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Lack of assertiveness in women

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Women, we have many and different obstacles, but where the vast majority agree is in the lack of assertiveness. This is for cultural and educational reasons. Women were brought up to please everyone, to always say yes.

What is assertiveness? Many women don't even know what it is. Assertiveness is that ability to express our opinion in a polite and peaceful way, without fear of the responses of others. It is also knowing how to say no, when we want to say no, protecting our time and energy, so that others do not cross the line.

It is very important that you train yourself in assertiveness, if you do not want to see how other people take advantage of your time and energy, to their benefit and in the end you have nothing. You are afraid of looking bad, and you want to be right with everyone, but you pay a high price in return. Then you can complain, but you are really responsible, if you let others, whether friends or family, abuse you.

Training your assertiveness will help you eliminate other obstacles such as: Money and time management.

Today I am going to give you three guidelines for you to start training your assertiveness:

Guideline 1.- Stop saying yes when you want to say no (you will save time)

Have you found yourself on more than one occasion saying yes to something, when you really wanted to say no? If you are a woman, I am sure this has happened to you on more than one occasion. And then either you must spend your time or energy doing what you did not want, or as it happened to me, wasting your time looking for a good excuse to slip away.

Get used to saying no. Those around you will get used to it. If someone complains about a no of yours, tell them assertively, that you just don't feel like it or you can't and that they respect you. There may be some anger about this, especially among your loved ones (friends usually take it better), but trust me they will get used to it over time.

Guideline 2.- Learn to convey what you want without anger or bad manners

Good communication is usually the pending subject of all human beings, that is why misunderstandings and many frictions come later.

We always believe that others must guess what we want. Each person is different and they have different ways of interpreting the same things. With which we will be committing a very serious error, if we pretend that others guess our wishes.

On the other hand we have the false belief that when we say things, it must be the wrong way. Now I ask you to change all this, and try to convey your wishes as best explained as possible, without anger, you do not have to wait until you are angry to convey what you want to others.

Explain the facts clearly and well explained, without assumptions and on the basis that you are expressing your thoughts and wishes, without holding the other person responsible or blaming.

Get used to always talking and transmitting what you want, even if you know beforehand that they are going to say no. You never know and no, you already have it.

I was able to verify this myself many years ago, when I worked for a department store. I needed a few days off precisely to do a previous course for the master of coaching. Those days coincided with the inventory of the center (that is, no, it was practically guaranteed). My colleagues laughed at me when I told them what I was going to ask for, they said I was fine if I thought they were going to give it to me. Well, they were granted to me, above my own boss, since I went directly to the bosses above.

Guideline 3.- Become aware that you are the only one responsible for your life

Whenever we say yes to someone when we really want to say no, we do it to look good. We want to always look good with everyone. But this is impossible, there will always be people who do not like what you do. Make sure that if they criticize at least it was worth it. This is prioritizing your interests, to look good with others.

The people you say yes to when you mean no are not responsible for your feelings, or for the achievement of your goals. What's more, you won't even care. If you let them abuse, they will continue to do so, you will have wasted your time and energy, they will continue to get what they want and they will continue to abuse you as long as it works for them. And it won't do you any good to blame them. The only one responsible for your life being satisfactory is you.

So learn from now on to say yes, when you really want it.

Set the limits so that others do not abuse, otherwise you will be the only one responsible for not achieving your goals. Be aware of your responsibility.

Follow these strategies, leave embarrassment under the pillow and set your limits. You will see how in addition to getting what you want, you have more time for yourself, your company and thus increase your income.

Lack of assertiveness in women