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The enthusiastic person. autotelic and holistic


"Seriousness is a stronghold of superficiality." Oscar Wilde.

Bad or good, we all like to play a little for the grandstand. It must be the healthiest and most shared envy, when we find out that compatriots footballers are being shouted "Uruguayan - Uruguayan", which is happening today in various stadiums around the world.

What Uruguayan soccer fan has not dreamed of experiencing something similar!

In the ordinary activities we do, a stimulus, a pat on the shoulder, a "let's go upstairs!" , which hardly happens.

This is how we are, it is a fact of reality, that we must know what is going to happen and if the opposite happens, let's rejoice, enjoy!

So, since we know that it is going to be like this, and we want to carry out our new idea, a new project or simply an innovative way of doing what we do every day, let's seek gratification in that own action, in what we alone we make. When we are able to face life with this implication, it can be said that we have achieved an " autotelic " personality. Autotelic is a word made up of two Greek roots: auto (self) and telos (meta). An autotelic activity is one that we do by itself, because living it is the main goal.

An autotelic person finds gratification in all the activities they carry out, that makes them more autonomous and independent, they cannot be easily manipulated with threats to or external rewards.

So, this is how we face the world with our ideas, our projects, which we must focus on.

"Where I put my attention is my world", nobody is going to take care of ours, if it happens, let's take advantage and enjoy!

Regarding the focus, something happens that seems contradictory. Focus on ours and holistic thinking. We must always think of the properties of the whole system, hence we think of "holos," in the whole, in the whole, in the whole. The system as a whole determines how the parts behave. The general principle of holism was succinctly summarized by Aristotle: "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

It is defined as treating a subject considering all its components, with their invisible relationships through the five senses, but equally evident. It is used as a third way or a new approach to a problem. Holism emphasizes the importance of the whole, which is greater than the sum of the parts and gives importance to the interdependence of these.

Thinking about the whole, for example, means that we can anticipate future problems, gain in innovation and creativity, in addition to that of Steve Jobs, "waiting for the points to join", we can take another step, anticipate what is going on to come.

What we do is the most important thing in the world, nothing more important than "that." However, when thinking in holistic terms, we take into consideration the "other" that we have next to us, who is also fighting for his own thing, which is the most important thing…, for him!

When we think of the “other”, what my friend Alex Visic says happens: “the amount of success one achieves in life is directly proportional to the number of people you help to achieve their own success”.

And for what in the world we are not alone, with the patience that I must have while "my thing matures", I give a hand to the neighbor, who tells you that the points do not join?

In addition, we must always maintain a good mood, especially when we know that the brain lobe of humor is next to the brain lobe of creativity, good humor makes us more creative.

Nor can we go around spreading bad vibes out there, contaminated to those around us, what guilt they have that things do not turn out for us due to lack of creativity or patience!

Autotelics, holistic thinking and good humor make us enthusiastic!

The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek and means to have a God within you.

The enthusiastic or enthusiastic person was one who was taken by one of the gods, guided by his strength and wisdom, and for that reason could transform the nature that surrounds him and make things happen.

Only enthusiastic people were able to meet the challenges of everyday life. It was therefore necessary to get excited to solve the problems that arose and move on to a new situation.

Enthusiasm is not a quality that you build or develop. It is a state of faith, of self-affirmation, "it is nothing more and nothing less than faith put into action."

The enthusiastic person is one who believes in their ability to transform things, believes in themselves, believes in others, believes in the strength they have to transform the world and their own reality. She is driven to act in the world, to transform it, moved by force and certainty in her actions.

Enthusiasm is what gives a new vision of life.

Enthusiasm is different from optimism. Many people mistake optimism for enthusiasm. Optimism means believing that something favorable is going to happen, even longing for it to happen, is to see the positive side of things, it is a kind attitude towards the events that occur. Instead, enthusiasm is action and transformation, it is the reconciliation between oneself and the facts, things.

There is only one way to be enthusiastic: by acting enthusiastically.

If we had to wait for the ideal conditions first and then get excited, we would never get excited about something, because we would always have reasons not to get excited. It is not "things that go well" that bring enthusiasm, it is enthusiasm that makes us do things well. There are people who wait for conditions to improve, for success to come, for their work to improve, for their relationship with a partner or family to improve, and then become enthusiastic, the truth is that they will never be enthusiastic about something.

If we believe that it is impossible to be enthusiastic about the current conditions in which we live, it is most likely that we will never get out of that situation. It is necessary to believe in oneself, in the ability to do, transform and transform the reality that surrounds us. Let go of all negativity, put aside all skepticism, stop being incredulous and be enthusiastic about life, with those around us and with yourself.

Without Vision there is no enthusiasm ”, Daniel Goleman taught us, let's connect to our “ideal I” and walk down the path to our dreams.

The enthusiastic person. autotelic and holistic