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The Psychology of Personal Success


I do not know a person who does not dream of improving his current living condition, of improving his health, his relationships or his affections. But I do know many who wishing for it have not been able to achieve it. For them I describe here the requirements that I consider necessary to achieve and maintain the much desired personal success. Keep reading.

It is a fact that many people want to be successful and achieve goals without sacrificing their overall health and well-being. Many, however, lack the necessary strategy to direct energies, overcome obstacles and achieve their goals in a sustained manner.

In my book "The Psychology of Success" (Jupiter Editors) I describe the required variables that allow us to ascend, reach, and stay on top of success. Next, I will summarize these variables, in support of those who wish to succeed in today's competitive world. The details:

  • Define a life purpose. It involves defining what we are for. The special and transcendent sense to which we will dedicate our existence, so as not to reduce it to a championship of small unrelated goals and without real meaning. The vocation is associated with this decision. The north is important, because without a clear direction, it does not matter to walk to either side. Establish the objectives, include their completion times and benefits to be obtained, because without a date and without knowledge of the benefit, the desire to move forward with force is lacking. Planning is looking at the future as you want, and the mere reaching of it. The plans give direction to the energy, integrate the efforts and facilitate the achievement of the objectives.Action: Many know the destination they want but few pay the price of acting to achieve it. The action must be determined,consistent and coherent with the objectives so as not to let sleep die due to lack of food.

In the psychological realm, there are the attitudes, qualities and emotional habits of success. If success is related to goals, it is also related to emotional well-being, to the disposition existing during the trip, on a day-to-day basis, minute by minute, second by second. That Psychology of Success includes:

  • Consciousness: It is being alert, awake, and in permanent knowledge of what we think, feel and do, when, where, with whom and for what. Act on purpose and not by impulse, circumstance or accident.

Trust It is the sense of thinking "I can" that propels us towards our best efforts and most dazzling destinies. Those who do not trust, fear, avoid, postpone, abandon, flee. To trust is to do with enthusiasm and desire, and that doing often leads to achieving.

  • Responsibility: Demonstrates autonomy, sense of power, ability to respond and fulfill what is promised. Without that, you don't get respect and opportunities are reduced. Business arises from trust and trust does not exist where irresponsibility lives. Will: I define it as sustained effort; like the ability to insist and to know how to wait. Everything has its time to mature and nothing is born before its natural time. Concentration: It is a disposition to focus attention and avoid distracting dispersion. Without concentration, effort is diluted, time is wasted, achievements are fragmented and frustration is born. Creativity: It is a manifestation of intelligence. It is the search for solutions and solutions, useful and novel. The most creative achieve more in less time, and this is key as a criterion of efficiency.It consists of working with structure and order, which facilitates the realization of plans. Without discipline there will be disorder and improvisation. Audacity: It is the ability to dare, to dare, to advance over fear. Without the audacity we become conservative and shy. Protecting yourself becomes the norm and evolution loses its wings. Confidence leads to boldness and boldness leads to discovery, experience, and achievement.

Orientation to Excellence, It is the attitude of love for the good, for the best, a renunciation of the mediocre, the low, the marginal. An eagerness to reach the best of the best.

Beyond the logical and the psychological is the spiritual, a confluence space for love, generosity, faith, meditation, gratitude, prayer and forgiveness. Giving is a noble act that elevates us and generates the response to receive. Faith is absolute trust in higher power and guidance. Meditation is a powerful path of spiritual evolution that endows us with limitless peace and lucidity. Gratitude is the recognition of all the good that we have and the value of those around us. Prayer is the humble, intimate and private encounter with the Divine, and forgiveness is the cancellation of debts based on a transcendent understanding of oneself, others and the laws of God.

With the union of these logical, psychological and spiritual factors, your success will be virtually assured. The bottom line is your personal ability to know how to combine them. Thanks for reading me.

The Psychology of Personal Success