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Synchronicity in customer service


From a very young age I have maintained a very rebellious attitude against the rites of the Churches of the different religions existing in the world. It always seemed unnecessary to me to attend a church to get "in contact with God", somehow I always assumed that to be in contact with God, it was enough to get in touch with nature and with oneself.

However, today, having been working for the last 10 years with the concept of Synchronicity in Leadership, I have begun to understand the powerful role that Temples play in the consolidation of religions, as the place where energies converge of the parishioners and the connection with higher intelligence is established (God according to different religions, Implicated Order according to quantum physicists, Uncircumcised Intelligence according to mystics, Universe according to metaphysicians).

It is not our desire to introduce here the discussion of a religious issue, but rather to obtain some lessons that religious movements give us regarding what Customer Service should be, within a new model of Synchroservice.


One of the things that I have understood today is that prayer introduces us into a state of meditation and meeting with other people in a specific place, in which everyone is supposed to connect with God, creates a special energy that facilitates the connection process. If we were to make a simile with the Internet, we could say that a Temple would act as a kind of Cybercafé where everyone goes in search of connecting with the Higher Intelligence (in Cyberspace), in which the Computer is our Brain, the Explorer, means of Entering the network is prayer and all those who are in the Cyber ​​make up an interconnected network. Although there are other places to connect, in the Cyber ​​we have support and support services to carry out our activity.


To introduce the topic of Synchronicity, so that the uninitiated can understand it, I wish to refer to Chapter X of my book "From Necessity to Desire", Comala Ediciones, Venezuela, year 2000, pages 149 to 152. I quote in textual form the chapter below:

"What can we human beings achieve with the personal development tools obtained from the needs and desires approach? Perhaps much more than we imagine. Until now, the obtaining of personal leadership with a deep human sense can be envisaged, which allows us an important position in our society at all levels. However, we particularly think that the human being can go even further. It is possible that we begin to understand leadership processes in a different way than what we know today, which can lead us to establish a new paradigm, which hovers between the real and the esoteric, since it is a synchronized leadership with the whole or universe that surrounds us.

But is this really possible?

Since the middle of the 20th century, there has been talk of a new consciousness that goes towards the spiritual and the transcendent. All this current movement of the new age seems to move, in one way or another, in that direction. It is a current where science, technology and even trickery, come together to seek answers to phenomena that currently have no plausible answer. This has been a movement that has spread in an incredible way, at an amazing speed, using as a medium the person-to-person transmission of that new consciousness.

Why has our way of perceiving the world changed? To understand it, let's do the following experience. Turn to your right, identify how many red objects you can see. Describe them. Do the same, now looking to the left. Turn back and repeat the proposed routine. You realize how many red objects are surrounding you right now and that you only became aware of them when you started looking for them. Our brain works that way. When something is proposed, then it opens the senses and begins to look for what it takes to achieve it, until it is achieved. This ability to perceive those things that we are looking for is what generates, that today we are beginning to perceive, things different from those we found before when we were not looking for them.

Nobody gets what they are not looking for. While the Human Being did not dedicate enough time and effort, and a critical mass of people, to the search for the spiritual, because the spiritual did not appear with the force with which it is doing today.

Since the second half of the 80s and 90s, there has been a permanent search in people, couples, families, organizations, institutions and societies, for visions of the future that generate important changes in each of these

entities. This has generated that a good part of the human beings who live within them, remain with their senses wide open, trying to find opportunities to approach their visions in their different contexts. This has created different levels of perception than the traditional ones and that have allowed us to discover things unknown until now. Of

course, our social model establishes that everything that we cannot explain in a coherent way from the “scientific” point of view, is esoteric, paranormal or metaphysical.

It is necessary to understand that the world is changing because we human beings have made it change, that our perceptions of the world are changing because we are now more perceptive. That we have begun to

synchronize with the whole or universe, because we have begun the search for harmony with our environment and that leads us to worry about some aspects that were not part of our circle of concerns before.

Stephen Covey in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, mentions that the human being travels a path that goes from emotional Dependence as a human being to Emotional Independence through the first three habits and from there to Interdependence as a paradigm of the process of human interrelation through the following three habits. Finally, Covey establishes a seventh habit (that of renewal), in order to avoid the regression towards the emotional dependency model. However, these seven habits are in the world of human interrelationships and do not transfer us to the whole.

Apart from the human aspects, it is necessary to consider other existing elements in the universe that are still unexplored for us. The way of transmitting messages and knowledge and the way of facing leadership from another point of view than the linear LEADER-FOLLOWER model seem to suggest the need to develop a new habit.

That eighth habit, in the beginning we have defined it as Alignment and of course, it requires a whole book to explain it.

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Synchronicity in customer service