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The tautology in the code of professional ethics of the biochemical engineer


The tautology in the code of professional Ethics of biochemical engineering has as its main objective that professionals seek the sense of truth in their profession, complying with the standards and responsibilities that they assume when they graduate from the career, that they feel the importance of being useful in improving resources for this needy world, having the capacity and development that a biochemical engineer should have. Since having a profession also has a responsibility to society, finding meaning and application to the truth.

KEY WORDS: Tautology, code of ethics, profession


This present essay highlights the importance of tautology in the code of ethics of biochemical engineering. In every company there is a mandatory professional code of ethics, with the aim of focusing and facilitating professionals so that they can achieve and develop a conscientious and consistent conduct. There are codes of ethics focused especially on each profession, since each of them has different characteristics, either in the field in which they develop or specialize, for example in the objective they have, the goals they want to reach, the solutions and problems they face, etc.However, one of the general characteristics of the professional code of ethics is that it strengthens and helps to reflect the values ​​and behaviors appropriate for a better relationship between professionals, but above all it focuses on a great personal interest that helps the professional to exceed expectations.

In this essay we will focus on the code of ethics of biochemical engineering, in order to know and understand the importance of tautology in the code of ethics of this profession.

Our important question would be, does Biochemical engineering have a code of ethics? And the answer is yes. Our topic of interest is to identify if the biochemical engineer complies with this code of ethics and really what is the meaning of this code from the point of view of tautology.


The tautology in our daily life is around us without realizing that it exists. It is a tool that helps us reflect and understand its true meaning in all areas of our environment.

Tautology: From the Greek "to auto" (the same) and "logos" (speech). The term can be used in the field of rhetoric and in that of logic. In the field of rhetoric, tautology is a figure that consists of repeating the same thought, the same ideas, in a different way or with different words. In the field of logic, a tautology is a formula that, regardless of the truth values ​​assigned to the elements that compose it, turns out to be always true. (https://www.webdianoia.com/glosario/display.php?action=view&id=286&from=acti https://www.webdianoia.com/glosario/display.php?action=view&id=286&from=action=search% 7Cby = T)

In this essay we will focus on talking about tautology from logic

In the realm of logic a tautology is a formula of a system that is true for any interpretation. In other words, it is a logical expression that is true for all possible truth values ​​of its atomic components. (Porto and Gardey, 2010)

Tautology is part of logic, what represents and has a sense of reality through what is said, what is seen, what is found and what is acted upon.

(Olleta, sf)

As we can say, tautology in biochemical engineering seeks the truth in everything that makes it up, what surrounds it. In a sense, it seeks that the professional understands its value and importance that it has with this new responsibility that it now entails with society, with the environment and with itself. Tautology gives a professional that awareness of being able to see beyond what many see.

The graduate of biochemical engineering acquires these qualities. Obtained from the Center for Basic Sciences, Biochemical Engineering.

  • The graduate is a professional who develops in the field of biotechnology, food, environment, engineering and processes, in accordance with their specialization emphasis.The graduate has reached a high level of technical experience and critical thinking The graduate is able to work in multidisciplinary teams The graduate recognizes, defines and proposes innovative design solutions for processes that require the integration of biochemistry, chemistry and physics considering economic and environmental constraints The graduate is an ethical, social and culturally responsible leader with his profession and in his community graduate has a culture of permanent professional updating

As we know these are qualities that a graduate of Biochemical Engineering must present to develop and interact in the professional field, however in every profession there are norms or rules with the aim of helping to promote professional behavior and conduct, these norms are called professional codes of ethics.

Code of ethics: "A code of ethics establishes rules that regulate the behavior of people within a company or organization, the code of ethics supposes an internal regulation of mandatory compliance". (Pérez and Gardey 2010)

Biochemical engineering has a code of professional ethics that mainly aims to locate professionals for their best performance in the professional field with the values ​​acquired and learned, which this help the professional to lead on the path of responsibility, honesty, integrity for the biochemical engineer to develop and participate in innovation, care and conduction in the ecological environment and in society using scientific and technological development. Generating that the biochemical engineer has an environment in which he interacts in his work, with his colleagues, partners, clients and with the community in general. (http://cmibq.org.mx/docs/Codigo_etica_Prof_CMIBQ.pdf)

"To achieve this objective, we must bear in mind our identification with the values ​​that promote a dignified, fair and egalitarian life, as well as the commitment and responsibility that is contracted when receiving the investiture of a professional title that accredits us for professional practice"

(http://cmibq.org.mx/docs/Codigo_etica_Prof_CMIBQ.pdf, pp. 1)

It is also important to take into account the great responsibility of being a professional.

Profession: “The etymology of the word“ profession ”comes from the Latin professio-onis, which means action and effect of professing or exercising. The use of the concept eat has different meanings, including: employment, faculty or trade that each one has and exercises publicly. Profession can be defined as a permanent activity, exercised by mastering specialized knowledge that serves as a means of life but also determines entry into a specific social group ”. (Campos, sf, p.1)

One of the main duties of the professional ethics code taken from the Mexican College of Biochemical Engineers, AC From section 1.2.

1.2.- "They will conduct themselves with justice, honesty, honesty, diligence, loyalty, respect, formality, discretion, honorability, responsibility, sincerity, probity, dignity, good faith and in strict observance of the legal and ethical standards of their profession."

The importance of tautology in the code of ethics in biochemical engineering:

As biochemical engineers it is important to be loyal and upright in all aspects of our life, mainly in professional conduct, since many actions and attitudes are derived here that somehow form us, and this also makes us grow personally, in search of of what I am and what I want. Many engineers currently do not know the meaning of tautology and yet many seek it without knowing it and in some cases live with it. A biochemical engineer must understand, analyze and be able to apply it in their codes of ethics, this will allow them to see beyond the usual, always find the truth in all areas of work, with the aim of strengthening their thoughts, their actions, taking them through the path of responsibility, strength, honesty and above all of service.


All biochemical engineers upon graduating from the career have the responsibility and courage to identify, understand and above all put into practice tautology in the professional field when exercising their work. As a biochemical engineer, it is important to seek the truth in everything that concerns us, for example in behavior, in the use of developed scientific and technological techniques, in innovation and creation that benefit society and manifest ecological care, all this to that the engineer maintains stable relationships and thus fulfills and lives with the responsibilities and rights that are forming the Biochemical engineer.


  • Approved by the Honorable University Council e. (2011). PROFESSIONAL CODE OF ETHICS.. 2011, from DEL COLEGIO MEXICANO DE



  • Definition of code of ethics (https://definicion.de/codigo–de–etica/) History of Philosophy. Volume 3: Contemporary Philosophy. Javier Echegoyen Olleta. Editorial Edinumen.Obtained from the Center for Basic Sciences, Biochemical EngineeringPorto, J and Gardey, Definition of tautology. Obtained from


The tautology in the code of professional ethics of the biochemical engineer