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The personality to achieve success


HC Hunt, a guru of psychology, in a study he conducted in 76 companies, found that only 10% of workers who had lost their jobs, owed their failure to technical incompetence. The remaining 90% were fired for their inadequate personal characteristics, specifically for lacking a proactive personality.

The Carnegie Foundation, in an investigation in this regard, concluded that the success of a subject is due in 85% of the cases, to the characteristics of his personality and 15% to his technical, technological or professional preparation.

Many other studies confirm that on average 80% of individual achievements are based on personal attractiveness and the remaining 20% ​​on knowledge and skills related to the trade. The above, dear reader, gives you an idea of ​​the responsibility you have for your own destiny. Only you can achieve the necessary changes and adjustments in your personality, to get along with others wherever you are. For this you need to detect defects, correct them and overcome them with sincerity, enthusiasm and perseverance, daily practice skills to highlight the best and most convenient personal characteristics, according to the circumstances.

The better you know and understand your own personality, the better prepared you will be to create pleasant relationships with others, and therefore you will be able to be happier yourself and radiate that state of mind around you.

The best way to begin this process is to detect the interests of others and in accordance with them, convince them that something convenient is proposed to satisfy them.

To bring him to that conviction, it is necessary to present evidence that leads the other to the conclusion that the proposal is timely, honest, complete, and accurate.

  • Timely: means to present the evidence at the right time. Wait until the other person is rested, calm, well fed, fresh and comfortable. Honest: the shorter the exposure, the better the attention of the interlocutor is captured. An untrained adult individual can only focus attention for ten minutes, without becoming fatigued or "throwing balloons." Complete: it means covering all the fundamentals. Precise: it means avoiding detours, "getting to the point."

Now, this proposal must be transformed into trust and for this, we must:

  • Conquer it: demonstrating balance, self-control, wisdom, intelligence, precision, good judgment, honesty, empathy, decision and action Check it: when you feel that someone is ready to believe in you, ask for something of some importance without exposing the evidence of why what should do it Maintain it: avoid behaviors on your part that lead to the destruction of the faith that has been deposited in you Encourage it: affirm it through reciprocity. Giving your faith to those who trust you.
The personality to achieve success