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The magic of believing in yourself


One of the fundamental feelings to be able to align yourself and achieve what you want to Be, Do and Have, is the conviction that you can achieve your goals. This conviction is known by many names. Sometimes we refer to it as self-esteem, self-confidence, self-assurance. Feeling the conviction that you can achieve your goals means focusing on a state of mind that confirms to yourself that you can achieve what you set out to do and that you have what it takes to achieve it.

The question that arises at this point is:

How can you achieve this mindset that reinforces your decisions and actions?

Where do you find what you need to start trusting yourself?

The answer is very simple, what you need to believe in yourself is inside you. It is a position that you choose to present yourself to the world and that grows within you as you develop the pillars that support that position.

Many of the insecurities that you feel every day are probably due to concepts inherited from your families. This happens especially in people who have not been supported positively by their families and / or foster environments and who have absorbed from this stage prejudices and limiting beliefs that follow them through the path of life, preventing them from seeing the possibilities that open up. before them to create a better future.

However, one must bear in mind that the past is immutable, it cannot be changed; as I always say, it only remained in your memory. What you can do is reinterpret it to find in it the teachings and opportunities to get ahead. Blaming others for your low self-esteem should not be one of the tasks that you should focus on, but instead, you should take charge of the present that has infinite value. It is your responsibility to choose new beliefs and determine your priorities.

That is why today more than ever you should choose to be on your own team, to be your "number 1 fan", so that in this way you can push yourself towards the goals you are setting for yourself and look for - and find - what you need along the way. to reach them.

Here are some steps you can take to achieve that state of mind so necessary to reach your goals and build a better tomorrow for your life:

Don't waste your energy. Thinking about the things that are wrong, what you cannot change, and the mistakes you have made in the past will not help you raise your self-esteem. Instead, change your attitude and focus on what is at your fingertips right now. Focus your thoughts on your strengths and abilities, analyze all areas of your life and discover those gifts that will open new opportunities for you.

Get rid of negative thoughts. "I can't", "It's impossible", "It's so difficult", "It's hard for me", "If I were capable…", "If I had, I could do it… I could", "I wish it could reach me", and so many others… It's this kind of self-talk that slows you down on the path to your goals. You don't realize it, but when you think about them and hold them, they increasingly undermine your self-esteem, which is that engine that drives you wherever you want. Keep an eye on those voices inside your head and rectify the inner conversation to give it a positive spin that energizes you and gives you the necessary strength to achieve your goals.

Use your personal power to your advantage and do not hand it over to others. Focus your energies within yourself, focus on your strengths on what you think you are capable of by yourself, not by what others tell you about yourself. What others think of you does not have to matter to you. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does because that will make you a winner. Reinforce all your decisions and actions with what YOU want to do and achieve, with your dreams and goals. Stop thinking about what others say or think about you and focus on yourself, on those dreams that live in the depths of your heart, and if you do not know them yet, start a search path now!

And here you have it, my beloved reader, three steps that will help you create that state of mind with which you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Always remember that WANTING is BELIEVING, and BELIEVING is CREATING.

Beliefs are those thoughts that we accept as true and that we do not question. Dare to generate a new set of positive beliefs that drive you to achieve everything you always dreamed of.

The magic of believing in yourself