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The nature of success


The success that we commonly say is the happy result of a good performance belongs to those who feel that the place where they live is better than when they arrived there. A successful person is one who has the ability to respect every living being and nature in all its context, he is the one who has known how to recognize the good things in everyone and everything. Achieving success is having given your best for the benefit of others.

Many times we think that success is in power, fame and fortune, but we are wrong, since it depends on the joy and happiness that we print in our life, that is where the key is. It is in the hands of those who know how to love, laugh and who have earned the respect of young and old.

When there is success there is no selfishness and it makes us happy to make others feel important in an open and sincere way.

Some people have wanted to buy success, but it has been ephemeral, because it has been only a hoax that they do, evading their own reality.

Success tends to be confused with the opportunities that are achieved in life, and many times they are linked to a series of injustices for others, that is, they have not been won by our efforts, work and perseverance, but by the famous and misleading influence, which in most cases prevents us from personal growth.

Learning to accept ourselves is also an important factor in achieving success. If we can clearly distinguish the good from the bad, and we are aware that we are a unique being in the world, in other words, that no two human beings are alike in the world, that is only a great motivation to continue living being successful.

A good percentage of things in our life are right, and a very low percentage, wrong. If we can focus our attention on the highest percentage, that is, on the good, we can be happier every day and make others happy.

Trusting in us, discovering our abilities and aptitudes and the importance of developing them, gives us happiness, which should not be in anything that is outside of us, we must look for it within ourselves, because happiness is God and he is immersed in our heart.

Always looking at the beautiful side of life fills us with illusions, dreams, hopes, and satisfaction; It helps us to keep our balance by making us seek humility, which is knowing what we are and what we are worth, it is an attitude of the spirit. It is healthy to break with pride and receive the help that they offer us.

One of the worst obstacles to success is ingratitude, since with it we despise and beat today, those who reached out to us yesterday.

Let us never tire of doing good, let us not allow laziness to weaken our spirit. Living with enthusiasm and energy, sowing good, makes us more human every day. It is necessary to always walk towards success with firm and determined steps.

If we refuse to follow the evolution of the world, the pain can drag us without remedy, since walking determinedly, the voices of the negatives and evil will not reach us. Facing all the gales of life with a smile on our lips helps us to walk forward, joyful and confident that we are going to succeed, no matter how great the difficulties of the road.

If we behave with a certain style of which we are sure, we will act without fear, even if others misjudge it.

Work ennobles those of us who do it with enthusiasm, love, and values ​​us.

It is important to create an environment of tranquility and harmony. Working and trusting in us, being effective in projects, believing in our inner potentiality, training ourselves to be better every day, carrying out tasks diligently, with the intelligent application of successful methods, we will achieve that our capacity moves our mind in a positive way, to achieve ways and means to achieve desired objectives. With our will to move forward, we will be able to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals and ideals. Working tenaciously and with serene assurance leads us to success.

A sure path to success and happiness lies in helping everyone without preferences, with works, words and thoughts, with a word of encouragement, kind attention, a smile of encouragement; if we help we help each other.

Visualize ourselves as achievers, our positive mental image will lead us to achieve amazing achievements.

Cultivating our ability to look with sympathy at our fellow men leads us to the tendency to discover the good and pleasant that happens around us.

We are capable of much more than we imagine, our reasonable efforts accomplish very difficult things.

We are wonderful beings, capable of motivating us to live and act optimistically; we have a transcendent value and we are called to integral progress, with the ability to improve day by day, exercising our qualities. Our greatest merit will be in cultivating the best virtues and each obstacle we encounter in life will be one more reason to climb higher; We have come to this world to succeed not to fail.

Let us remember that our lives are a beautiful gift that God has given us, we have the positive power to promote peace, fraternity and camaraderie by being sowers of happiness and joy.

The nature of success