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Reading: a tool for success and knowledge. test


The human being, throughout his life, from birth to death, goes in search of something, call it success, money, love, survival, etc. And each that achieves this purpose, he sets new objectives, new goals and more complicated, laborious and even longer, all this to achieve a personal satisfaction better known as: happiness.

However, not everyone thinks this way. Some people when they reach their comfort zone, that is, this state in which they have achieved what is acceptable to what they wanted, have reached an acceptable well-being and decide to settle there. Do not risk, do not sacrifice, do not go for more for fear of losing what you have acquired, this convenient moment that allows you to be half happy. This "worse is nothing" condition.

We can observe the same in multiple settings such as: school, family, work, marriage, etc. The university graduate who finishes his career and has no desire to continue updating in techniques or methods related to his profession, the employee who works his working day for a salary that allows him to live in a plausible way (with a pause, without hurry) but not seeks to ascend, give the extra, the width, go for more or stand out from the crowd, the husband who lives with the routine, and carries the problems of his marriage every day.

In a certain way we are all the graduate, the employee or the husband, or have been at some stage of our life. It is true that happiness is ambiguous for each one of us, each one gives it a different meaning, the perception we have of it depends a lot on our personal history. However, to those who are in an entrepreneurial state, that is, they go for more, who give the extra, what was it that motivated that impetus? Multiple ideas come to mind, be it: financial need, need to be recognized, need to be loved, etc. And those others who have not gone for more, who have fallen behind in the race, who have been lost, who do not see beyond the horizon, what was it that discouraged them?

Victor Hugo, a French poet, wrote “Nobody lacks strength, what they lack is will… The future has many names. For the weak is the unreachable. For the fearful, the unknown. For the brave it is the opportunity. " (1802-1885).

The will as a definition of the Royal Spanish Academy is: "human capacity to freely decide what is desired and what is not."

In this way, I believe that it is possible that with will one can get everything he wants and / or needs, however to be fully aware of what we want or need, we undoubtedly have to go to the intellect, to our brain, that multifunctional organ that works 24 hours a day.

On a certain occasion, I heard someone say that books are the food of the soul, I would translate it in the way that the great Borges did: "the book is an extension of memory and imagination." In other words, writing is a branch of the brain and, in turn, of knowledge. The latter cannot be conceived without a history, therefore, is reading fuel for the brain?

I think so, and that in addition to helping him to walk, it allows him to seek new guidelines, create shortcuts, connections from one side to another, remember routes, investigate unknown and once appropriate paths, design new roads, new paths, find old ones. passages and modify them, find a purpose for them, intend them. All this happens while we read, we are relating our old conceptions of one thing or another, to give it a new, more creative, more focused approach and at the end we feel, therefore, compensated, rich in knowledge, satisfied and nevertheless, with a hunger for even greater search and that is how we return to satisfy that hunger in that world of words: books.

I believe that reading is essential to be able to excel in any area of ​​our daily life, to be able to get out of our comfort zone, rethink our goals, our objectives, our beliefs, our customs and, ultimately, our life itself.

Reading: a tool for success and knowledge. test