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Happiness is not a recipe


The topic of happiness, in my opinion, is totally distorted due to so much empowerment that they have sown us; It seems that now being happy is an easy task to achieve if you follow the recipe, but it has also become a social imposition… You have to be happy by force!

… Now it turns out that anyone can be happy, and whoever does not achieve it is because of an idiot and even a coward, because he has not had the pants to go in search of his happiness…. But how true is this?

The problem is that they have made us see everything so easy that if we do not achieve it, we get frustrated, we feel idiotic and we convince ourselves that the problem is definitely us, and so it is true that it is in Chinese to be happy, because when we start to believing that the problem is with us, we have the losers

It's like when we look for the recipe to make some tender chick truffles and we find this:

Happiness is not a recipe

So we go and buy all the ingredients, we follow all the instructions to the letter and the result is this:

Happiness is not a recipe

Sometimes I think, and I become more and more convinced that in order to help us, the marketing of the personal growth industry is destroying our well-being, and a sample of them are phrases like:

"Happiness is a matter of decision"

Yes but no! It is true that the decision is the beginning of the change, but deciding to do something does not always imply that we achieve it, and the dangerous thing about this is that suddenly one day we make the decision to be happy and we do not achieve it, and that is when we lose the hope, and living without hope is the first step to suicide.

If we had the opportunity to ask a suicide bomber why did you kill yourself? I would surely say something like "because I couldn't bear the pain and I no longer had hope"…

The sad reality is that we wear ourselves out looking for our happiness, and do you know why? Because we do not know what exactly we are looking for, and so it is difficult to find it!

Socially and culturally we have associated happiness with things that DO NOT necessarily make us happy, that is what I call the double standard of personal growth: “Happiness is within you…. But you must set goals that give meaning to your life, you must think positive and attract into your life what makes you happy…

… So, where do we agree? Is happiness inside or is it outside?

We are full of contradictions and that is what is driving us crazy. Let me give you a couple of examples:

"To those who get up early, God helps them" Vs. "Not by waking up earlier, dawn earlier."

Or, what about this other:

"Loneliness is a bad counselor." Vs. "Better alone than in bad company."

… And we in the middle, trying to see where we run to be happy but, afraid of being wrong...

I am not the one to give you the definition of "happiness" because that is a personal concept that you have to define, but I do want to invite you to reflect on this: What is essential for our happiness we already have by default. You don't have to go looking for it, but rather, you have to find it, but where it really is, not where others tell us!

An extra push

Happiness is not a prize to be won but a very sublime state that is inherent in our human nature.

Happiness is not a recipe