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The brand, maximum value of your company


What is a brand ?. Does brand management matter ?. Branding is an asset - The PATH model - Benefits of effective brand management

  1. Loyalty Margin Credibility Gain Differentiation

A brand vision simply and clearly establishes how the process of creating a brand should be in order to contribute to achieving corporate objectives.

Define the brand image

A well-developed brand image will guide your company in developing the correct strategies to achieve the brand vision.

To define your brand image, we need to perform three tasks:

  1. Understand what the brand image is Know the contract that the brand has with its customers Derive a customer model that reduces the perceptions and perspectives of your brand and the category in which it belongs

Components for the brand image

  1. Associations that customers attribute to the brand Associations to its character

The character of the brand

It is the set of human characteristics that consumers associate with the brand Prepare the contract for your brand

A brand contract is a list of all the promises that a brand makes to its customers

What should we do to develop a good brand contract?

Principles for developing a brand contract

Step 3

Prepare your brand contract

  1. Understand the brand agreement from your customers' perspective Translate the brand agreement into standards Fulfill the “good” promises in your brand agreement Discover and address the “bad” brand promises

The purpose is to reach a deep understanding of the beliefs and customer behavior that affect the brand.

A customer model answers three questions:

How do customers choose one brand over another when shopping? How does your brand compare to competitor brands? What opportunities are there for growth?

Benefits of a good positioning:

The brand has a unique, credible, sustainable and valued place in the minds of customers

Provides the direction required to focus the work of the organization and its strategic initiatives

Position your brand for success

Benefits of a good positioning:

  • Ensures a place in the mind of the consumer, translated into the benefit of the brand It is a credible promise of value that is offered in ways that distinguish your brand from others • Affirms your brand's commitment or promise to customers

Step 5

Position your brand for success

Three components of a well-built positioning:

  1. A definition of the target market you want to reach A definition of the business to which your company or category in which it competes belongs A statement about your point of difference and key benefits

Review your brand positioning regularly to make sure it remains relevant to your target market, changing clientele, market trends and dynamics, and company goals

Step 5

Position your brand for success

Basic principles of brand positioning

  1. Brand positioning should set the tone for all brand asset, revenue and profit management strategies

The positioning you choose should dictate the way you operate your business. Guiding you in the direction of all your income and profit generation strategies

  1. The general management must be at the forefront of change

The success of the positioning depends on the quality of the product, the brand image, the employees and the ability and desire of the general management to “demonstrate things with deeds, not with words

  1. Strong brand positioning responds to customer needs and perceptions

To get to the desired positioning, you must carefully analyze your data; These will reveal the needs and desires of the clients, the strengths and weaknesses of your brand, the core competencies and growth goals of your company, the competitive directions, among others.

There is no better way to fuel growth, beat the competition, and increase your brand image than by extending your brand equity. When should you extend your brand? Is the extension consistent with your brand vision?

Is the extension consistent with your global positioning?

Choosing the Right Brand Extensions - A 4 Step Process.

  1. Develop a brand extension strategy Explore problem areas and opportunity areas Generate new brand-based product ideas Develop brand-based concepts and conduct business analysis THE BRAND
  • Brand-based communication aims to develop and implement communication strategies that help bring your brand's positioning to life Brand management is not just communications management THE BRAND

5 principles for successful brand-based communication

  1. Use all communication strategies to achieve your corporate strategy goals and brand vision Your brand image and brand positioning help determine the right communication strategy Use an integrated marketing communication strategy Seven basic communication vehicles:

advertising, public relations, event marketing and corporate sponsorship, sales and commercial promotions, consumer promotions, direct marketing and internal communication with employees.

  1. Execute your communication strategy across the organization 5. Create internal participation, training, and measurement system.

Leverage your brand to maximize your channel influence

The most critical business and marketing question facing company executives today is Who controls the channel? The answer depends on who is asked among the intermediaries that touch a product, before it reaches the end customer

Three basic changes make this question more difficult to answer:

Three basic changes make this question more difficult to answer:

  1. Proliferation of superstores Increased presence of direct mail shipments E-commerce invasion

Main objectives of this step

  • Describe the change in the channel landscape and the difficulty in managing them Explain how brand strength can be used in dealing with channel members and maximize brand leverage on your own channel

Three questions to determine the power your brand has on the channel:

  • Where is the power in the sales process? How can your brand help you maximize channel power? How can your brand help you retain channel power?

Determining the right price for your brand could be the most important determinant that you are getting true value from your brand as an asset.

Benefits obtained by setting price premiums for a brand

1.Set a price premium relative to the competition

  1. Launch new products at lower costs than the competition Recover your development and launch costs in less time Reduce your costs of acquiring new customers Loyal customers continue to pay higher prices for your brand Charging premiums allows you to exercise greater control over your channel Ease of looking for opportunities to broadcast Licensing Leverage your brand in many target segments to own a category

The Pricing House:

Basement pricing

  • First floor prices Second floor prices Top floor prices Rooftop prices

Measure performance


  1. Brand recognition Brand compression and positioning Brand image recognition Compliance with brand contract


  1. Brand-driven customer acquisition Brand-driven customer loyalty and retention Brand-driven penetration or frequency Brand financial value

Establish a brand-based culture

Benefits of a brand-based organization

The previous evolution of organizations:

  1. Emphasis on economies of scale Emphasis on manufacturing quality Emphasis on creating demand Emphasis on mergers and acquisitions Emphasis on reengineering On the customer and company growth

Establish a brand-based culture

  • Employee motivations in a brand-based organization Recruiting for success with brand asset management The multi-functional approach


  • The brand is the most important thing in a company, it is its main asset • Companies that live by and for the brand are on the right path, not those that live off the brand Successful brand management necessarily implies a change in mentality and company structure • If you don't take control of your positioning and create it yourself, others will do it for you

It is decisive that the company creates an environment and a culture in which the human factor feels identified with its brand

The appropriate brand-based communication strategy must be developed, in order to bring your positioning to life and achieve your brand asset management objectives and goals Brand-based communication should always have as its purpose, to make your brand generate and strengthen a relationship with your customers and when closing the sale.

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The brand, maximum value of your company