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Marketing management in companies

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In this essay we want to show a fundamental aspect for the company that is marketing management, the intention is to be able to analyze each of the concepts and points that can stand out within an organization to be able to make correct decisions at the time of carrying out carry out this procedure. We will talk about how good management influences that is reflected mainly in the clients and in the company as such.

Marketing management in companies


In this essay we intend to make an analysis of how the management of the company acts completely, since in recent years one of the most important factors for companies has been marketing. We have asked ourselves how does marketing work in a company? That is why we seek to give a concrete and detailed report on the main factors of marketing management that are carried out in the field of business management.

II. Background

In order to understand what marketing management in companies is based on, we have to know what the fundamental concept of marketing is. The American Marketing Association (2004) defines marketing as: “function of organizations and set of processes to create, communicate and deliver value to customers, and to manage relationships with the latter in a way that benefits the organization and all stakeholders ", that is why marketing is a part for the company to have better results.

Marketing has its origins in approximately the 19th century and has evolved into a discipline and a component of science as human behavior. Thanks to its evolution, marketing has been able to develop different stages such as production, sales and market. Within several events, four important periods have been highlighted that serve as a basis for understanding where marketing comes from: the First Industrial Revolution (1750-1848), the First World War (1914-1918), the Great Depression (1930) and the World War II (1937-1945). (Torres, 2009, p. 13)

The main marketing activities begin to denote, in 1850, at the time when a demand that results in the supply of units, focus on increasing production massively for commercialization. Between 1940-1950 marketing is recognized as a discipline, where economists debate consumer theory. Between 1980 and 1920, economics and their studies have been able to dominate marketing focusing mainly on supply and its operation in relation to sales, distribution and transportation. Between 1920 and 1929, in the face of various circumstances dominated by uncertainty, companies were driven to seek information about the market, and it is through these that market research enters, which acts as an important component for marketing.Between 1969 and 1989 great advances have been emerging within marketing. (Torres, 2009, p. 14).

III. Development

During the last decades there has been an approach with strategic marketing, which is managed as "an analytical system management and operational marketing, which focuses on seeing an action system…" (Anonymous, 2002, p. 23), where its objective is to conquer existing markets through concrete and specific actions of product, price, distribution and place. In recent years, interest in the study of SMEs has been growing and it is for those who since the emergence of SMEs, research has focused on analyzing the perspectives and management of companies.

Companies are aware that to enter the market and be able to increase their competitiveness, they currently have to develop in a different environment, where it is much more demanding, very dynamic and above all efficient. We know that marketing is a strong element for companies since it is the one that is based on continuous analysis in order to be a competitive market.

The development of marketing has been due to the changes that have been occurring in the markets since it has been possible to obtain exchange relations between companies, where they try to change their products with each other so as not to have to compete between both companies. same twist. Before, since competition was a very scarce element, companies sold all their production to their market and customers were not a problem, but throughout the years companies went through great changes and currently for companies it is no longer easy to sell what everything they produce, because it is not only to offer a quality product or service if other factors do not intervene.Companies need to develop more to be able to compete with each other and to gain a large part of their market they need to have something that differentiates them from others without having any competition.

The advancement of marketing allows identifying three orientations that are important: the first is towards production, this is based on the fact that the main interest of manufacturers is to increase production and the main department to develop this function is undoubtedly that of production, where its main interest is that the production is efficient fence improving so that it can have a better control of the costs.

The second is towards sales, this focuses on the development of information gathering techniques, where promotional activities are involved and it is one of the main objectives of the company to have higher sales. And the last one towards the market that has been managed until now, this one that is in charge of identifying the client's needs in a market that has already been clearly defined.

The true intention of marketing is "to achieve a set of all the activities included in order to generate purchases in demand of the goods and services that companies can offer to their market." (Anonymous, 2002, p. 25) This is a fundamental aspect since through marketing we can find out if our company meets the expectations of the market and if it satisfies its needs.

Marketing is one of the points that must be handled very seriously since it is argued that “many are the example of companies that have failed because their executives never knew what business they were in” (Torres, 2009, p. 16), the important thing to be able to prosper as a company is to know well what is our main activity to which we dedicate ourselves and to know how we can achieve our goals.

A company does not turn out to be the same as an industry, since the company turns out to be a limited activity, which only focuses on what it sells and offers, which is its product. The “industry goes beyond offering a simple product”, (Torres, 2009, p. 16), that is to say that its objective is not to sell the product but rather that its point of attention is the customer since, it considers it as a individual who expects their needs to be met. The client will always look for, compare or decide, the product or service that is most appropriate so that he can meet his needs since he is currently better trained and informed.

The objective of every company should be “the acquisition and maintenance of profitable customers over time in order to maximize the profit of the company (Alcaide, Bernués, & Díaz, 2013, page 11), that is, they have to attract the customer and appropriate him in an explicit way and through marketing.

The dimensions of marketing is another aspect to be able to have a better understanding and a better understanding of marketing oriented towards an organizational philosophy. The operational dimension is directed more to how are the operations, sales, distribution and communication, which pursue the objective of increasing in a short time, the market share, where the achievement will be reflected in sales, income and organization profits.

The strategic dimension is directed more to the analysis of marketing, it offers solutions in a long time, from the knowledge of the market and its demand for it, by satisfying the demands of individuals. (Torres, 2009, p. 21), this is that the two dimensions have to go hand in hand in order to achieve its objective and together to be able to achieve that the company can excel.

For marketing to be able to become something more tangible to achieve results is the company, the main instrument that must be adopted is the development of the marketing plan, this begins with three basic questions that companies must answer:

  1. Where is the company located? Where does it want to go? How will it get there?

In order to carry out this plan, several stages must be carried out that form the strategic planning of it.

  • The first thing that should be done is an internal and external analysis of the company, following the definition of its objectives, identifying possible strategies and selecting the best ones, putting the plans into practice, and finally reviewing and controlling the long-term results.

We well know that companies must carry out their plans that are being carried out from time to time and how they have managed to achieve the objectives so far.

According to Phillin Kloter, four types of marketing control can be distinguished:

  • Annual plan control: this is based on getting the company to achieve the objectives it has set. Profitability control: this is based on determining which products and marketing activities are effective. Efficiency control: it is responsible for seeing if sales, advertising, promotion and distribution are effective. Strategic control: in this the company is in charge of checking if the results are global and efficient.

Marketing must act on 4 fundamental variables which we must know: product, place, promotion and price. "The set of policies that the company establishes regarding these variables is called Marketing Mix." (Anonymous, 2002), this is about analyzing how each variable can become a competitive advantage for the company.

Knowing the company deeply is important since when analyzing the reality that surrounds the company, we will be able to see the bases to be able to define what the barriers are to be able to establish what our competitive strategies will be.


We can say that management shows us that it is essential for marketing to perform as such in an organization, it mentions how the company can achieve a better position in the market and one of its main factors to achieve this are customers. In the same way, we were able to determine that the main objective of marketing is that a whole can be formed with the activities that intervene in the market and that companies can offer. We know that in order to be one of the best competitors it is necessary to have a vision of what we want to achieve and how we are going to do it.

It is necessary and essential to have a marketing plan within the organization as it will serve as a basis to determine if our company is truly competitive or not and if we are really achieving the main objective of the company.

IV. References

  • Alcaide, J., Bernués, S., & Díaz, &. E. (2013). Marketing and SMEs. Mexico Anonymous. (2002). Marketing, production and quality management in SMEs. Madrid: Vértice.Torres, CE (2009). Fundamentals of Marketing. Bogotá: University of Rosario.
Marketing management in companies