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Motivation in the construction of argumentative texts in 3rd grade students in Cuba


The Primary School has as a social task to achieve an educational quality in schoolchildren.

The development of the macro skills of linguistics should be achieved through the Mother Language subject, that students are able to listen, write, read and speak well. That is why the motivation of third grade students must be captured in the construction of argumentative texts, achieved through the proposal of a set of activities that favors the aforementioned process.

• The proposal should not constitute a scheme for the teacher, but an alternative in their pedagogical practice so that they can obtain significant results in the quality of their schoolchildren's learning and thus enhance a developmental teaching, by activating the logical thinking of students as it is aspired in the Third Educational Revolution in Cuba.

Although there has been progress in the conceptions of language teaching, there are still current programs and textbooks that respond to normative and structuralist approaches, focused on grammar with an objective in itself and not based on the processes of understanding and construction, which deprives the teaching of language and literature of all social, cultural and human nature. This not only affects mother tongue programs, but has also affected study in other teachings to some extent.

The growing trend towards a socio-cultural conception of linguistic research, which reveals the links between cognition, discourse and society, highlights its interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature. At present, the training of integral teachers, capable of covering content from different areas, requires a knowledge of the language as a means of cognition and communication, as well as mastery of cognitive and metacognitive strategies, essential in all classes and in all the subjects.

The turn given to linguistic research from the 70s and 80s of the last century, focused on the uses, structures and functions of discourse that had its antecedents in the Prague school, was reflected in the teaching of language, which is assumed as an essential means of human cognition and social communication. From a language didactics, the interest has been transferred to a speech didactics, which deals with the teaching-learning process of this in the contexts in which it is used and which is devoted to the treatment of the contents of the programs, the analysis of the semantic, pragmatic and syntactic dimensions.

In our country the teaching of Spanish and Literature has been influenced by different linguistic currents: normative grammar, structuralism and in the university environment, generative and transformational grammar. The influence of some of these currents in school programs and in the training of teachers who are preparing to teach them, is still very strong. Despite the attempts to advance this teaching towards the most recent approaches, based on the linguistics of the text and the cognitive and communicative approach, programs that establish a marked divorce between grammatical content and the development of communication skills prevail in schools. These grammatical contents are addressed within the limits of the sentence,Therefore, the student does not discover its functionality in the comprehension and production of texts, nor does he acquire the competence to produce different types of discourse in various contexts, since the classical and academic tradition of privileging the literary text continues to be rooted.

Elsewhere, the emergence of the Moscow Linguistic Circle, and the Society for the Study of the Theory of Poetic Language, in Petrograd, which forms the heart of the so-called "Russian literary formalism" or Russian Formalist School, exerted great influence on the decades of the 20th century and were inherited from the most important contributions of 19th century linguistics. Another current of linguistics that has its antecedents in nineteenth-century linguistics was that developed by the Prague school, which draws on the contributions of Russian and Soviet linguistics, as well as Polish linguistics.

Well into the twentieth century, in the 1950s, generative and transformational grammar emerged, as a reaction to structuralism, whose founder is the North American linguist Noam Chomsky.

The teaching of language and literature in most of the world (from which we except the didactics from the former socialist countries), always under the influence of the traditional normative approach, did not escape the boom, first of structuralism and, later, of generativism, both focused on the formal description of structures and rewriting rules, respectively, apart from the development of communication skills.

Since the 1940s, research related to communication began to gain momentum. The first models of the communicative process appeared, developed by Berlo, Shannon and Lawell, and a growing interest in artificial languages ​​and semiotic systems.

Ethnomethodology studies and those from cognitive psychology, which had offered conclusions about the mental processes involved in the construction of texts, contributed theoretical and methodological elements that were decisive for understanding the interactive nature of phenomena such as understanding, opinions and explanations, and the ideological, political, and ethical conceptions that arise in the process of human communicative activity.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the interest in cognitive and communicative processes became more evident, whose approach from the perspectives of different sciences revealed their interdisciplinary nature. According to Van Dijk, (2000: 55) “{…} in the various branches of communication studies, awareness about the usefulness of detailed discourse analysis as it appeared in messages from the mass media and interpersonal communications grew, intercultural and commercial ”. (Dijk, 2000: 55) Thus arises the linguistics of the text or discourse and the analysis of discourse.

In Cuba, the training of teachers, capable of covering content in different areas, requires a deep knowledge of the language as a means of cognition and communication, as well as the mastery of cognitive and metacognitive strategies, to understand and produce meanings, essential in all areas. classes and in all subjects. It is affirmed, with good reason, that every language teacher plays an important role in the processes of transmission and acquisition of knowledge, in the work of educational influence, in the formation of character, which allows us to define it as a transversal "macro-axis" of the curriculum. We can affirm that the word instructs and educates, which together with the exemplary nature of the teacher as a model of social behavior, is decisive in the process of educational influence of children, adolescents and young people.

At present, the application of an approach that brings the teaching of the language closer to the actual use made by the speakers is an urgent need. The cognitive, communicative and sociocultural approach responds to this aspiration, by revealing the nexus between the cognitive and communicative processes that express the unity of noesis and sedmiosis, that is, of thought and language, and their dependence on the sociocultural context where these processes take place. If we consider the above, the teaching of the language involves equally, not only those teachers who teach the language, but everyone in general without distinction of areas,Taking into account their class, cognitive and communicative processes take place that they must know how to direct and the role that corresponds to each one in the sociocultural development of their students as an interdisciplinary problem.

In Primary Education the objective of the Mother Language class is that the student can understand reality (natural or social), learn to signify it and express what is meant, it is conceived as a permanent and reciprocal linguistic interaction between teacher and student (It does not matter the degree to which it occurs and if taking it into account), language is studied as a dimension of the human closely linked to the life and social action of man. For this, the language is taught through a methodology that trains it to use it. This approach is based on the linguistics of discourse, and addresses the functional, the programmatic, the discursive, it is the communicative approach.

In the center where this research is carried out, the student's constructive activity is considered as a decisive factor in carrying out the tasks of textual construction: it is he who modifies, reworks his knowledge schemes and the teacher acts as a guide and mediator to facilitate the construction of meaningful learning that allows you to establish relationships between previous knowledge and experiences and new content, providing opportunities for them to be put into practice. In the activities, personal reflection on what has been done is encouraged and conclusions are drawn regarding what has been learned.

In the investigative process, different instruments were applied as an initial or feasible diagnosis, where it was found that the students present demotivation due to reading caused by the content of the text selected by the teachers, which does not arouse their interest, which makes their ability decrease for reading comprehension and as a consequence it becomes difficult to make the argumentation of texts, this aspect being fundamental as a form of communicative competence, for the achievement of an integral general culture.

This problem has its particular expression in the Third Grade students of the "Raúl Cepero Bonilla" school in the city of Holguín, who demonstrate deficiencies in the content that serve as a basis for efficient development in the construction of argumentative texts, since the Demonstrations and why are made on what is known, and the quality of the argument does not allow assessing the quality of that knowledge. In the last three courses, the evidence of limited stimulation and rejection of tasks related to the construction of argumentative texts has multiplied, to which is added manifestations of incomprehension of the text, its intentions, dimensions, among other aspects.as well as they must do it, they must to argue, brings as a consequence constant manifestations of uncertainties or disapproval with respect to the construction of argumentative texts at the time of their execution.

The diagnoses made by the teachers at different times of the course showed that many of the problems that Third Grade students of the aforementioned school present in this regard, is largely the lack of motivation, a fundamental condition for constructing argumentative texts. for implicit mental states and processes necessarily have an emotional component, and not only in relation to the social world but also to the physical one. Although no effective measures have been taken to radically resolve this situation, they have been analyzed in the different meetings with the participation of specialists.

In the evaluations that the teaching group has made at different times about the causes that cause negative results in learning with respect to the writing of texts with arguments, it has been determined that in the center object of the research, it has a multifactorial origin.

Today the construction of texts based on argumentation guarantees the success of the students' communicative competence. We have become aware of the deficiencies that our educational system presents in this sense, for which different actions have been formed to solve the deficiencies raised, taking into account the potentialities and needs of the students, knowing how far we work with success and where you start to fail.

Cuba has had to introduce transformations in its teaching system based on the students' learning problems, characterized by the lack of student leadership. That is why it is necessary to draw up strategies that allow solving the deficiencies that arise in the construction of argumentative texts.

Bibliographies of different authors have been consulted and the following criteria have been found:

• The construction of argumentative texts is an important aspect in the communicative competence of students.

• Must sit as a fundamental basis for writing texts, the interpretation of the texts given.

• Changes in the approach of the teaching - learning process with respect to writing to achieve the activation of logical thinking.

• Take advantage of the potential offered by new technologies based on the construction of texts.

Applying the above criteria should be achieved:

• That students are competent in arguing.

• Teach accurately how to interpret, and then execute the construction of argumentative texts.

• Activate the logical thinking of students, facilitating student leadership.

• Avoid exposing passive manifestations of students in activities.

At this time, according to the approach given by the aforementioned authors, a very large obstacle must be overcome, which is not knowing how to determine the fundamental and secondary idea of ​​a text to make an interpretation and then build an argumentative text.

Suggestions of methods and methodological procedures for the application of the proposed activities.

Teaching methods are generally understood as the way in which the teacher influences the cognitive activities of students, which is specified in the sequence of teaching and learning activities carried out by both to achieve the proposed objectives.

Teaching methods are determined by the objectives, by the nature of the teaching material, by the peculiarities of the ages of the students and by the conditions of the organization of the teaching process. To be effective in its application, teaching methods must meet a number of requirements. Every method must start from a human approach, with a view to the integral formation of man.

Sometimes a student's behavior and assimilation condition irritate the teacher against that student. This reaction is contrary to the human principle of forming the whole man. Students are not trained for us, but we have to trained to make them better than us.

This, which is so well known, if it serves for the teacher, to a large extent determine the success of the school and its work with the students. If a student is uneducated, careless, distracted and does not know the study material well, there is no doubt that part of the fault lies with the teacher, since he has not been able to find the method to train the student in a correct line of conduct.

The above is only based on a series of teaching principles, but constitutes a kind of moral code.

Therefore, when selecting the methods, the teacher must take into account that they meet the following conditions:

1. Be scientific, so that the teacher, when applying them, starts from a scientific base and deepens it.

2. In this sense, you must bear in mind the level of the degree program and the level of knowledge that your students have.

3. Have a system character, that is, they must be applied together; using a single method can lead to big mistakes. The above is planted because the methods have positive and negative aspects if they are applied isolated and not part of a system; however, if they are combined harmoniously, adapting them to the activities, they are much more effective.

4. Be affordable and safe. This is manifested in the real possibility of students and teachers to face a method to achieve the objectives and at the same time in offering students gradual difficulties that, when overcoming them, develop their personality.

5. Be highly fruitful, that is, they not only respond to matter, but also help the knowledge of others. When choosing a method, the teacher must take into account that it is in accordance with the multiple knowledge that the student has and that it covers other aspects that ensure the formation of their personality.

6. Be comfortable and easy to apply. For example, ask students concise questions and facilitate their answers. You should look for simple methods of clear and sharp application.

After having analyzed some general aspects of the methods, we will now explain the system of methods that we recommend using in the application of the set of activities. For this we have taken into account three fundamental components: Active contemplation, logical knowledge and practice. In accordance with this, we will divide the methods for applying the set of activities into two groups:

1. Methods of explanation and presentation of the study material by the teacher.

2. Methods of independent work of the students with the guidance of the teacher.

Based on research carried out at the “Raúl Cepero Bonilla” Primary School in the city of Holguín, about the theoretical foundations of the construction of argumentative texts, the application of research instruments and their results, the following conclusions were reached.

 The issue of motivation in the construction of argumentative texts has not been approached with sufficient systematicity as an object of research in Primary Education.

 In the diagnosis, the theoretical ignorance on the part of some teachers about creativity and its development regarding the construction of argumentative texts was verified; as well as deficiencies in methodological work that have an impact on the results of schoolchildren.

 Students have not consciously developed the ability to construct argumentative texts due to ignorance of their structure.

For all these reasons, a set of novel activities was developed (Puzzles with phrases, crosswords, traditional children's songs, poetry, fables, selected readings from "The Golden Age", etc.), which greatly helped to provide an effective method for the construction of argumentative texts to the teaching group of the third grade of the aforementioned school. These activities, according to the criteria of various specialists, have been considered suitable to strengthen this process. As a tangible result of the application of this set of activities, we can mention the results obtained in two pedagogical tests carried out on the students of the referred primary school. Before the application of the activities, the students obtained low marks,After using the method, the results were superior both quantitatively and qualitatively.

As part of this work it is recommended:

o Addressing the subject of the construction of argumentative texts as an object of investigation from the first grades as a way to systematize the study of this subject in the transit of the school through Primary Education.

o To project through different methods of methodological work the improvement of the teaching staff regarding the treatment of the content of the proposed activities.

o Disseminate this proposal of activities to generalize its application to different schools of Primary Education in the country, as a way to improve the teaching-learning process due to its role in the intellectual development of schoolchildren.

o Socialize the proposal in events, workshops, among other activities among researchers interested in the subject.


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Motivation in the construction of argumentative texts in 3rd grade students in Cuba