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Personal planning


Don't leave the future to chance

In the organizational field, talking about the closing of the fiscal year and the beginning of the next generates as much optimism as when any of us looks with hope at the arrival of the new year.

You always hope that next year will be better than this. But unlike most, companies are not in the business of waiting for fortune and happiness to come just as the clock strikes twelve at night on the last night of the old year.

Companies maintain a constant process of review, adaptation and reorientation of their plans to ensure that the new year is indeed better than the previous one. That is why companies strive to carry out strategic, tactical and operational plans, in the short, medium and long term; They need to guarantee their permanence over time and be prepared for any situation that puts the company at risk or benefits.

Unfortunately, when it comes to the free exercise of our will, strategic and tactical planning seems to be an indecipherable concept and we limit our efforts to short or medium-term operational plans, in some cases with a good dose of subjectivity, faith and desire to get luck. In most cases we leave this subject more to chance next year than to monitoring and achieving objectives worthy of a complete and well thought out plan.

It is precisely for this reason that it is worth asking whether we should recognize next year as new or not, because if you plan to do the same as last year and those that preceded it, what would you have new?

In the book “La Buena Suerte”, by Álex Rovira and Fernando Trías you can find a phrase that invites you to reflect on the concept of hope and the changes that produce improvements, it is pronounced by a Gnome who assures, paraphrasing Einstein: “Different things cannot be achieved if different things are not done”. It's simple. As long as we do the same and behave as usual, how can we expect a change to occur? Einstein also once said that the closest thing to insanity was to expect a different result by applying the same formula.

But you cannot think of doing something different and that this, in the same way as the previous behavior, subject to chance and improvisation, would be sterile and frustrating. The concept of business planning must be translated into personal behavior and the important and crucial steps should be programmed, according to studies, trends, probabilities, and reliable databases and data that allow making the best decisions and with them ensuring a good part of the success. So if it will be a new year. A year that is not like the previous one.

Obviously, we cannot deny the reality of our species, we are emotions, feelings and perceptions, not everything can be planned or focused as if it were machines or objects without their own will. This is where the real challenge begins to demonstrate that the term "homo sapiens" coincides with our behavior and action. You must be wise. Knowing how to value the moment and with it knowing when emotions should reign and when reason, and even when they should coexist and complement each other.

Every year that begins represents an opportunity to do things better, to achieve what we thought impossible in the past. But that opportunity, that probability of achievement, of success, must have a good deal of responsibility, effort, planning.

If that administrative concept is transferred to our behavior, we will reduce mistakes and increase our share of happiness and satisfaction. The future cannot be left to chance. A harvest cannot be expected if the seed has not been sown, if the land has not been cultivated and watered.

Now, planning requires reviewing the scenarios, knowing our weaknesses and strengths, observing our opportunities and threats, having a clear, achievable and possible dream, having the right tools, setting objectives that will lead us to achieve our goals. It requires knowledge, but beyond theoretical knowledge, internal knowledge, knowing exactly what we want and where we want to be. It is a matter of putting into practice first of all that inscription, put by the seven sages on the frontispiece of the temple of Delphi: gnosti te autvn (nosce te ipsum). We must first know ourselves. Knowing ourselves well enough to be able to exercise planning and reap the benefits that it brings.This also means evaluating the scenarios and choosing the one that best suits our expectations and hopes. Not all lands are suitable for different crops, if the seed does not grow in one land, you have to think about another land.

It is up to us that the new year is really new. May the hope that concerns us materialize and we can feel our dreams. It depends on us that this new year is better than the previous one. There is no one else who can do it. Just ourselves.

We must stop planning only in an operational way and in the short term, unless it really represents a competitive advantage, otherwise we will continue to experience the same results over and over again, we will continue to obtain the same answers. It is important to include strategic and tactical planning in our lives, to make it part of ourselves without suppressing emotion and hope for a better future, on the contrary, there will be no greater feeling of satisfaction and success than knowing that everything We want to achieve in the new year responded to a clear vision, a broad and inclusive mission, to the achievement of our objectives and goals… to the success of a good strategy.

Wishing is not enough

One of the most important illusions that almost every family, social and / or cultural nucleus has nurtured over the decades, can be found in the practice, consciously or not, of making a wish.

Virtually all have raised at some point in our thinking at all, or that ethereal entity represented in what we believe exists or what they want not believe, and we have asked, what if we were heard, something we want deeply to happen:

The job of our dreams, bank credit, lottery ticket… that special person turn and fix his gaze on us. Whatever is.

It is difficult to imagine that someone has ever wanted something to the point of silently asking for it in the hope that it might come true.

But wishing is not enough. Waiting for things to happen is not either.

When this is the case, when fortune is only expected to manifest, one must be aware that what it will bring us will not necessarily be what we dream of.

Quino makes an excellent representation of this approach in Mafalda, when in one of his comics he shows Miguelito sitting in the street waiting to see what providence brings him and he only receives a dry leaf. Is this what we want?

However, stopping wishing is also a utopia. To imagine that you can go through life without having desires, no matter how far-fetched they may be, is simply unnatural and inhuman. We need to wish but at the same time we have to promote the operationalization of that dream.

In the business world, dreaming is represented in the vision and the operationalization of that dream is present in the mission, goals and objectives.

But it is in constant work and well done that you find the materialization of what you want. The lesson is simple, you have to work for what you want.

The above represents one of the greatest dilemmas of humanity because not always what one wants is what one does and what one does is not always what one wants. Needs and obligations are usually imposed on our dreams and in the end it seems that the only thing that will be free from all that cruel reality is simply dreaming and wishing.

But it's not like that. It just isn't. What happens is that we cling to the dogmas and regulations with which we have grown up due to that feeling, also ancestral, of security and stability and we completely forget that the only limit that we really have is the one that we impose on ourselves.

We ourselves prevent our dreams and wishes from being fulfilled because we do not create circumstances that allow it!

Businesses create their circumstances. They watch the market. They look at competitors, customers, and suppliers. They look at expenses and investments and try to listen to advisers and consultants to guide their efforts to success.

We for our part, we work every day doing exactly the same thing, we talk with our friends and colleagues from work, sports, the opposite sex and the occasional triviality and, even when we usually ignore the elements that we should observe to achieve success and our dreams, we hope that fortune will surprise us for no reason today, tomorrow, at Christmas or on Three Kings' Day, when only what is sown can be harvested and if nothing has been sown, we may receive a dry leaf like the aforementioned character from Quino's caricature.

It is inevitable to dream, wish and even cross your fingers from time to time waiting for things to happen as we would like them to. And this is good. But in doing so we have to remember what so many times our relatives, loved ones, friends or relatives told us about how to make Santa Claus, the child Jesus or the Three Wise Men fulfill our wish:

We should earn such an award. As kids it's easy, we just had to be kids, study and not generate collateral damage. But in maturity our dreams depend on everything we do, say, produce or eliminate.

They depend more on us than on anything else in the universe.

Therefore we have to remember this phrase: to live one day as kings we must work one year as slaves.

Attention, understand well, the above does not mean that we must have gone through humiliation, undeserved punishment or anything that demeans the human being. It refers mainly to hard work, a sense of humility, keeping hope set on the goal and, above all, knowing that each day lived is a day earned. The rest is up to us.

"We are architects of our own destiny."

Albert Einstein.

Personal planning