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Managing people in educational organizations

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Interest in the study of organizations has increased since the 20th century, giving rise to the development of different organizational theories, which seek to explain the phenomena related to people management.

Characterization of the Research Object

Classical and neoclassical theories emphasize tasks and organizational structure, while human relations theories focus on the influence of social and psychological aspects on people's behaviors.

Today, the knowledge economy, uncertainty and changes raise the level and pace of competitiveness, which in turn has increased the strategic importance of intangible assets, such as the ability to innovate, the adaptability of a well-trained, loyal and committed staff, together with leaders capable of stimulating it, an invaluable reputation and quality information, production, and service delivery systems.

In this sense, guaranteeing the success of the organization depends on the competence in management, on factors such as intelligence, leadership and intangible assets in general. So another effect of the changing trends in today's world is that the management of an organization has become an increasingly important function, to the point that a huge market has been generated in advising on how to lead and play the role of managers., optimally.

It is important to be clear that if you think about competing through people, you highlight the fact that success depends more and more on the organization's ability to manage human capital, which is the generic expression used to describe the value of knowledge, skills and abilities which may not appear on the employee's service record, but which does generate a notable impact on their performance in the institutions.

For Chamber and Others (1998), institutions must also prepare, if they want to succeed in developing talent. From this perspective, the management of people in educational organizations, which become relevant in the future, will be those that stimulate work in groups, that favor the personal and professional development of all their members, to strengthen their shared vision and promote the creative capacity of those involved.

In this sense, these institutions have a fundamental and unavoidable commitment to the society of the new times. They are responsible for the formation of the most humanized man, capable of facing new challenges. In the age of knowledge, countries that fail to improve the quality of education are compromising economic growth and the well-being of their people.

The foregoing is particularly important for state educational institutions, since organizations, as currently conceived, must be renewed to approach the changes that affect today's society: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and E -learning, among others, where it is essential that the person becomes the main protagonist, a generator of intellectual inputs for the improvement of state education and therefore of the quality of life in the region. Likewise, what has been proposed implies a renewal of the state educational directions.

However, in educational organizations, the culture of change is very slow and bureaucratic, particularly in state educational management, no changes have been evidenced that demonstrate strengths in managing people. In this regard, Davidson and Malone (2004), point out that "organizations spend a lot of time and money managing tangible assets, and ignore the management of intangibles."

According to Ortiz (2000), such a situation is manifested in some behaviors of people in their dual role of supervisor and supervised. The aforementioned author points out that, regarding the supervisor: (a) he is convinced that a strong hand is the only way to achieve satisfactory results and in accordance with that principle to act; (b) promotes efficiency and justice at work and acts contrary; (c) leaves people waiting unnecessarily for those who come to raise something to be important or immerses in work and does not have time to dedicate to supervisees; (d) denies or distorts information to his supervised and his own supervisor, in order to obtain an advantageous position.

Regarding those supervised, he points out: (a) there are those who only do what is essential to stay in the organization; (b) those who sow gossip and weeds among their colleagues or act on it; (c) those who let work accumulate and then complain that they don't have time; (d) those who believe that they are kept marginalized, without promotion, because of the supervisor and others.

All these cases that abound in educational organizations and that are interchangeable between supervisors and supervised, are strong obstacles to the establishment of productivity, quality, as well as excellence. In this sense, all the efforts, resources and costs that are applied would have little benefit for success if the causes that are generating these inappropriate attitudes are not attacked. In this sense, for Ortiz (ob cit), within these inadequate attitudes there are underlying deficiencies and internal difficulties of the people.

These aspects are difficult to identify and accept by those who possess them and in general, organizations tend to disqualify any attempt at an approach that seeks to treat the attitude of people and especially that of managers, as a key element of organizational success. As matters relating to the attitude of people within the organization are not dealt with openly and adequately, the need arises then to create controls, rules and procedures that are more and more detailed, more precise and more comprehensive. Ultimately, too much control contributes to hampered administration.

The manager models a style with his behavior, which in the long run, his subordinates, especially if they are also supervisors, will tend to follow for two reasons: one, due to the inertia of imitation and the other, because if they did not do so, they would be out of the behavior pattern of his boss, who tends to evaluate and favor positively based on his own patterns. Hence, these patterns are reproduced with increasing force, to the extent that the higher hierarchies consider it positive and they become important elements of the culture in the organization.

A manager who reacts in a despotic way with the staff or, on the contrary, who is afraid of facing responsibilities, who turns a blind eye to inappropriate staff behavior, is an indication that he has a serious internal conflict that he wants to hide. This generally occurs, unconsciously and also in this same way transfers their conflict to the organization, under multiple forms and manifestations such as: gang warfare and disagreement of the staff, inefficiency and neglect, among others.

In this regard, Low and Kalafut (2004) believe that if people do not feel well treated by their immediate superiors, communication fails and relationships are damaged. The authors state that if a person does not have the attitude of excellence, he will never be, nor can he achieve it in the organization. Hence, this element must be considered when selecting managers and supervisors. Another cause of the inefficiency situation, according to Davidson and Malone (2004), is found in the multiple management levels, which in their eagerness to avoid waste, manage not only to avoid adding value, but can sometimes detract from the institutions.

This situation is more serious in regional educational managements, particularly in the Anzoátegui state, where inequality is observed in the treatment of people, the opinions of supervisors are not considered, creating internal conflicts between upper and middle management, which generates disorganization of work, in the different coordinations, where the information of each campus does not arrive in due time, which is an impediment to create the real budget, which causes resources to be lost and programs such as scholarships, scholarships, school food program (PAE), libraries, infocenter, infrastructure, courses and others.

Currently, in the Anzoátegui state, the Bolivarian Educational Project was developed as part of a political project, which gets its foundations in the doctrinal past, especially in the figure and thought of the Liberator Simón Bolívar, who is rescued and reinterpreted to solve actions of the present. In the opinion of Albornoz (2001), this is “an openly authoritarian and interventional project”.

It is possible that such a situation intervenes in the fact that they are incorporated as directors, teachers without having adequate managerial preparation, as established in the Regulations for the Exercise of the Teaching Profession; as well as that most of these managers enter for political reasons.

A management in these conditions generates multiple conflicts, since the structure with which it has been working is frequently changed. Such is the case of the Anzoátegui state, which in one year has had two managers with a different organizational market. The same with a union trajectory of more than thirty years, signing many collective contracts, but which currently show partiality, since when many teachers prepare to compete for the different positions, which by law correspond to take them to competition, they are not taken in consideration, since they are given to other people by cronyism and / or political card.

These managers of the education department are characterized by their weak performance, letting things be done according to the criteria of the members of the different unions that make life in the state teaching profession, they do not make decisions, the discussions are uncontrolled, not oriented to their followers, there is little cooperative spirit and members develop very few ideas.

Such approaches motivated the research carried out, which interpreted the management of people based on the managerial competencies of the directors of educational organizations, with a view to deriving a theoretical structure.

Research objectives

General objective

Generate a theoretical structure of people management in educational organizations.

Specific objectives

  1. Deduce the organizational strategy of the Directorate of Education of the Anzoátegui state. Understand the management of people that is carried out in the Directorate of Education of the Anzoátegui state. Interpreting people management based on the managerial competencies of educational managers. Discuss contemporary trends in managerial management. Derive a theoretical structure of people management in educational organizations.


The study is relevant, because its results serve, firstly, to evaluate the achievements of the proposed objectives and consequently, redefine the management of people in educational organizations, since the research was carried out in an educational area of ​​great importance for the society.

All educational organizations in a society are dependent, in one way or another they are directly related through the people who work and move between educational organizations. Second, the results of the study may serve as a basis at the national level, to make the organizational adjustments that are considered necessary for an education that responds with quality to the requirements of society.

It must also be considered that this study could be useful to the regional government, committed to carrying out quality management that promotes education in the Anzoátegui state. The contributions of the study will make it possible to raise awareness of the relevance of the personnel under their responsibility, as well as the quality of the educational service provided, which would provide an opportunity to apply the necessary corrections in the administration of state education.

The theoretical contributions of the subject are particularly important at a time when research on business management has multiplied, but not in the educational area. Hence the originality of the study.

Each organization is different and in this sense the contributions will also be different because the management indicators of business people are not necessarily applicable to educational companies. In practice, each sector has three or four intangible indicators and they are rarely always the same. In this sense, the relevance of the information obtained from the actors themselves, from the process. From this point of view, the practical contributions of research, since any educational organization, of all educational levels, public or private, can be continuously improved, depending on the contributions of the theories and research applicable to educational organizations.

From another point of view, the study can serve as the basis for creating an endogenous, own and unique model of people management, suitable for educational organizations, which favors a plural and diverse education for the formation of citizenship according to the knowledge society and that brings the country's education closer to world trends.

In this regard, Albornoz (2001) states that in Venezuela it is still believed that management is resource management, not knowledge management, and authorities continue to be appointed even when they are ignorant or irresponsible, forgetting that what is valid in academic society is the aristocracy "of the talent, meritocracy and this will not be achieved with ideological adjustments but with structural adjustments ”.

Managing people in educational organizations