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Modern management and the 7 habits of stephen covey


To start with this essay, it is essential to highlight the work of Mr. Peter Druker in the area of ​​Management, without a doubt his contributions go beyond practice and study, his thinking and analytical ability in my view, I consider him as the Guru Management in the management of Modern business organizations, thanks to his contributions in terms of Business Reduction, Total Quality Management, economic value analysis, Referencing (Benchmarking), restructuring (Reengineering).

Today, the outlook that is looming, in the global and national economic sector that is front page news in all newspapers on a daily basis, are the constant changes that the market is experiencing. A significant value in the Master in Business Management offered by the Fermín Toro University, and in turn the legacy of Lic.Ms. Víctor Montilla is the exploitation of creativity, a determining factor in success in organizations, through the motivation of human talent, in order to build an advantageous competitive structure, which allows better analysis for decision-making, the search for alternatives and opportunities, the endowment of a greater capacity to solve problems, facilitating the meeting of really new ideas.

It should be noted, the main idea of ​​the classes on post-modernism where it is emphasized that that manager of yesterday, solitary, individualistic, superhero, no longer works in today's dynamic, where the true manager knows his role, develops and maintains ties Very strong mutual trust in work at all levels, thus sowing creativity in each of its collaborators and member of the organization.

I consider that the value of creativity is undoubtedly a tool that allows us to be more competitive, but it has not been taken into account in current management, because instead of exploiting creativity through staff training, the level of investment in technology, which brings with it the dizzying decline in creativity in terms of productivity.

Likewise, the problem arises where the worker is not identified with the organizational culture of the company and fails to achieve his level of job satisfaction based on the principles and values ​​of the organization.

In this same order of ideas, it should be noted, the need to change the way of seeing organizational culture, as a body that has no shape, gray and straight, which we should not touch, but quite the contrary, in which we can base, as consulting companies do that make it a measurable management indicator, for the development of business strategies and objectives. Many people generally confuse culture with philosophy, which takes them away from business, culture is not far from us, because we are culture, this is the real reason.

It is no secret to anyone that, beyond what we receive in class, channeling energy and inspiring creativity in a group of people and building an intimate attachment to the objectives and goals of the company is an art that the current manager must develop in order to find determining values, which must know how to manage, to focus on the survival of the company, a topic also developed in class, where the 3C triangle, such as competition, effective capital and creativity, are important factors in the future of the organization that must be taken into account in the training of human resources, because when we talk about competition, investment in technologies and information, can become imminent threats if you are not trained to use them, at this time of strong changes,political, economic and social.

In the same way, taking into account, what is exposed in the content of the guides of the change leader and the classes of postmodernism, it can be seen that the trends of the current world generate a global interdependence where, to achieve the deliveries of their products in times timely, decreased downtime, increased productivity and decreased operating costs, aims to achieve competitiveness, the conquest of satisfied customers, increase in their sales market and increase in economic profitability, not only through a management that transcends and is strict in its management, much more is needed, as a management that implements solutions to the demands of society, in short, a leader who knows how to stimulate the creativity of its collaborators, as it was said in class is conscious and flexible to changes. That he leave behind those mechanical organization systems, of routine processes, lacking in incentives and creativity ("Teyloritas"), in summary, a balance of the theories of Taylor and Fayol would be the most appropriate to apply.

Among the new trends that have focused on management in class, it is important to mention strategic planning, since many managers have been changing their way of thinking about the subject, since in the search to place the right key to achieving the objectives and excel in the results neglect the bases and principles of the company's identity (own life), which must have its projection and planning for the future, thus promoting major changes, which are solid, broad-spectrum and most importantly lasting in time in order to increase competition and ensure survival.

I consider that the true leader is the one who guarantees the greatest leverage for the future and at the same time the one who increases his emotional capacity, fundamental elements to achieve inspiration and persuasion (makeup), which lead to the achievement of objectives.

With the knowledge acquired in class I can define that the manager must possess within his profile, technical skills, by this I mean specific knowledge in his area of ​​work, high analytical skills, using techniques and practical or computer tools (handling of software). Likewise, they must have the ability to relate, they must know how to work in groups, be self-taught, and above all, they must know how to communicate.

In short, the modern manager must also know himself, know what his weaknesses and his strengths are, appropriately manage human behavior, which in one way or another is the great weakness of Venezuelan management, consequently I reflect on the ability to influence, which goes beyond the ability to command in the achievement of objectives, leaving behind all vision supported by obsolete paradigms that try to stop or control changes, replacing them with more open attitudes towards work, family, personal relationships, projects of life and sense of responsibility.

In closing I would like to express unique and invaluable content value for Modern Managers…

¨ Stephen Covey ¨ is the author of a very interesting literature that refers to the North American success of the last 200 years and through his work he exposes us these seven rules that can be applied to all managerial situations and that we have to assume in our lifetime.

First Habit: Be proactive. Proactivity refers to the fact that with each stimulus of the environment we have the ability to decide the response we want to give, this means that we are not slaves to the actions that are carried out on us, but rather free executors of our behavior. A practical example in our life is that of a car driver who shouts an obscenity at us or insistently plays the horn. In this case, our response can vary from taking a gun and shooting him and then suffering the legal consequences of our conduct, to simply ignoring him and not letting him alter our tranquility. The important thing is that the decision is ours, that we are responsible for our conduct.

Habit Two: Start with an end in mind. This habit is that our behavior should not be governed by whim or chance, we must have precise objectives to approach: a university degree, buying a house or a car, maintaining a harmonious relationship with our family and colleagues. Every time we make an important decision we must decide whether it brings us closer to or further from our goals.

Third Habit: Establish first things first. The chapter begins with a phrase from the German sage Goethe: "What matters most must never be at the mercy of what matters least."

It consists of distributing our time on the basis of priorities: The author describes a method of organizing time on the basis of four quadrants in which he places activities: urgent, non-urgent, important and not important.

Habit Four: Think Win-Win. This habit indicates that our relationships with other human beings should always be of mutual benefit, that there is no other option. Our relationship with a client must be win-win, if I win and my client loses, I lose the client. There is no other option, although in the short term other types of relationships result in immediate profits, in the long term we see that they are ineffective and harmful to both parties. The author explains that if after reasoning with our interlocutor we do not reach a win-win agreement, we are left with the option of "no deal".

Fifth Habit: Seek first to understand and then to be understood. This habit tries to put yourself in the other's place first, to see things from their point of view. It is based on the popular saying "Everything is the color of the glass with which you look at it." It is perhaps the most difficult to practice, we almost always spend more time talking than listening and we believe that things can only be the way we see them.

Sixth Habit: Synergy. Some goals we can achieve alone, but large companies can only achieve them with teamwork. Projects such as the arrival of man on the Moon or the manufacture of the Atomic Bomb are the result of synergistic work.

Seventh Habit: Sharpen the saw. This chapter begins with the story of a lumberjack who is so immersed in his job of cutting down trees that he forgets that taking a few minutes to sharpen his saw would save him many hours of effort. Applied to our lives, sharpening the saw refers to dedicating a short space of our lives to improving our physical and intellectual conditions through physical exercise and study.

I say goodbye for now

A Server.

Modern management and the 7 habits of stephen covey