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The formation of values ​​in higher education

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The formation of values ​​today is a problem of vital importance for the education of the new generations. For the educational sphere it is a great challenge because we teachers are the ones who must prepare young people for social life. This training begins from an early age through the different levels of education, but we must not neglect the university student, the ideological political work with these students must be reinforced through each study program, seeking connection with the social reality that has touched us to live. Well, only to the extent that the new generations develop critical thinking, will they be able to make the assessment that allows us to distinguish the value system, good and evil as the main axes of any era.Educating in values ​​is not making abstract descriptions of them in a class, it is providing tools that favor the process of thought development, the ability to reflect and create that marks the educational work. It could be shown that not only the example of the educator and classes with quality and good motivation formed values ​​in the students but also the dissemination of the ideals of the great heroes of the country and humanity.It could be shown that not only the example of the educator and classes with quality and good motivation formed values ​​in the students but also the dissemination of the ideals of the great heroes of the country and humanity.It could be shown that not only the example of the educator and classes with quality and good motivation formed values ​​in the students but also the dissemination of the ideals of the great heroes of the country and humanity.

Concept of values

Subjective structuring composed of rules of action that are intimately related to feelings, attitudes, convictions and principles that regulate their external projection, that is to say, behavior.

In accordance with its meaning and human dimension, values ​​and morals arm and spiritually perfect man. The problem of values ​​is complex given its multifactorial and multifaceted nature in its ways of dealing with it.

From the sociological point of view we can say that the issue of values ​​is conceptually treated from the term value, value orientations or value orientation indistinctly taking into account the social weight, that is, of the social conditions on certain ideas or judgments of value, that is to say that we cannot lose sight of the eternal relationship between the objective and the subjective in the historical evolution. It is important that we bear in mind that regardless of whether the values ​​or value judgments depend on a specific historical circumstance, it is undeniable that ideas and values ​​can contribute to the improvement of the circumstances.

From the psychological point of view, the study of values ​​treats them fundamentally from their subjective expression, seeking an explanation about the origin and regularities and development of those psychic formations of their structure and functioning that enable the orientation of man and his assessment in relation to the world that surrounds him. particularly in relation to human relationships.

Values ​​are human potentialities that dignify the individual, which, consciously assumed, elevate the person and their spirituality, and make them become great in the sphere of the family, a profession, a group, or society as a whole. They are not only reduced to their moral dimension, since they are also presented as aesthetic, legal, religious, epistemic values.

But values ​​are also the basis for living in community and relating to other people. They allow to regulate our behavior for the collective well-being and a harmonious coexistence, so we agree that values ​​is the subjective structuring made up of rules of action that are closely related to feelings, attitudes, convictions and principles that regulate their external projection, that is, conduct.

The formation of values

The globalizing processes that Latin American countries are experiencing today is a greater challenge for humanity every day. It is not about saving an isolated community, but the whole of humanity, putting an end to hegemonism and the fascination for an unsustainable consumer model that imposes the subliminal and impoverishing language of the media. Ethical degradation is at the root of these evils, the corruption of customs and the copying of models alien to the cultural traditions of our countries.

The world lives immersed in a deep crisis and deterioration of values ​​that has increased to the same extent that neoliberal globalization with its economic effects and the worsening of social problems has taken hold.

The formation of values ​​is a process that must begin in the family as the basic cell of society and extend with marked force to educational institutions, where the child begins to appreciate and perceive elementary feelings and values ​​of coexistence. It extends as a trend throughout the life of man, since this is always open to positive or negative influences without excluding the incidence of models, parents, teachers, thinkers or prominent figures in the historical process that he lives, as an important part of his process. of socialization and acquisition of norms, values ​​and patterns of behavior in accordance with what is already established in society.

Educating in values ​​means helping people to build their own scale of values ​​in a reasoned and autonomous way, that they are capable of making moral decisions in conflictive moments in their lives, helping people to relate effectively, achieving coherence between your thoughts and values ​​with your actions. We will not achieve an adequate formation of values ​​but we are examples of their transmission with our daily actions, not only in classrooms, but with our general behavior in our society, acting accordingly with the historical moment that does not correspond.

Cuba is not alien to this problem and also suffers the consequences, which have been manifested by the weakening and loss of values ​​in the population. Gaining special attention in all sectors of society and even more so in education as a fundamental pillar to form what is most valuable to the human being.

Values ​​in general are revealed and forged through an educational process. The inculcation of moral values ​​tends to diminish the capacity for individual independence and the critical appraisal of the multiple issues that human beings face today in the course of their daily and professional lives. So it is necessary to educate by example that you have prestige and credibility for anyone who wants to form values ​​in someone's personality.

Therefore, it is of vital importance in the educational order and for the functioning of our societies, that individuals incorporate the most authentic values ​​in their personal and professional life and assume them as an individual heritage. The education and consolidation of relevant social values ​​is an urgent need of the Cuban educational system, since the quality of the comprehensive training of university graduates depends on the formation and roots of values ​​in the new generations and on that demanded by today's society for their development.. That is why an open and flexible learning model is proposed in our teaching, providing students with tools to achieve their knowledge, abilities and skills as well as a set of values ​​and convictions through the learn to learn method.

Educational institutions in the development of a society have as a primary task the integral formation of the individual.Hence the transformations that are taking place today in Higher Education with the improvement of the Educational Teaching Process. The formation of a comprehensive general culture and therefore the formation of values, where each teacher from their study programs or extracurricular activity prioritizes and highlights the values ​​that our graduates must have, as a function to achieve an adequate orientation of behavior and actions of man towards certain ends and concrete actions that society requires. Such a simple action taken by the teacher as it is to arrive a few minutes before his class, with optimism and desire to teach it, when the professional is in love with the subject where he is a specialist and transmits this love to the students, educates, forms values.That is why the exemplarity of the educator in every way is in our view one of the most effective ways of transmitting values ​​to students. As there is adequate teacher-student communication where empathies are established between them, when the teacher socializes with everyone in a humane and responsible way, we are forming values. When we make history present and are inspired by those who were protagonists of Cuban identity and nationality, we form values. When we are unwavering with the cruel and barbarous acts that occur and we carry a message of protest against any manifestation of disgrace, we are forming values.As there is adequate teacher-student communication where empathies are established between them, when the teacher socializes with everyone in a humane and responsible way, we are forming values. When we make history present and are inspired by those who were protagonists of Cuban identity and nationality, we form values. When we are unwavering with the cruel and barbarous acts that occur and we carry a message of protest against any manifestation of disgrace, we are forming values.As there is adequate teacher-student communication where empathies are established between them, when the teacher socializes with everyone in a humane and responsible way, we are forming values. When we make history present and are inspired by those who were protagonists of Cuban identity and nationality, we form values. When we are unwavering with the cruel and barbarous acts that occur and we carry a message of protest against any manifestation of disgrace, we are forming values.When we are unwavering with the cruel and barbarous acts that occur and we carry a message of protest against any manifestation of disgrace, we are forming values.When we are unwavering with the cruel and barbarous acts that occur and we carry a message of protest against any manifestation of disgrace, we are forming values.

Values ​​to be formed

In this process, four levels, degrees or scales of fundamental values ​​must be distinguished that can be formed through different institutions where the family and the school play a fundamental role1.

  1. Elementary values ​​of coexistence and civility (help, kindness, decorum, friendship, love, altruism, solidarity, mutual aid, humanitarianism). To form and develop a moral and behavioral culture, anchored in values ​​such as: (respect, love of good, to truth, beauty).To form values ​​linked to the autonomy of the subject (authenticity, sensitivity, independence of judgments, criteria, tolerance, spontaneity, criticism and self-criticism, discrepancy, happiness).To form values ​​from universal, national history and of the community (identity, independence, justice, sovereignty, patriotism, national pride).

It is no secret that values ​​training is in crisis in many parts of the world, a wake-up call has been made in several Latin American countries in this regard. According to Rugarcía Torres and other scholars consider training in values ​​as the most important problem in contemporary education.

In the formation of values ​​of our young people, tendencies that affect the planet every time have incidence and is related to the deterioration of the responsibility of some teachers. With the educational task, those who perceive themselves and behave as mere transmitters of knowledge (….). We believe science more than ourselves, but the dramatic thing is that science does not face life, but oneself.¨2

The education in values ​​is not an abstract description of these carried out in a class, but is linked to the process of the development of thought, to the capacity to reflect and to create that marks the educational work. Link the formation of values ​​to each study program of the different specialties, landing these on social reality, seeking direct links with everyday life that allows us to demonstrate to the student body what is actually ethically valid for our societies.

The formation of values ​​is very important for the development of the personality, it is about the general behavior that should govern the behavior and consequently determine their attitudes and their way of acting. These are formed in a complex process, they are not in the objects and phenomena, they are a subject-object relationship, they are always the result of an assessment.

Among the values ​​that we must promote more acutely, internationalism, collectivism, solidarity, the spirit of sacrifice, justice, responsibility, creative work, freedom stand out.

The formation of values ​​and Professional Ethics

Professional ethics cannot be conceived as a spontaneous expression of the individual before the performance of his professional function, but as the derivation of an educational development that in its historical character consolidates the behavior of professionals. In their training, they acquire norms, values ​​and a highly individualized conception of the profession that becomes a special regulator of their moral behavior. It is clear that knowing the rights and, in turn, the duties of the profession, do not necessarily ensure that action is taken in accordance with these norms or precepts; since this knowledge cannot be identified only with the moral training of the professionals involved, since it requires not only knowledge but also action3.The authors consider that the process of formation of values ​​in accordance with the demands of contemporary society is closely related to the ethical formation of our future professionals. Therefore, it constitutes a task of the first order for today's educators to incorporate the validity of the ethics and values ​​of historical figures in the performance of their educational work and ideological politics.

The starting point of Cuban culture is in ethics as the guiding principle of politics and that leads us to highlight the role of education in the development and strength of civilization. This translates into the correspondence between saying and doing, in honesty as a norm of citizen behavior, in taking sides not only in Cuba but also on a universal scale.

On the other hand, tradition as part of culture is an active bridge of communication of each social stage with its past, it is the part of the culture that a certain generation understood as reusable values ​​for its present, it consists of a complementary process, since the Values ​​of the past are put in function to complete the values ​​of the present. Its function is to strengthen society in its historical consciousness, in its ability to make a conscious decision. Tradition plays an important part in solving crisis situations in a society, since it constitutes the foundation on which a nation is strengthened.

We can conclude that values ​​are complex qualitative entities, which cannot be formed in young people by simple talk. Values ​​result from a dialectical subject-object relationship and only have existence and meaning in specific social situations. Courage is a structured quality that organizes the vision of the world and prepares the thought to perceive a quality that manifests itself. They determine modes of communication; and they often reach a wide diffusion that makes them seem universal, objective and timeless. They are a matter of depth of life, of true educational formative work and culture.

Bibliographic references

  1. Luis R. López Bombino, The ethical knowledge from yesterday to today. Volume II. Editorial Félix Varela. Cuba 2004. p 98. Armando Rugarcía Torre. Values ​​and Valuations in Education, Universidad Iberoamericana, México 1991; p 75Rafaela García López and María Isabel Candela Pérez: The teacher as a moral agent. Orientations for their training. Ed. By Universidad Iberoamericana; Mexico, 1995 pp 13-16 Cf. Anton Popovic: The communicational aspect of literary diachrony: the literary tradition., Trad. From Desiderio Navarro, in criteria. Third epoch. No 13-20, January 1985- December 1986, p.213.


  • Luis R. López Bombino (2004), The ethical knowledge from yesterday to today. Volume II. Editorial Félix Varela. Cuba Armando Rugarcía Torre (1991). Values ​​and Valuations in Education, Universidad Iberoamericana, México. Rafael García López and María Isabel Candela Pérez (1995): The teacher as a moral agent. Orientations for their training. Ed. By Universidad Iberoamericana; Mexico.
The formation of values ​​in higher education