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The selection of the medium in the advertising strategy

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The selection of the medium will depend on the reasons why you need the advertising. In most cases, logic will be your best guide, however, study the following information which will expand your knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of various media.

Selection and targeting in the media is the work of many people in companies and advertising agencies. If you are planning a large and far-reaching advertising campaign, we encourage you to consult a media ad expert.

Basic factors for the selection of advertising media

1. Your goal

What do you want to achieve and in how long? Knowing your goals is critical. He is not limited to the ideas that "go through his head." Advertising objectives must be clear and in writing, writing them forces you to be specific. These goals should be part of your promotional plan, more importantly, your advertising goals should be consistent with what advertising can accomplish. This may seem strange, but advertising is limited to achieving specific objectives. It can achieve a shift in perception or create awareness, but with the exception of certain advertising alternatives, advertising cannot create a sale… Many inexperienced advertisers think that Advertising = Sales, which is an advertising myth.

2. Your audience

Who are and where are the people to whom you want to take your message… Take your time and carefully define your audience. Certain media will be more attractive to some groups than to others. Limiting your focus groups will help you make a wise and effective decision about the media you will select.

For example, a supplier of pet products will run their ads in magazines or newsletters aimed at pet owners. In addition, you can also place an ad in a special supplement on the subject of pets published by the local newspaper. Some entrepreneurs may think that it is smart to advertise in a powerful medium. They laugh and state that: "Well, I sell to whoever has the money… That is my audience…" To reach everyone, the person would have to advertise in all available media - no one can afford that amount of money. Companies like Coca-Cola and McDonald's carefully select their media so as not to waste money.

3. The message and the frequency

What do you want to say and how often… The media you select must deliver your message effectively. The logic applies again: if you have a lot of information to offer, don't pick a 30-second radius wedge. If you need your product to be seen in action, don't choose a written medium. If you need your message to be shown frequently, such as - »Sale ends in two days» - do not choose a weekly magazine where you will only get one exposure. You could instead select the radio where your ad can run frequently - day and night.

4. Your budget

Your budget is perhaps the most influential factor in your advertising plan. If you can't afford it, there is no point in running a full-color ad or TV spot. Just as you wrote your goals, prepare your budget. The advertising budget is part of your marketing plan.

Buying just one TV spot is not an effective purchase as studies have revealed that consumers must be exposed to an ad on multiple occasions for the action corresponding to the message to be achieved.

Money should not be the only determining factor in your decision. Just because you can pay for 16 spots on a radio station, 10 on another, or half a page in a newspaper, doesn't mean you should automatically decide on 16. It's not as simple as it sounds. To make your decision, you would also like to know who listens to the station, the time of each medium and the way in which the medium fits the message you want to project.

Now you are developing a strategy! If you've read the above, you've taken a course in what the Greats call creative strategy. Congratulations! Now you know the basic information and terminology. Let's now look at the basic information about the available media.

Advantages and disadvantages of media as advertising vehicles

The following information will help you make good decisions about your advertising. Always remember that: each message must be seen individually and independently… what works in a specific medium does not mean that it will always work and in all media.

What you will see below is a list of alternatives that you can consider when selecting the advertising medium. Remember, there is no right or wrong medium. This will depend on your message, your audience, your goals, and your budget.

  • NewspapersMagazinesInternetDirect ShippingRadioOpen TVCable TV TransitExterior

Advantages of advertising in the newspaper

  • Newspapers continue to be the primary medium for advertisers in terms of dollar amount invested. Daily newspapers reach a diverse and broad audience. Audience is concentrated in specific regions. Consumers look to newspaper ads; Thus, they are more receptive to the messages published in that medium. The essence of newspapers is to publish information on events that will occur immediately since they publish the events to be carried out daily, weekly or monthly. This allows you to develop your message according to the events that will happen at key moments, be it the weekend or the season of paying contributions.The immediacy of daily newspapers will allow you to predict the ideal time to publish your message within a predictable time frame - Tuesday's newspaper will be read on Tuesday - so you can know when readers will see your message. it has limits in the newspapers. You can write long messages, or just a few short lines. Larger Ads Will Cost You More Newspapers have advanced technologically to provide better quality color and photo reproduction. In addition, they can already offer a greater and better range of colors. (See the Photo Reproduction section below.) Readers are actively involved in reading the newspaper. The fact that they have to hold it and turn their pages produces more attention on the ads.

Disadvantages of advertising in the newspaper

  • It is not a good medium for specific audiences. Even if you want to address your message only to bicycle owners, the message will reach everyone. However, some newspapers publish editions aimed at specific regions, which will allow you to target your message in the edition that covers the desired geographic area. For example, you could post your pizza parlor's home delivery announcement in the Northwest News section that is distributed exclusively in the Northwest section of the city. Although modern technology has improved greatly, photo reproduction has long been considered. time a disadvantage in the use of newspapers as an advertising medium. The problem lies in the fact that newspapers must use cheap paper to keep their costs low. Nobody wants to pay $ 2.95 by the daily newspaper. Inexpensive paper does not absorb ink as well as better quality paper, which adversely affects the clarity of photos. Many advertisers consider newspapers to be the best medium for reaching local audiences. This creates great competition within the newspaper and results in ad crowding. Newspaper is not the most popular medium for certain ages. Its greatest strength resides in the so-called Baby Boomers. Many newspapers have started publishing sections targeting teens and children, but their effectiveness remains to be seen. Newspapers are static and two-dimensional. The advent of electronic newspapers could change this in the future.This adversely affects the clarity of photos. Many advertisers consider the newspaper to be the best medium to reach local audiences. This creates great competition within the newspaper and results in ad crowding. Newspaper is not the most popular medium for certain ages. Its greatest strength resides in the so-called Baby Boomers. Many newspapers have started publishing sections targeting teens and children, but their effectiveness remains to be seen. Newspapers are static and two-dimensional. The advent of electronic newspapers could change this in the future.This adversely affects the clarity of photos. Many advertisers consider the newspaper to be the best medium to reach local audiences. This creates great competition within the newspaper and results in ad crowding. Newspaper is not the most popular medium for certain ages. Its greatest strength resides in the so-called Baby Boomers. Many newspapers have started publishing sections targeting teens and children, but their effectiveness remains to be seen. Newspapers are static and two-dimensional. The advent of electronic newspapers could change this in the future.The newspaper is not the most popular medium for certain ages. Its greatest strength resides in the so-called Baby Boomers. Many newspapers have started publishing sections targeting teens and children, but their effectiveness remains to be seen. Newspapers are static and two-dimensional. The advent of electronic newspapers could change this in the future.The newspaper is not the most popular medium for certain ages. Its greatest strength resides in the so-called Baby Boomers. Many newspapers have started publishing sections targeting teens and children, but their effectiveness remains to be seen. Newspapers are static and two-dimensional. The advent of electronic newspapers could change this in the future.

Advantages of advertising in Magazines

  • Magazines are printed on good quality paper which allows for excellent color quality and photo reproduction, targeting a specific audience is much easier. Guess who reads Golf Pro, Old House Restoration, Teen Romance, US News & World Report, and Biker's World… Also, some magazines have their own reputations. They can be considered an authority in the specialty area, or they can be prestigious, fashionable, trustworthy, etc., and this reputation can be reflected in the advertisers of the magazine.By their design and format, magazines are more flexible - ads they can contain many colors or samples of perfumes, they can have moving parts, pop-ups, or have some type of sound microchip. The photos can be fold-out or they can be folded to be larger.For the advertiser this means a greater number of creative options that attract the attention of the reader. Magazines have a longer permanence. People save them to read carefully at their leisure. When the magazine is read during the weekend, the reader is more rested, therefore, more receptive.

Disadvantages of advertising in Magazines

  • The cost of magazines is much higher as a result of the quality of production. Reader exposure to your ad is not as predictable. Most magazines contain feature articles and not breaking news; therefore, the reading of these and the exposure to your ad may be delayed to lose their validity. The closing of the magazines is a month or two before the date of publication. This means that the advertiser must work on the art of the ad long before it is seen by their audience, which is a limitation for those advertisers who wait until the last minute to make a decision about their ads.

Advantages of advertising on the Internet

  • Efficient cost. The costs are independent of the size of the audience. For example, the cost will be the same no matter how many people visit your page. (You should check the ability of your Internet Service Provider to handle the volume of anticipated visitors.) Advertisers can target their specific audiences by placing their banners on related topic pages. For example, if you want to direct your message to people who are looking for precise information, you can purchase advertising space on pages related to that category in the most important search engines. So a person who sells organic herbs by mail can advertise in the organic food or gourmet food categories.The structure in which these pages are cataloged allows you to target your audience by geographic location or by related areas of interest. Messages can be updated easily and quickly. Advertisements on the Internet can be interactive. You can request an immediate response from the reader, you can take purchase orders or answer questions instantly. Banners run as often as you select. The Internet is always available, it can reach a global audience. Apart from language barriers, anyone in any part of the world can obtain information about your products or services.You can request an immediate response from the reader, you can take purchase orders or answer questions instantly. Banners run as often as you select. The Internet is always available, it can reach a global audience. Apart from language barriers, anyone in any part of the world can obtain information about your products or services.You can request an immediate response from the reader, you can take purchase orders or answer questions instantly. Banners run as often as you select. The Internet is always available, it can reach a global audience. Apart from language barriers, anyone in any part of the world can obtain information about your products or services.

Disadvantages of advertising on the Internet

  • Advertising on the Internet should not be seen in a vacuum. It should be one more component of your internet marketing strategy. The range of internet advertising costs varies considerably. The best practice is to do a page comparison with a high frequency of visits to determine the best way to invest your money.

Advantages of advertising through Direct Marketing

  • It allows you to direct your message to a very specific audience. You can select a street or all residents of a city. You can direct your message to all college freshmen or those studying at a particular college who own a car. You can ship to all your customers or only to those who buy an average of $ 25.00 in each visit to your establishment. The possibilities are as immense as the precision of your list allows - it's quite an expensive medium. However, if you target only high-potential customers, it can be quite cost effective. Messages can be personalized, which can be an added attraction. You can evaluate their effectiveness. If you compare the number of responses to the number of submissions, you can set the response percent.If you include coded coupons or response cards you can trace exactly who responded and from where Recipients are actively involved. People read their correspondence when they want to. Thus, you will be able to have the exclusive attention of your potential client.

Disadvantages of advertising through Direct Marketing

  • Many people resent unsolicited offers and react skeptically to their validity. The rate of mail thrown away without being read is on the rise. This advertising method requires constant list maintenance. Many advertisers don't want to worry about keeping them up to date. However, if the lists are not up to date, a lot of money can be lost in correspondence that never reaches the expected recipient. Another problem: if the correspondence contains a message that is out of date, the name is misspelled, or the person to whom it is addressed has died, it could offend and even annoy the recipient.There are environmental groups that oppose the waste of materials caused by this type of shipping.It is quite expensive.

Advantages of advertising on the Radio

  • The radio and its messages move with its audience. They can be heard at work, on the beach, in the bathtub, in the dentist's chair or in stores. The radio message can get through without its recipient consciously looking for it. The listener does not have to be on the lookout to hear your message The radio allows selection by focus group based on: Geography - listeners are concentrated in the area defined by the station signal Time - audience changes according to the time of day - morning, noon or night Format-can reach different audiences depending on the format, be it rock, blues, classical, soft music. You can schedule a radio spot without having to plan far in advance. This opens up the possibility for advertisers to react to momentary events, such as,a heat wave or an offer from a competitor. The message can be broadcast as often as you select (or the station format allows). For example, you can maintain a daily spot for a year or twice an hour a day. Radio has a local appeal. You can link your message to local events or the weather to emphasize the relevance of your message. The message has a voice. It can be friendly, serious, sad, it can have a macho or humorous tone - whatever fits your message. Above all, the voice can have a conversational tone, a quality that makes it easy to hear and understand Buying radio time is cost-efficient Producing radio spots is straightforward. By simply submitting an abstract, a complete booklet or a list of topics, the station can develop the spot.Most stations produce their wedge at no additional cost.

Disadvantages of advertising on the radio

  • The radio does not contain visuals. Do not use it to report on a product the listener is not yet familiar with. Some advertisements use the "theater of the mind" strategy to create very effective visual images in the minds of listeners - such as when you hear someone open a can and hear someone sipping a drink. Be careful, this type of alternative requires professionals to achieve the effect, which can cost you quite a bit. Some radio audiences are fragmented, if there are 4 stations whose audience is defined as women 25-49 years old, you would have to advertise in all these, which can be a high cost for you.The agglomeration of radio ads can be quite large, which means that your ad can have the first, second,6th or 10th in the ad unit, distracting the listener's attention. There is no print publication, your ad is broadcast and then lost. The advertiser cannot be sure that the potential client has managed to write down the phone since he does not know when the ad will be repeated. (There are, however, ways you can solve this problem.) Station-produced spots use station talent. It's free, and that's great, but you risk all ads sounding the same. This similarity can distract the listener's attention or confuse it with that of another advertiser.The advertiser cannot be sure that the potential client has managed to write down the phone since he does not know when the ad will be repeated. (There are, however, ways you can solve this problem.) Station-produced spots use station talent. It's free, and that's great, but you risk all ads sounding the same. This similarity can distract the listener's attention or confuse it with that of another advertiser.The advertiser cannot be sure that the potential customer has managed to write down the phone since they do not know when the ad will be repeated. (There are, however, ways that you can solve this problem.) Station-produced spots use station talent. It's free, and that's great, but you risk all ads sounding the same. This similarity can distract the listener's attention or confuse it with that of another advertiser.This similarity can distract the listener's attention or confuse it with that of another advertiser.This similarity can distract the listener's attention or confuse it with that of another advertiser.

Advantages of advertising on Open Television

  • Open television is the type of transmission that is received free. It is commonly related to the big networks. The television offers all the visual, sound, movement, color and special effects alternatives that you can afford. It is a powerful medium with a great visual impact. The message of the TV can arrive without its recipient consciously looking for it. Viewers do not have to be involved in the process to receive the message. With television you can select the focus group based on: Geography-Where the signal goes. (Be sure to check to see if the station can also be seen on others via Cable TV.) Time-The time that different focus groups watch television varies. Schedule-Certain programs or types of programs appeal to certain groups.Watch the commercials that run on a particular show. By doing this, you could get an idea of ​​who is watching the show. However, to make an informed decision, based on audience research, we advise you to consult a media buyer or TV sales representative. Networks - Some networks, such as Nickelodeon or ESPN have easily identifiable audiences. Prestige and TV glamor can enhance your message. Some consider it the great league of advertising. Think of someone who saw the owner of a neighborhood grocery store on a TV spot — they will say to others and to the owner, "I saw it on TV…" Television is expensive, but because you can select your audience, it is cost-efficient. Ads can appeal to viewers' emotions and empathy.You can see happiness or sorrow in a person's eyes, you can hear a voice choked with a headache or hear the proud voice of a parent, you can watch with amazement or skepticism as a product demonstration is performed. in homes, a place where people feel safe and are not exposed to what others might think. If the viewer has been concerned about some kind of pain and you have a message on how to heal it, they will have an attentive listener, and possibly a customer. TV advertising can be very effective in helping to create an image for your product or business.place where people feel safe and are not exposed to what others may think. If the viewer has been concerned about some kind of pain and you have a message on how to heal it, they will have an attentive listener, and possibly a customer. TV advertising can be very effective in helping to create an image for your product or business.a place where people feel safe and are not exposed to what others might think. If the viewer has been concerned about some kind of pain and you have a message on how to heal it, they will have an attentive listener, and possibly a customer. TV advertising can be very effective in helping to create an image for your product or business.

Disadvantages of advertising on Open Television

  • To advertise on TV you have to produce the spot, or hire a producer. The production costs added to the costs of the pattern make this alternative extremely expensive for many advertisers. TV can seem complicated for small advertisers. However, if you think it is the right medium for your message, check with the station or an advertising or production agency. Messages may be cut off by the viewer, either because they change channels or because they turn down the volume of the broadcast. TV - Viewers who have grown up with television and movie special effects are quite skeptical and even cynical about what they see. They are not easily impressed, although TV can be focused or selected by geography, time, program and network,it is still a mass communication medium with an extremely wide reach. Unlike broadcast television, Cable TV is a more specialized medium and is more effective in reaching specific groups. Audiences are increasingly fragmented by the large number of channels in existence, and by the options for using the television, such as such as video games, interconnection with computers, and for movie rentals. The era when 30-40 percent chance of your ad being seen is a thing of the past. The spaces for ad placement within your schedule are getting more and more crowded. Your ad can be the first, third, or tenth, which can affect the viewer's attention span.Ads made on a low production budget can be tarnished compared to ads produced on a large budget. Ads that look friendly, small, or familiar can have their appeal, however don't accept mediocre productions to cut costs. No savings are worth the damage that a mediocre production can do to the image or perception of the product. Buying TV time is quite complicated. Use the help of an expert, and even if it adds expenses to your budget, it will also result in savings.Buying TV time is quite complicated. Use the help of an expert, and even if it adds expenses to your budget, it will also result in savings.Buying TV time is quite complicated. Use the help of an expert, and even if it adds expenses to your budget, it will also result in savings.

Advantages of advertising on Cable TV

  • You can buy time on shows that have specific audiences. You can buy an ad in a program on infant care to reach young mothers, or you can buy an ad in a program on sewing, wallpapering, gardening, car repair, local musicians, book reviews, etc. This way you can reach much more clearly defined audiences than if you bought time on a program on a network with higher ratings and a higher price. Cost is lower because you have a smaller audience. Production costs can be more affordable You can find more innovative people. Cable production teams hire young writers, producers and technicians who want to gain experience and are willing to work with you.Most of the time they are recent graduates and are knowledgeable about the latest techniques and trends. Since cable TV reaches connected homes, you can know exactly who will see your message. These households may be concentrated in local regions. In the case of super stations it is different since they reach huge audiences and charge accordingly.

Disadvantages of advertising on Cable TV

Almost all its advantages have their disadvantage:

  • Limited reach. May have inexperienced production teams. Reach specific clients but not reach potential clients. Cable TV as such attracts a large number of viewers, but the fact that it provides a large number of selections results in audiences being very fragmented and viewers constantly change channels.

Advantages of Traffic Advertising

In-transit advertising includes advertisements placed on buses, subways, subway entrances, trains, and taxis.

  • Exposure time is extended if the ad is placed inside the vehicle. Frequency - The number of times the recipient is exposed to your message will depend on how often you use that method of transportation. For example, the person may use the same train 10 times a week in their daily commute to work. Ads posted on buses and taxis are viewed by a diverse and large audience. This is arguably a captive audience if you take into account the number of people literally standing in their car behind a bus, or the pedestrians waiting for the bus to pass. The message can have an immediate effect since the person using mass transportation goes shopping, to dinner or some place of entertainment.Ads can be geographically targeted since you know who is going to be in a specific area at a specific time. They can be targeted to a specific lifestyle. Everything will depend on the neighborhoods through which the transportation route passes. This advertising method tends to be cheap both in absolute and relative terms.

Disadvantages of Traffic Advertising

  • The size of your ad is limited to the size of the frames or places in which it is placed. Mass transit users are not very receptive to your messages or are so used to them that they no longer see them. It is difficult to target a group specific. Your ad reaches a large number of people, many of whom are not potential customers. Mass transportation may not exist in your area. Many cities or towns do not have a subway or bus service. The environment of the subway, buses or other mass transportation system may not be suitable for the image of the product. Circumstances can damage your message: a muddy bus, a train with Graffiti, or a destroyed subway entrance, is not the best place to display your ad.

Advantages of Outdoor Advertising

  • The gigantic and colorful advertisements attract attention. When using this medium, your message should be short and to the point. Your ad will have an impact. Technology has opened the possibilities for innovations and curiosities such as advertisements that talk, move, smoke, change on the screen of billboards, and so on. Giant balloons, blow-ups, flags, pennants, and other tools can be additional options. You can rent what is called a "rolling billboard" on the back of a truck traveling a specific route so that it is seen where you want it to be. Your ad reaches many people, many of whom see it repeatedly when take the same route daily.

Disadvantages of Outdoor Advertising

  • It is difficult to reach specific audiences. The only thing you can do is identify a neighborhood Creativity is limited by space It is difficult to measure its effectiveness It can be damaged by inclement weather or vandalized Costs can be very reasonable if maintained for a fairly long time, however, innovations can raise these considerably.

Here is a short video in which the characteristics of the media as channels of advertising communication are synthesized.

The selection of the medium in the advertising strategy