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Voluntary poverty


Money is a necessary resource that we all require to acquire goods and services. Except that someone is born with a condition that limits their mobility or intelligence, or acquires it, which prevents them from producing, it can be said that the rest of those who do not earn amounts commensurate with their capacity, find themselves in what here can be called "voluntary poverty". Keep reading.

I do not know a person in today's demanding, competitive, materialized and globalized world, who has not considered the importance of earning enough money to live a decent and satisfying life. Basic survival needs such as food, shelter, clothing and transportation, as well as others associated with coexistence and social life, impose a respect for economic productivity on us.

Although it may seem like it, for an average person, moderately informed and physically and mentally healthy, it should not be so difficult to obtain a certain amount of money, monthly, to stay afloat or to live with decorum and frank reflection of self-love. Recall that the rules of money productivity have already been revealed by numerous scholars on the subject, successful people and millionaires, experts on the issue of earning, conserving and multiplying money.

However, there are striking levels of poverty in some developed countries, and in those that are developing. The cause can be seen from a socio-economic perspective and blame governments and businessmen for being negligent and corrupt, or it can be assumed that each person has something to do with their own history and economic condition, despite the importance and influence of the roles of politicians. and merchants.

In more than 25 years of work in the area of ​​self-improvement and management, I can affirm with certainty that many physically and mentally healthy people, not handicapped by innate or acquired problems that disable them to think or act, see their productivity limited. by their own choice, they are kept in what could well be called "voluntary poverty."

This category, named after Alex Hamilton, and developed by me since 2005, suggests that a large majority of healthy people (physically and mentally) who live in conditions of peace and normality (without wars or other catastrophes) suffer from material poverty. due to self-induced limitations of a psychological nature, not necessarily attributable to reasons of a political or sociological nature, such as class struggle, exploitation or others.

Among those limitations that can appear as personality traits or temperament (biology) or as part of the socializing culture (learning), are: insecurity, pride, laziness, resignation and inconstancy. Let's look at each one in more detail.

Insecurity refers to a way of thinking, feeling and acting dominated by pessimistic and worried thoughts, distrust in one's own capacity, inhibition, reluctance to act and take risks, and even functional clumsiness. Insecurity is related to low self-esteem, with the conviction that challenges are greater than abilities. From here the yearning and achievement activity is blocked. There is energy for self-protection, not for advancement.

The society of image and forms has led us to believe, erroneously, that we are the role we play, thereby depersonalizing ourselves. The fetishization of merchandise leads us to suppose that we are worth more if we have more and we claim the value of the objects we acquire. This distortion has led many to refuse potentially productive but low-status work, with appearance taking precedence over actual needs.

This behavior that borders on the pathological is a seed of guilt, sadness and self-impoverishment generated by a cognitive distortion, a wrong way of seeing ourselves in the social context.

Laziness is a more frequent evil than you think. It is based on a disposition for bodily comfort, to avoid and escape from situations that may require responsibilities or demands beyond what is acceptable to some. If the situation demands mental concentration or physical effort, you will find resistance in those who like to stay relaxed even if it costs them money, success, opportunities. In laziness a strange inertia can be found, and initiative, action and movement may be required.

Almost as striking as the flora is resignation, which amounts to a low ambition, a conformity with the little, the minimum, the elemental, the necessary, not out of laziness or because it is considered low, but because of the conviction that it is not requires more. Just as some live well with loneliness, there are those who do with scarcity. The resigned adjusts himself to the mold that life assigns him without trying to expand or break it, he wraps himself as far as the blanket reaches and assumes it with a certain philosophy.

Ron Hubbard, controversial thinker creator of Scientology, has said that to control any event or situation it is necessary to know how to start it, continue it and finish it. Taking this reflection as a reference, we will say that inconstancy or inconsistency is a limitation created from within the individual, whose central characteristic is the inability to continue what has been started. The inconstancy generates guilt because each desertion in the middle of the road can be seen as a self-betrayal, an attack on the desired goal, the pre-structured plan and the energy invested.

I believe, finally, that it is necessary to destigmatize money as the source of human problems. More than money, what is disturbing is the low relationship that some develop with money, which leads them to experience great selfishness, and to express it in its most usual manifestations: jealousy, envy, greed and greed.

It is worth coining here the phrase of Dorian Caro, journalist and astrologer for whom money "is an invention of God, created to help us develop necessary qualities, without which it would not be possible to acquire and conserve economic abundance."

I believe, without reservation, that we can get out of “voluntary poverty”, if we follow the well-known postulates of money, the keys to producing and managing it, among which are: Knowing and following the vocation, specializing professionally, finding a valuable product for the society that can be crowded, learn to save and invest, acquire assets, reduce expenses, stay informed and attentive to opportunities, create alliances with money connoisseurs, be friendly and respectful counted, magnetically attract with visualization and prayer what is desired, thank and share what has been gained, and put it to use that benefits as many people as possible.

It is possible, if the price is paid. Thanks for reading me. www.laexcelencia.com

Voluntary poverty