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School supervision by the principal


We are all important in the school or educational environment, as important is the principal as is the teacher, the custodians and the janitors, but how important is the principal as a supervisor of the educational process?

With the arrival of the Spanish to our territory comes a new way of educating that has been constantly changing as society changes.

In the middle of the 20th century, school supervision underwent changes, since it was considered that the supervisor should direct and order. And in 1930 there was a democratic but manipulated supervision that was defined as a cooperation with the staff.

Then in 1965, Francis Janes, also stated that supervision is seen as a stimulus guide aimed at improving education. The supervision in that same year is seen as a process of help and accompaniment, both to the educational centers and their respective teachers, so it is not only limited to directing the educational process as such, but in that sense it has to do with the moral of the teacher of their human relationships and the improvement during the performance of their duties.

Then, a function of the supervisor is to establish a suitable environment to develop their work in accordance with the guidelines of the educational process, they must also try to solve the problems that are presented to the teachers in the development of the teaching-learning process. In addition, the supervisors must be academically prepared people so that they can offer the necessary advice to the actors in the educational process who deserve it without falling into the role of the one who knows everything; humbly look for viable alternatives.

From the depth of knowledge, there are two types of teaching supervisors: general and specialized. The principal of a secondary school can be classified as a general supervisor, while the head of a department of social sciences is a specialist.

The education district supervisor can be both general and specialized, but can be general only or specialized only.

We can point out that a general supervisor can be described as a person who has the responsibility to supervise educators, in a certain number of schools or grades or also in a variety of work areas, also has experience and teacher training and therefore can supervise In all areas of the educational system, he is an expert in teaching in general and must know what good general methods are, he can also recognize what a good school environment is, he knows when a teacher presents the lesson well and can judge the effectiveness of the approach.

The general supervisor lacks teaching theory and can discuss evaluation. You should know when to seek additional resources, you can also assist discipline educators and help develop driving skills.

On the other hand, a specialized supervisor has training and experience in a particular field of study. Not only does he know the subject, but he must be aware of the modern techniques of the methods and the most advanced advances in the teaching of said subject. He has some qualities of a general supervisor, develops a good atmosphere in the classroom, can provide guidance on resources and sources, educator materials, as well as work tools. It is also the responsibility of the supervisor to detect if the teacher has problems, in addition to having limited knowledge of the educational program, because he works with a limited area of ​​study.

But which one is the most effective? Can a general supervisor supervise one math teacher or can a specialized supervisor supervise all teachers?

Both types of supervisors are currently used in education systems. The number of general supervisors is greater because it would be very costly for the education system to use specialized ones who know the tasks of the general supervisor and who specialize in certain tasks. It is possible to prepare this type of character because the specialist must be better trained in his specialty area, he knows the general principles of teaching, he knows how to work with the general objectives of education.

Citing some authors such as Aparicio (1972), they state that supervision is practical and scientific orientation, the supervisor must be friendly, in the case of the school supervisor (the director) must have a pleasant personality, be aware, friendly, enthusiastic, must possess a adequate professional preparation and be up to date on pedagogical information, you must consider that teachers, no matter how competent they are, need help in their duties

Lewis (1975) points out that supervision is: coordinating, stimulating and directing the educational process.

For Anne Hackes (1978), supervision is understood as professional guidance and assistance given by competent persons in education, when and where they are necessary, aimed at improving the total teaching-learning situation.

For Amadeo Nerici (1975), supervision is the way to give them coordination, unity and continuity so that the school achieves its objectives more effectively.

Specifying the proposals of the previous authors on school supervision, the director is the immediate supervisor and that he must do it for the improvement of the teaching-learning process, the director cannot be seen in his supervisory work as a supervisor, nor as a critic, but as the person who guides us sweet, friendly, who has special attention in improving the educational process. The director is a person who is aware of all the problems that occur in the educational center, he must supervise the teacher in a discreet way, through observation or he can also enter the course as long as the occasion warrants. Also be aware of the property to the physical aspect of the educational center, it is also your duty to keep in touch with the Association of parents and friends of the school and with the student association.

In addition, the principal must be in contact with the educational district and their respective supervisors, that is, the principal in his supervisory work carries with him a great responsibility that he must fulfill with love and adherence to the corresponding regulations.

School supervision by the principal