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The theory of interest and moral judgment. test

Table of contents:


We will understand the concepts of interest and moral judgment, and the importance of applying some of these, in our daily life depending on the situation in which we find ourselves. There are times in our lives when we must make a choice or make a decision, but what do we put first? The moral judgment or interest, our happiness or a "moment of satisfaction" doing something that does not seem to us to obtain something.

Keywords: Interest, moral judgment.

Abstract: We will understand the concepts of interest and moral judgment, and the importance of applying some of these, in our daily life depending on the situation in which we find ourselves. There are moments in our lives in which we must make a choice or make a decision, but what do we put first? The moral judgment or interest, our happiness or a "moment of satisfaction" doing something that does not seem to get something.

Keywords: Interest, moral judgment.


In this development, we will focus our vision on the application of interest and moral judgment, in our daily life, to know the reason why, we choose the decisions we make every day.

What do we look at or what do we value when making a decision? In the option that best benefits us or in which we feel most comfortable? This question is not very common for us to ask ourselves, but when we do, they cause two different answers that depend on many variables. (like emotions, the space-time in which we find ourselves, to say a few), which are:

  • We use interest because even though we do not think what we are going to do, we are always attracted by the benefits that this decision gives us. We use moral judgment, because how we feel is worth more, whether or not we are comfortable.

Theory of interest

Since the beginning of the history of humanity, when the human being was primitive, he developed his behavior through basic needs such as subsistence, affection, protection, etc., to name a few examples. We can say that by interest we refer to the affinity of a person towards another subject, thing or situation and, that it is a set of stimuli, but this changes according to the age of the individual, as the years go by, we realize that, through our lived experiences, thoughts, and the society in which we are living, day after day, to mention some of the many factors that intervene to understand, the importance of morality in our lives to achieve fulfillment, the happiness that has been so desired.

Over time, they became rational beings by making decisions at their convenience through acquired experiences and it is here where people's interest begins, which is responsible for motivating us to seek something better for ourselves, or to our loved ones. An example that we can make of vested interests that can make us make bad decisions is: a smoker could oppose laws that prevent smoking inside buildings, arguing that the level of smoke produced does not impair people's health and well-being. that surround it. It is just simply a high concentration of smoke that is annoying Miguel Angel Ariño. (2017).

Moral judgment

We can define moral judgment as the mental act that establishes whether a certain conduct or situation has ethical content or, on the contrary, lacks these principles. Moral judgment is made from the moral sense of each person and responds to a series of norms and rules that are acquired throughout life.

Judgment is a faculty of the soul that makes it possible to differentiate between good and evil. When put into words, the judgment is an opinion or an opinion. Morality, on the other hand, is associated with the customs, values, beliefs and norms of a person or a social group. Morality works as a guide to act since it distinguishes between right and wrong.


We must find a "balance" in choosing our decisions. Moral judgment and interest are very necessary for our daily life, because it helps us both to better assess our options and to be more comfortable with our decisions.

Bibliographic references

  • Miguel Angel Ariño. (2017). Interests Created and Decision Making. December 11, 2018, Decision-making Website:
The theory of interest and moral judgment. test