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The political proposal and political marketing

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The primary function of political marketing is to turn proposals into opportunities to improve the quality of life of society "

The political proposal or platform is the offer that each party or social group and its candidate makes to the electorate in search of obtaining their preference, strengthening sympathy and voting intention.

The political proposal must be congruent with the government's intentions that must be based on the reality that is being lived in the economic, political and social, on the ideology and principles and values ​​of the party or social group and on the general and specific problems of the society or community in question.

The political proposal is the document in which the forms and actions of government and the public policies that the parties register in the corresponding electoral body are reflected, within the scheduled dates, before an electoral process is carried out.

It is necessary to ensure that the voter perfectly knows the characteristics of the political proposal and, where appropriate, clarify doubts and explain the advantages over others.

When the political proposal has many promises it can be little credible and confuse the electorate.

It is generally made known to the society by candidates and leaders in speeches, interviews, debates, presentations, brochures, and events.

It must be designed and presented in such a way that it is easy to understand and that causes interest and impact for citizens.

There are proposals that due to the effects of political marketing can be accepted by the voters and that do not cover the needs of the community and are difficult to make them a reality.

In summary, the proposal must be the main element in an electoral contest because it summarizes the party's vision, its ideology, its diagnosis of reality and the proposals it has to improve it and generate well-being for the majority of society.

In many electoral contests, the proposal occupies a secondary place compared to different information that is generated during a campaign, which is explained by the predominance of characters and messages in a system of competition that favors obtaining power and does not emphasize understanding ideas.

It requires the construction of a concept and a proposal that say something to citizens and that are sufficiently solid and adequately transmitted to achieve their preference.

Importance of the political proposal

The proposal is the most important thing in an electoral process since it is the means to promise economic, political, social and cultural solutions to a community and its voters.

The acceptance of a proposal depends on its ease of understanding, that it is realistic and the success of the political marketing plans of a party or social group.

Voters to make decisions are based on perceptions received through the media.

The parties or social groups will succeed if they invest in clearly differentiating their proposals from those of their competitors so that they can generate clear advantages for the voter.

The success of a political proposal corresponds to the degree of penetration that it achieves in the minds of the voters.

In the minds of the voters, all proposals compete, regardless of the socioeconomic and cultural level to which they belong.

Main characteristics that the political proposal should consider

  • Be credible and attractive Easy and simple to understand and interpret Guarantee concrete benefits for society Different from other proposals Have achievable objectives Generate commitments Have a livelihood Satisfy the wishes and needs of citizens Be consistent in your offerings, which are clear, orderly, logical and feasible Offer specific actions to improve the quality of life of society.

Elaboration of the political proposal

To develop an attractive proposal, you must consider and do the following:

  • Have central themes and symbols that are a point of reference Cover all topics of interest to society Identify the needs and desires of the electorate Evaluate the real possibilities of meeting the needs and desires Select a sample group of the electorate to see the Reaction to the political proposal Evaluate the reaction and make the necessary adjustments Identify the groups with leadership and present the proposal adjusted with the details and benefits of the proposal Make a forceful dissemination on the day of its presentation so that it cannot be copied. Promote, support and support citizen claims and initiatives, whether presented collectively or personally. Be proactive and avoid, as far as possible, attacking opponents.Clearly establish the advantages over other proposals of the competition Establish the strengths of the party or group and candidate Highlight the human qualities and knowledge of the candidate Have different forms of presentation depending on the audience to which it is addressed, such as intellectuals, technicians, academics, professionals, students, people with medium or low education, peasants, workers, etc.

Other considerations to prepare the political proposal

  • Suggestions and conclusions of thematic analysis and discussion meetings with different groups in society should be considered in the proposals. The commitments made by the candidate on each topic in their speeches and interventions. Analysis of the convergences and divergences between the political proposals. of the party and those of the opposition Opinions supported on the deficiencies or omissions of the political proposal of the opposing parties Viable suggestions of the public opinion on the main issues of regional or national interest should be included Strategies for the presentation of the political proposal It is convenient have a defined plan to present the political proposal to society.

Some of the strategies to be established are:

  • How, when and in how many stages will the electoral campaign be carried out How and when the political proposal will be presented to society What propaganda and promotional support is needed How and where it will be disseminated How and when will the Results of the acceptance of the political proposal. How the attention and interest of the voters will be captured.

When a party or social group presents its political proposal to society, they have risks and opportunities depending on their acceptance, so it is necessary to have eventual action plans that facilitate decision-making at times when problems, limitations, obstacles arise., rejections or achievements.

Problems that may arise in the presentation

  • That the proposal is not understood by the voters That the proposal is not accepted by the voters That the surveys have not been representative or objective That the questionnaires were poorly prepared and provided false information Surprising and aggressive actions of the competition that be successful. That the competition go ahead with a similar campaign or steal ideas. That the competition use cutting-edge technology for their presentations and are more attractive.

Radical political proposals can generate mistrust in some segments of society.

If the party or group fulfilled their commitments as government, it is convenient to give messages of continuity and to reinforce actions and programs for the benefit of society.

When the candidate is from an opposition party and his opponent's party did not comply with his term, it is necessary for him to give messages of change and have a proposal that strengthens social disagreement.

When the opposition group did comply in its management, it is necessary to give messages of the advantages of the political proposal that is made to society.

Depending on the electoral climate and trends, alliances with other political forces that are congruent with the ideological principles and programs of the party or group must be sought.

  • Innovation and change To achieve a change it is necessary to implement it in stages, proposing modifications that represent an advance of what already exists. In order for them to last, changes must be based on evolution and not on the revolution of what exists. Radical changes can involve risk, especially in the middle classes who may assume that they may lose what they have Planned, programmed and informed change is the one that has the best chance of being successful Changes must be planned consistently so that they do not generate fear, provide security guarantees and are supported by commitments that are feasible to achieve.


Jack Fleitman:

www.ciemsa.mx professional consultants


The political proposal and political marketing