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Exploratory research

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In this article we will try to develop the methodological framework of an investigation, where it is proposed to make a diagnosis of a specific topic, say for example, communication.

The type of research will be analyzed both by its nature, as well as by its purpose, temporal scope, breadth, character, and by the type of sources used in carrying it out.

In addition, it will be determined what methods and techniques will be used in the data collection process, subjects and sources of information.

Once the data is obtained, they will be presented and analyzed to fulfill the general objective of the research.

Aspects concerning the universe of study, the sample to be considered, data collection methods and techniques, procedures to analyze the data and their respective treatment will be developed.

Types of research

Roberto Hernández Sampieri indicates that the type of research, regardless of the object to which it is applied, aims to solve problems. In addition, it describes the type of research as a kind of compass in which knowledge is not produced automatically, but which avoids getting lost in the apparent chaos of phenomena, if only because it tells us how not to pose problems and how not to succumb to the spell of our favorite prejudices.

By its nature

If there is no previous research on our object of study, and therefore it is necessary to explore and investigate, in order to achieve the stated objective, the exploratory research type will be used. According to this, this type of exploration can be defined as follows:

Exploring means venturing into unknown territory. Therefore, we will undertake an exploratory investigation when we do not know the topic to be investigated, or when our knowledge is so vague and imprecise that it prevents us from drawing the most provisional conclusions about which aspects are relevant and which are not.

You can have a great will and enthusiasm to study or investigate any topic, but if it is unknown, an exploratory study should be started to begin to know and become familiar with it, to better specify the problem to be solved or to begin to shape to any previous hypothesis that we have on the matter.

To explore a relatively unknown topic, we have a wide spectrum of means to collect data in different sciences: specialized bibliography, interviews and questionnaires with people, participant (and non-participant) observation, and case monitoring. Exploratory research will end when, from the data collected, we acquire enough knowledge to know which factors are relevant to the problem and which are not. Until then, it is already in a position to undertake an analysis of the data obtained from which the conclusions and recommendations on the investigation emerge.

For its purpose

Humberto Ramírez mentions that the search for knowledge is a slow process. Despite the progress made in the search for knowledge, man has not yet found a perfect method to obtain answers to all his questions with a specific purpose, however the purpose makes him search for concrete results by his own means.

Inductive and deductive reasoning have certain limitations as research tools. The scientific method has proven to be a useful means of acquiring knowledge, both in the natural sciences, (gradually applicable to the solution of life problems in the modern world), and in the social and administrative sciences, whose purpose is to obtain valid, reliable and safe data.

The purpose and purpose of this research is to cause an effect that both reforms and transforms a phenomenon, which is why this research is called applied, if it is the case.

Because of its temporal scope

It would be Sectional, since we will make a structural synchronic analysis, in the example of communications, between one organism and another that have a direct and mutual interaction or that one depends on the other for its development.

For its breadth

Since our study is limited to a limited investigation in its level of interpretive inferences. It is an investigation whose results do not apply by extension to other objects of study.

By its character

It would be quantitative because a statistical survey will be carried out using structured surveys with closed questions as an instrument, and qualitative because in-depth interviews will be carried out that will be analyzed with a content analysis.

By the type of font used it would be:

  • Primary, since we will collect data in our field work through surveys and interviews Secondary, since we will take into account data from research carried out in a specific area Tertiary. When the research is interrelated with an external source Mixed. When using the three basic font types.

The marked differences of each source is that in the primary ones, they constitute the objective of bibliographic research or literature review and provide first-hand data, the secondary ones, consist of compilations, abstracts and lists of references published in a particular area of ​​knowledge. and the tertiary ones are documents that summarize names and titles of magazines and other periodical publications, as well as names of newsletters. Conferences and symposia.

Research subjects and sources

To obtain the required information, it is necessary to have both sources and research subjects. This is because the sources are supported by previous investigations that present basic information to discover new fields to explore within the investigation that is carried out.

The research subjects are validators of the consulted material that with foundation and property validate the data found in the consulted sources.

The research subjects are natural persons who in one way or another provide information to best develop this inquiry, in order to determine the causes and possible solutions of the problem posed.

The Research Methodology

Consists in:

  • Components of a documentary research protocol. Documentary research techniques. Intermediate products of a documentary research. Descriptive studies. Selection of a research topic. Development of research questions. Background. Research objects. Justification of a research topic. Reference framework and theoretical - conceptual framework Working hypotheses Work programs.

Purpose applied

This is divided into:

  • Basic Research (Pure). It refers to the research that is done to collect the basic necessary data to later carry out the next step: Applied Research. It refers to the application of the program and documentary research techniques in the field.

According to the nature of the investigation:

  • Qualitative It is the quality that is sought in the entire field of research. Quantitative. It is the amount of information that will be used to document, during and at the end of the investigation, all the data that will let us know how to determine the final results and final conclusions.

About Research Sources:

  • Primary. It refers to the social environment that will give us basic information, first-hand, to gather information based on interviews and surveys. It refers to the industries and institutions that provide data through publications on the subject, The fundamental characteristic of the investigation in these two steps, is the discovery of general principles. Tertiary. They are those that provide information on investigations made by third parties. These are compiled in reports, theses or theses, which are consulted as a guide for the development of the research. It refers to all of the above, including the service companies with which studies will be carried out to analyze the information finally collected.

According to the Research Framework:

  • Results analysis laboratory. It is the place where the data collected will be analyzed and the results that they offer will be measured. It refers to the different types of places where research takes place, whether in the community or in different business sectors.

According to what we are about to investigate:

  • Research oriented to the verification of theories. Based on the results, the theories that shaped the research will be tested. Discovery-oriented research. It will be discovered what in theory was done, the different stages that were analyzed before collecting the data. Application-oriented research. The schemes of our theories in the field will be applied in different ways and types of study.

Within the research process there are a series of phases, which we alluded to at the beginning of the work. One of them is the delimitation of the type of investigation that we will carry out.

To specify the research that we will carry out, we can refer to a computer tool, which is only intended to be a point of support in the delimitation of the type of research and that can help people who do not master the research process well.

A clear application of this instrument can be in the initial education or training of researchers. It can help to make the delineation of the various types of research more understandable to ultimately be successful.


  • Hernández S., Roberto. Research Methodology, Mc Graw Hill, Colombia Arnal, Daniel. Educational Research, Fundamentals and Methodology. Ed. Labor. Spain.García, Guillermo. Introduction to Research in Education. National University of Distance Education. Spain.Nieves, Felipe. Research Methodology in a Thesis. Ed. HiTEK. MexicoPereda Samuel. Experimental Psychology. Methodology I. Ed. Pirámide. Spain Ramírez Humberto. Research Methodology for Executives. Dr. Electronic Learnig. Mexico.

Here is a very complete video-course on research methodology and techniques in which doctors Antonio Aragón and Gregorio Sánchez, from the University of Murcia, address the following topics: the scientific method and types of research, the research problem and the construction of hypotheses, the sources of information for the investigation, the questionnaire and its design, construction of scales, reliability and validity, preparation of research articles and evaluation and publication of the research. Excellent material to continue learning about the methodological framework of the research. (13 videos, 2 hours and 48 minutes)

Exploratory research