustainable development and is one of the cheapest and cleanest sources that exist. It generates five times more jobs than the oil industry and is the creator of a large number of indirect jobs. There are mini wind turbines or urban wind turbines to be placed in houses, farms and remote places.

Disadvantages: There are those who think that wind farms ruin the landscape. Rotating the rotor produces noise, so they must be installed far from towns. Birds can be the victims of accidents when they hit the propellers of wind turbines. For this reason, when choosing the place to build a wind farm, you should avoid doing it in bird migration corridors.

The ten countries with the highest installed wind power Gigawats (GW)

China 168.7; United States 82.2; Germany 50.0; India 28.7; Spain 23.1; UK 14.5; France 12.1; Canada 11.9; Brazil 10.7 and Italy 9.2

Wind energy in figures

By the end of 2014, the installed capacity of wind energy in the world was close to 370 GW, which represented 5% of world electricity consumption. Already at that time more than 80 countries used it. Denmark generates more than 25% of its electricity needs with wind energy. In Spain, in 2014, wind energy contributed about 20% of electricity consumption. Europe is the region with the largest number of wind turbines. The cost of each unit is around two million dollars. There are about 200 thousand wind turbines distributed around the world that, according to data from the end of 2011, generated about 238 GW of energy.

Evolution of wind energy

Since the first half of the 20th century, some countries have been working on wind energy. However, it was not until the 1970s, as a result of the first oil crisis, that research began on alternative energies, including the use of wind. Already in the 1980s, wind power generation began to grow steadily to this day. Between 2005 and 2015, production went from 59 to 433 GW. In 2001, the World Wind Energy Association was created in Denmark, based in Bonn, Germany, to promote this energy worldwide.

The dangers that loom over wind power

The continuous discovery of huge conventional hydrocarbon deposits, together with the extraction of unconventional gas and oil by means of hydraulic fracturing or fracking, could lead to lower oil and gas prices. This would likely discourage investments in clean energy such as wind, although it would also affect investments in the hydrocarbon industry.


Diario ABC, Spain. Science Section. How does a wind farm work? Retrieved from

Centraleólica a. Parts of a wind turbine. Recovered from

Ekidom Renewable Energies. History of wind energy. Recovered from


Renewable energy. Wind energy: advantages and disadvantages. Retrieved from

AEE Wind Energy Association. Wind power. Basic information. Retrieved from


Siemens Gamesa. Wind power. Questions about wind energy. Retrieved from

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Wind energy, an inexhaustible, clean and efficient source