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Work motivation as a challenge to achieve the desired productivity in venezuela


The presence of the power of the currency in our Venezuelan society sometimes leads us to think that it is everything, leaving behind the other needs of the human being. However, money is not everything in life, in organizations workers seek constant improvements, it is there, that to retain your best talents, you must give depth and quality to your incentive strategies.

Currently, managers are wondering how to motivate their employees when the wave of the crisis has positioned itself as the main workload, causing in turn the recession of jobs. The effects of these external factors collide with the objective of organizations in achieving the desired productivity, in such a complex work environment.

In this regard, the work psychologist from UNAM, Mónica Vidal Vallejo. He argues that motivation and commitment are guaranteed not just about attitude. For an employee to meet their objectives in an efficient way and decide to contribute a plus (Quality and productivity) to their performance, it influences what they live within their organization, in their own department and in the relationship with their supervisors.

If an employee with high potential with high potential is located within an organization in an area where their abilities are not valued, their ideas are not taken into account, or they can make decisions, they will quickly become demotivated and frustrated, as indicated by a study carried out by Tower Perrin - ISR consultancy, in more than 18 countries.

And despite the relevance of this concept in most organizations, they are not able to incentivize their people, since (7) seven out of every (10) ten employees feel frustrated in their workplace, while (5) five out of every (10) believe that their work area does not value their abilities, according to an investigation carried out by the human resources consultancy Hay Group.

Today, the most important work is the so-called knowledge work, in a growing number of companies, this has become quantitatively the majority work. But even in those in which this has not yet been achieved, knowledge work is the one that has the greatest impact on the value-adding capacity of the company and the way they do it, according to Carlota Pérez, (2002).

The manager-foreman, who exhibited great effectiveness in the management of manual labor, is highly ineffective in this new scenario, in this regard Warren Bennis (2002), indicates that in a study carried out by him, when asked to a large group of workers intellectuals, the percentage of their potential work that they deliver to their companies, the answer is surprising. On average, these workers only deliver 20% of their work potential. And when they are asked, what is the obstacle that prevents them from delivering the remaining 80%, the answer can only be disconcerting: “My boss! If it allowed me to do what I can! " Management, which has as one of its most important objectives to guarantee the greatest effectiveness of work, has become the main obstacle to achieving it. This is most likelythe root of the current management crisis. This, however, is not surprising.In the traditional model, the boss's order defines the optimum of what the worker can do. However, with the development of knowledge work, the boss usually knows less than many of his subordinates. If we continue to do what it orders and as it orders it, it is not surprising that we lose 80% of the productive potential of these workers.

In this regard, Lic. Ana Paula Dos-Santos, Employee of the Proter Gambel tells us that after the crisis, organizations cannot afford to motivate their employees only through the improvements and economic benefits established by the organizations, to To achieve a change of aptitude in the employee, it is necessary to think about generating a better condition for their daily work environment. Originating, causing and producing Motivation goes beyond a salary increase, it requires getting involved and committing to the objectives, appropriating them.

Establish an attractive organizational climate, in which its people aspire to develop, grow, and not run off to find another job, for this implies starting to look for personal matters, actions that allow the employee to feel that they have a better balance between work and the personal.

Each organization and its employees always generate myths, the following are the 4 most common regarding this issue, according to Ivonne Vargas:

1. What counts is money. It is thought that once the salary has been established, it is no longer necessary to assess the extra-work, family and quality of life needs of the employee, or that it is the only incentive that improves employee performance.

Although the salary increase never hurts, it is not the only determining factor to motivate. It can pique the interest of employees for a few months, but once the employee adjusts his expenses to that new budget, he will need other types of perks.

There are benefits that are very important to the employee and do not require a large outlay, such as face-to-face and immediate recognition. Which represents the well-called Emotional salary, which allows to generate loyalty and commitment. Among the causes that it generates can be mentioned, a happy employee, with fewer rotations and a significant decrease in anxiety and stress in the work team.

In this same vein, another example of this type of recognition is to compensate the person for an achievement obtained through concessions, such as a free afternoon or availability of time to take a course.

2. Problems solve themselves. Regardless of the number of employees or the size of the organization and the problems between them are solved by magic, the manager of the organization might think. But turning a blind eye and letting them pass can bring great consequences (small effects-Generate great causes).

Problems within an organization are inevitable and if they are not solved in time, it is counterproductive, because its effect is directly associated with productivity and the work environment. Generally, People Management is responsible for conciliating, integrating and smoothing complicated situations, however not all problems can be left to responsibility, it is necessary that the different managements of the organization keep the communication channels open with their work team and analyze all aspects of the problem to be able to face it and obtain a solution with a holistic vision (of 3600).

3. Train staff for what? Many managements consider that investing in an employee, through constant courses and training and other tools, are double-edged weapons, because once the staff learn everything they need, they usually look for another job and leave before paying for that training.

The process of training staff through training and knowledge updates cannot be submitted under that vision or concept. Having a more knowledgeable employee is always a competitive advantage for any organization. First, because it is a tool that will serve to reinforce performance and that in turn generates better results. Second, if someone resigns or is promoted, you can have in advance the generation of replacement within the organization, which will already be trained in the skills and abilities that the position requires. Planning also plays an important role since it must be oriented to carry out training on the needs of each work team.

4. Smart employees don't need to be Motivated. If employees deliver good results, it can be interpreted that they are happy in the organization and that there is no need to worry about them, it is better to pay attention to those who really need help to develop.

Innate talent, understood as people who make a difference through their work of excellence, is a scarce resource that should not be neglected, as it tends to get bored and over time, stop trying or much worse, look for opportunities in another organization. The ideal is to maintain open communication with this type of employee, and to encourage them, they can be offered the opportunity to participate in other projects of the organization.

The key to a motivational plan is to understand that employees as individuals seek a desire to excel and have their efforts recognized. Making them feel like what they're doing makes sense, this is one of the quickest ways to incentivize.

Work motivation as a challenge to achieve the desired productivity in venezuela