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The seller's mind

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The Seller has two possible outcomes as an effect of his work: success or failure. There are no “half sales” or “partial sales”. The end product of the efforts is positive or negative, everything else is just experience.

This is why the Seller is so close to the spirit of the Strategy, because the result of his work could not be more transparent: victory or defeat. This conditions mental processes like few things, since it forces them to work with quality guidelines that can only be found in excellence.

The good Salesperson is indeed a successful person. The successful man is indeed a good Salesperson.

It is not necessary to reiterate that ALL people "sell" something always, from the moment they become conscious until they die. The ability to sell is a requirement of Life. Possibly the only sad thing about this reality is that most people do not assume it, and therefore it does not achieve everything that is proposed.

The "professional" Salesperson differs from the rest of the people who "sell" because he sticks as best he can to mental processes that guarantee positive results.

Some of the elements of that mental structure are the following:

1.- The Seller's Mind favors Empathy, not sympathy.

To perfect a sale it is not necessary to be "nice" it is essential to be empathetic.

The Seller knows that Empathy does not only lie in the fact of “putting oneself in the other's place”, it is also necessary to “ let the other know that one can put oneself in their place”. Empathy gets to Feel how the other feels and understands the reasons for those feelings even without accepting them, or completely disagreeing with them.

It is not easy to be a good Salesperson for a reason: it is very difficult to be empathetic.

Empathy requires something that most human beings are incapable of doing: transcending their own Self and placing themselves at the disposal of the premises of another.

Sympathy works on the margins of the Self, shapes it, gives it shape, and gently presents it to others. Empathy, on the other hand, requires that the Self be displaced from the focus of attention, at least during the time that it interacts with others.

Empathy is an important quality to have a satisfactory social life, but in the case of the Seller it is a vital requirement in their professional practice.

The Seller himself may not be an empathetic person, but he should be when he sells. And as a result of this virtuous exercise, he ends up being part of that group of "good people" who give hope to the world.

  • Putting yourself in someone else's shoes ensures that the right place and time is chosen to make the sale. Letting the other know that you can put yourself in their place ensures that the purchase decision is made with shared premises and considerations. Feeling how the other feels helps to “modulate” communication and find the points of agreement. Understanding the feelings of the other determines that the result of the transaction is always positive, regardless of whether it has been made effective or not.

And in order not to despise that catchphrase that calls for sympathy in the Seller, it will have to be concluded here that every empathic man ends up being a nice person, correct?

2.- The Seller's Mind does not recognize a “goodbye”, only a “see you later”.

It is often said that every sale begins with a NO, but the Seller's Mind does not limit this fact to the transaction.

In practice, the Seller receives more negative than positive responses in his efforts to make sales. If this were not the case, I would not be a Seller either.

NO is the norm, the pattern of every sales experience. YES is the exception that simply proves the rule.

However, in the Seller's Mind, it is NOT just a see you later, it is not a goodbye.

He does NOT close a chapter, but the story continues.

The Seller does not leave "injured or dead on the way", nor friendships or good relationships, he only interposes a "see you later" when the transaction does not reach the end it expects. That "see you later" is a way of understanding that after the NO you will find the positive answer.

Some picky salesperson will rather use a "see you soon", and thus have given a different, but more sympathetic, meaning to a "promise to sell."

The secret of perseverance is a little "mental trick": it lies in seeing a world full of successes that are temporarily "disguised" as failures, victories that "act" as defeats in a play that has a beginning and an end.

Life is made up of an infinity of doors that have those little signs that say "pull" or "push" unpainted. Many times a door is pushed hard and gently pulled open.

For the Seller it is clear that every door finally opens (this is the YES), only that sometimes he does not know if the door should be pushed or pulled (this is the NO).

Understanding something so basic does not require skill, knowledge or experience, it is just a mental process, one that does not know a goodbye and only knows a "see you later."

3.- The Shy person is the best Seller

This statement is also based on mental processes.

  • The shy person strives for two reasons: on the one hand in the sale transaction itself and on the other in overcoming his shyness to manage the contact.The person who overcomes his shyness knows a victory greater than that represented by the successful sale. And since there is no better stimulus than success itself, the person who overcomes his shyness to face a sales transaction is someone remarkably motivated. Confidence in the exercise of any work comes from the fact of feeling more and more capable, and the ability to overcoming oneself is difficult to compare with another positive feeling. The shy person, unlike the "relaxed or uninhibited" person, has a higher threshold for tolerance of failure and frustration.

Does this mean that people who are not shy are bad salespeople? No. This means that shy people can be excellent salespeople.

4.- The Seller's Mind does not seek to Persuade, it seeks to coincide.

It is not about convincing, it is about acknowledging.

Seller and buyer agree to recognize the mutual benefit of the transaction.

The richness implicit in Coinciding cannot be recognized by the mediocre mind. If the world worked in terms of coincidences and not divergences it would be another kind of world.

The coincidences unite, the divergences separate, and the latter concludes with any possibility of sale.

Finding points of agreement is easier and more effective than the effort to shorten differences. The Seller's Mind searches busily for coincidences, and when it finds one, it has the end of the skein in hand.

If there are many coincidences the work is easier, if there are few the work is less easy, period! The difficulty only exists for those who work on differences.

On the other hand, the Seller's Mind does not look for coincidences the moment of contact with the prospect, it does so much earlier. When you already interact with the buyer, you want him to recognize the coincidence, you do not convince him of anything that is not previously there.

Searching for matches is an art, but you can achieve mastery over it. The important thing is to understand the need for the search.

Nobody likes to be convinced of something, but everyone tries to agree in some way with others, this is an imperative of social nature!

5.- The Seller's Mind does not necessarily love what it sells, it loves the very fact of being able to sell.

Being able to sell is a privilege, buying is a necessity. Not everyone can sell effectively, but everyone needs to buy.

The Buyer can conclude satisfied with an acquisition, the Seller ends happy with a sale. There is a notable difference of degree in the sensation. One that also explains that wise requirement to "do what brings happiness", because nothing guarantees the quality of a job more than the contentment with which it is done.

A good Salesperson is an essentially happy person, at least with his profession, check it out!

Now, since nothing is simple in life and the Relative governs nature, there will be suffering in good salespeople as in anyone else, but there are many reasons why this can be considered less likely:

  • The Salesperson challenges himself every time he activates his work and wins by doing it. Each Sale is a victory. There is no stimulus greater than victory or something that wants to be replicated more than the feeling of success. The understanding of failure is for him. The same seller as the miner who extracts a gram of gold in the mud: the tons of gold that exist do not matter, he imports that little jewel that is hidden behind him. And the clay not only hides the jewel, it also prevents anyone from finding it effortlessly.The seller knows himself distinguished, because he also knows that there are not many like him.

If all this is not enough to basically be a happy person, then very few things qualify.



Carlos Eduardo Nava Condarco, a native of Bolivia, lives in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, is a Business Administrator and Entrepreneur. He currently works as Manager of his Company, Business Strategy and Personal Development Consultant, writer and Entrepreneur Coach.

Author of the book: “Entrepreneurship is a way of life. Development of Entrepreneurial Awareness ”

WEB: www.elstrategos.com

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The seller's mind