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The mind. champions tool to win


Champion tools to win at Wimbledon (or your particular tournament)

At our disposal and in our body, we have a tool that allows us to reach the most desired glory or, on the contrary, the most feared failure. It is about the MIND. The result depends on whether you make it play for you, against you, or leave it out of control. I recommend you read this week's article, where I talk about what happened at the 2017 Wimbledon final.

Very good!

Recently, we have seen how a champion, the tennis player CIlic, has suffered a very important setback in public: he has completely lost control on the tennis court, in the Wimbledon final, in front of the television cameras, and has become to cry in the middle of the game. It is not the first time that we see a similar show: another number one, Roger Federer, experienced a similar situation in 2009.

Of course he has shown his humanity, which is proof that even the stars also suffer from many of the problems that "normal" people have. Let there be no doubt that it is an out of series: because even if it has lost the final, it is a success to get here at Wimbledon.

The point is that it is possible to prepare for this type of event. I am convinced that Cilic does it, since the result of her work depends on it. What I am also sure of is that very few people who are not dedicated to professional sports, master the mental game. Rather I would say that less than 15% of the population does it *

What is the use of mastering the mental game? The benefits are incredible. It's not just about being an expert on the tennis court, or on a golf course, where precision and focus are key. It is about doing it on a day-to-day basis. Here are some advantages of being an expert in this technique:

  • Mastering the mental game involves choosing what we let enter our mind, and therefore the quality of our experiences. Here are two examples: Faced with an external stimulus, if what we attend is a thought that hurts us, we will immediately start to feel bad. This feeling, maintained over time, will create anxiety, anguish, even crying (as in the case of CIilic) or any other feeling that weakens us, and blocks us. In the long term, it will probably even generate some disease. If instead we discard that thought and choose one that supports us, the feelingof strength, personal power and even joy, will invade us and we will feel capable of doing anything. There will be health, creativity, and therefore expansion and growth. Mastering the brain game also means stopping working on automatic pilot, and starting to act in the way that suits us, with the possibility of changing the results. Yes!. I mean to change EVERYTHING you live in your day to day! Also here is an example: how many times have you seen yourself riding in the car, and wanting to go to a certain place, do you show up at your house? This happens because we have lost conscious control, and we have been carried away by habits, which are installed in our subconscious program and direct us to our usual destination.

Therefore, I encourage you to observe your mental game, and detect when you are processing a thought that does not suit you. At that moment , change it for the one that interests you, which will make you feel strong, capable, and will allow you to get going to search for what you want most.

Would you like to enter the exclusive group of 15% of developed society that is highly efficient? So it is a requirement to master this technique.

* Brendon Burchard, the best coach in the world in “High Performance” has given us this information that he extracts from his next book “HIgh Performance Habbits”. He says that only 15% of the population is considered High Performer ”.

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The mind. champions tool to win