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The boiled frog


Observation and history show us as something evident that human beings are born dominators. It could be said that we experience the impulse and pleasure to impose our will on that of our fellow men and see them walk the path of our desires.

This tendency seems to reveal an unsurpassed animal consciousness, a certain installed and latent egocentricity, a stained part that does not prevent us from graduating from true human beings.

There are two ways in which this dominant pattern, visible in almost all ages, can manifest itself in an open and frontal way, but it can also appear in an underhanded way.

The covert scheme turns out to be very effective, in that it reduces resistance and operates unconsciously, without people knowing that they are being suggested, recruited or subdued. Subliminal advertising, blind faith, and even erotic seduction could fit into this sweetened category of brainwashing.

That if the pot is heated over low heat, the frog will not feel the urge to jump, as it will get used to the change in temperature and will end up being boiled. O They say that if a frog is thrown into a pot that contains hot water, the frog it will immediately jump out of the pot as a naturally defensive response. While parboiled.

This deadly habit is tragically innate to the human being, since we are beings of habit, capable of adapting to practically everything: from living in a palace to eating garbage. We are governed by a dangerous mechanism that turns what is repeated into law.

But this adaptive mechanism, wonderful in a certain sense, because it acclimatizes us in almost any environment, has a dark side that is resignation, numbness, lack of alertness and critical sense. When we let this lethargy of consciousness take over, we can resign ourselves to living with bad partners, bad jobs, bad neighbors, or bad leaders.

Because of that risk, because of that peculiar vulnerability, it is especially important not to lose the ability to respond to anything that takes away peace, freedom, trust, joy, health or dignity.

Just as we have that anesthetizing device that induces us to submit, we also carry defensive buttons, with self-protection alerts that allow us to say "No" to the attempts of others to become submerged or anchor ourselves in mediocrity. We can and must get rid of these threats, get vaccinated, activate the immune response of consciousness.

You have to know how to differentiate the convenient from the inconvenient, the pleasant from the unpleasant, the appropriate from the inappropriate. If we keep this capacity awake, we can be preventive or reactive, but always self-esteemed and intelligent enough to jump in time and not suffer the slow, conformist and smiling death of the boiled frog. Thanks for reading me.

The boiled frog