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Imaging as a profession


Definition Study and analysis of the public image of a person or a group of them.


Imago: Image, figure, representation, likeness and appearance of a thing.

Lodge: Study, science.


Precedents of Imaginology

The constant changes in which we live as a society, make organizations challenge their learning horizons more every day, with the aim of identifying areas of opportunity that give them the advantage of being one step ahead of their competitors.

Smart organizations should always be in a constant search to analyze the factors that provide them with tools for their success and consolidation in the market. In some situations, they use anything to take that step that means the difference between dying or continuing on the long road that an organization has.

In the last two decades, many means have emerged to boost companies, many studies showing that the success of an organization does not only depend on its internal integration, but must pay some special attention to the way consumers perceive it. the organization.

For this reason, a new era of study emerges: Imaginology, which aims to analyze the public image of people and companies.

Currently, businessmen and organizations are using the power of the public image to give added value to the company they represent, including, the public image is already taught in the country as Bachelor's, Diploma and Master's degrees, all this possible, thanks to the Founder and pioneer of the College of Public Image Consultants Víctor Gordoa Gil, Mexico being the pioneer country of imaging as a professional activity worldwide.

An organization, by the simple fact of existing, projects through its facilities, people, buildings, vehicles, offices, among others, an image that well used can increase the profits of the company. All the means described above are a form of communication with customers and must be focused and managed in the search for the public image that correctly represents the company.

Objective of Imaginology

Know the individual or the organization, respect their essence and qualities, to detect and work on their areas of opportunity. In such a way that an entire impact strategy is built, the same in the physical, professional, verbal, visual, audiovisual and environmental aspects, to project an image of credibility and trust (Méndez, 2015).

Imaging is supported by knowledge of sciences such as linguistics, psychology, communication, biological anthropology, semiology, design and the history of art and culture, etc. to study and control the stimuli that a person or institution emits, and how these stimuli shape images subordinate to their target audience.

Public image

The concept of public image always implies a look in two directions. On the one hand, the image is interpreted as a visual presentation, that is, conceived from the communication-reception perspective; on the other hand, it is considered as a mental idea, as the fruit of the imagination of a creative subject.

James E. Grunig calls these different conceptions "psychological image" and "artistic image." In addition, the Image presents communicative elements that manifest themselves in an obvious way and others that remain hidden, with more or less levels of darkness. That is why we can speak of some public messages and others that are implicit, or secret, that act more or less unconsciously in the collective imagination (La Torre, 2010).

The public image can be defined as “the dominant perception that a community establishes regarding a person, institution or cultural reference, based on the impressions and public information it receives. Víctor Gordoa defines it as "the shared perception that causes a unified collective response", the image is the figure, representation, resemblance and appearance of a thing.

The public image can be given in two ways: Individual and Group. To better understand the concepts previously described, it is essential to mark or define three important points; the first, to understand that the image is the representation of an internal effect in which certain factors that come from the outside intervene that condition the way of expression of the thing or person that is being analyzed.

Subsequently, the value of the public image indicates a cultural value judgment, this means that as people we are subject to judgments issued by other people.

Finally, and in my opinion the most important point is that the public image is a form of communication, of which companies have not made the most of this tool, because it was commonly used to make the mistake that the public image was only important for politicians or important figures in the media (Sadoc, 2012).

For people who intend to design a public image, it is necessary to have knowledge in communication, semiotics, marketing and psychology.

All this is necessary, because by unifying them it is possible to design a physical image or a functional and pleasant space, which will be able to take full advantage of the use of the public image. "The theory teaches us that every public image, whether personal or institutional, is subordinate to six images: physical, professional, verbal, visual, audiovisual and environmental."

That is why specialists in imaging must master issues related to the areas of knowledge described in the previous paragraph, because finally, the public image, aims to be placed in the political, business, institutional or commercial markets (Sadoc, 2012).

Axioms of the Public Image

The specialist in Public Image, Victo Gordoa, raises 13 axioms that govern the public image (Gordoa, 2012):

  1. It is inevitable to have an image. All people and things have an image, this can be positive or negative. The public image is not only focused on important people in a society. 83% of decisions are made through our eyes. We take or judge things based on what we are observing. The brain process that decodes stimuli takes only seconds. The amazing processing speed of the human brain is so fast that we generate an idea immediately. The mind decides based mainly on feelings. When we feel something, our brain interprets that it is real and true and therefore, we generate a reaction pertaining to what we perceive. The image is dynamic.The fact that the image is dynamic means that its growth must be proportional to the advance of the essence of the stimuli and the growth of the needs of the receiver. The creation of an image must respect the essence of the issuer. This means that the image must be consistent with the bearer of it, creating a wrong image will result in an unreal image that may work in the short term, but will not be efficient. The image is always relative. The construction of the image has three foundations: its essence, the goal to be achieved and seeking to satisfy the needs of the public. The process of creating an image is rational, so it will need a methodology. You cannot create a public image without following a scientific method, which seeks to improve it as a result.The effectiveness of an anger image is proportional to the coherence of the stimuli that cause it. It is based on the need of the mind to rig to understand; otherwise, the answer is rejection. It is more time consuming and complicated to rebuild an image than to build it from the beginning. It is necessary to take into account that the stimuli must be planned before starting a project. While the image is better, the influence will also be. The image of ownership permeates the institution. The image of the director or an executive representing an organization will be accepted as the general image of the company. The image of the institution permeates all its members.It is more time consuming and complicated to rebuild an image than to build it from the beginning. It is necessary to take into account that the stimuli must be planned before starting a project. While the image is better, the influence will also be. The image of ownership permeates the institution. The image of the director or an executive representing an organization will be accepted as the general image of the company. The image of the institution permeates all its members.It is more time consuming and complicated to rebuild an image than to build it from the beginning. It is necessary to take into account that the stimuli must be planned before starting a project. While the image is better, the influence will also be. The image of ownership permeates the institution. The image of the director or an executive representing an organization will be accepted as the general image of the company. The image of the institution permeates all its members.It will be accepted as the general image of the company. The image of the institution permeates all its members.It will be accepted as the general image of the company. The image of the institution permeates all its members.

Imagology as a Profession

The Bachelor of Imaging (RVOE No.2006251 SEP) is the first career at a higher level that trains professionals with strategic thinking in the field of Public Image trained to develop comprehensive image programs for people, institutions, brands and products that in a market complex and competitive, they demand smarter and more responsible forms of communication.

We all have the need to be well perceived and the Public Image Consultant satisfies that need, developing professionally in a virgin field where specialists are needed.

In a scenario saturated with conventional professions, the Bachelor of Imaging; represents not only a professional alternative, but also a way of life for all those who seek to develop in a comprehensive and competitive way in this new and sophisticated field of knowledge, responding efficiently to the market needs that increasingly demand consulting of an Imagologist.

The Degree has a duration of 4 years, which covers different areas of knowledge related to the disciplines that make up the study of Public Image such as Communication, Public Relations, Marketing, Design, Psychology, Architecture, Advertising; and all those specialties related to physical image, protocol, use of the word, persuasion, the environment and the management of traditional and digital media; among other fields linked to perception management (Pública, 2016).

Study Plan (See PDF)

Illustration 1 Syllabus Lic. Imagology (Public, 2016)

Illustration 5 Syllabus Lic. Imagology (Public, 2016)

Illustration 6 Syllabus Lic. Imagology (Public, 2016)

Illustration 7 Syllabus Lic. Imagology (Public, 2016)

Illustration 8 Syllabus Lic. Imagology (Public, 2016)

Candidate Profile

  • Ability for oral and written communication in Spanish. Ability to analyze and understand verbal and non-verbal language. Creativity and innovation for problem solving. Organization to work individually and in groups. Leadership and firmness in decision-making. Attitude of responsibility and social commitment.

Graduate Profile

  • Strategic thinking for the development of Master Plans for Public Image. Comprehensive view of the communication codes for the design of the public image of people, institutions, brands and products. Administrative capacity of human, technological and symbolic resources that intervene in the creation process perception. Business management skills in the professional field of Public Image Consulting. Ethical vision of the professional vocation as an Imagologist.

Labor field

  • Director of your own public image consulting company Trainer in the different areas of Imaginology Public Image Consultant for political campaigns and governments Public Image Consultant for artists, athletes and public figures in general Advisor in development and positioning of Brands and products Expert in event logistics such as congresses, conferences, tours, among others Employ yourself in the areas of communication, marketing, public relations and corporate identity in public and private organizations.

Thesis proposal

Preparation of a "Public Image Master Plan" to provide corporate identity to family businesses in the City of Orizaba, Ver.


I thank the Technological Institute of Orizaba for providing the tools and human capital to develop me professionally and the MAE Fernando Aguirre y Hernández, professor of the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering for promoting learning through practice among his students, thus encouraging proactivity and genuine learning.


  • Gordoa, V. (2012). Imaginology. DF: Grijalvo, La Torre, JI (July 20, 2010). WordPress. Retrieved from WordPress: https://imagologiajorge.wordpress.com/2010/07/20/hello-world/Méndez, SG (April 26, 2015). Prezi. Obtained from Prezi: https://prezi.com/nvxz71umyyn/bases-y-fundamentos-de-imagologia/P República, C. d. (September 27, 2016). College of Public Image. Obtained from the Public Image College: http://www.infocip.mx/licenciaturaSadoc, R. (April 13, 2012). Slideshare. Obtained from Slideshare:
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Imaging as a profession