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The web as a communication tool for Cuban exporting companies

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The following work aims to address those fundamental aspects to take into account when creating a web page. The importance of creating a website for exporting companies as a communication tool is also discussed.

Importance of the web as a communication tool.

Getting known in the market is an important element for companies that want to maintain a successful position in the mind of the customer. But for those, whose field of action goes beyond national borders, it becomes a more difficult goal to achieve, due to the existing distance with potential clients.

For this reason, Cuban exporting companies must bear in mind that the creation of a web page is an international communication tool that is becoming increasingly important every day.

Potential buyers are demanding, to a lesser extent, the sending of catalogs of the products and services they need. Instead, they increasingly request and try to consult the websites of the companies that offer what they want.

The new era of information technology and communications and the gradual importance of cost savings are two factors that give relevance to the creation of a website for the Cuban exporting company, to the detriment of other commercial communication channels.

What are the aspects to take into account for its creation and maintenance?

In summary, the most important aspects that must be taken into account in the creation and maintenance of a WEB for companies oriented to the external market are the following:

First: Commitment to its creation and maintenance by all members of the organization.

To create a website, contrary to what many think, the commitment and involvement of all areas of the organization is necessary. The conviction must be created that the web is a powerful commercial communication tool.

It can hardly be successful if the company does not give it the importance it requires, since the customer focus that is achieved and the updating of the content of the site will depend on this.

Second: Appointment of a person in charge (WebMaster).

It is necessary to appoint a person in charge with authority and guidelines to manage everything related to the web. The webmaster is in charge of automating the business concept of the company, which captures the customer's need and facilitates the purchase.

For the export director, the web is another tool at his service for communicating what is sold in the foreign market, in the same way as attending fairs or exploration trips.

Third: Idiomatic plurality.

It will also be necessary to take into account the diversity of the addressees and especially the quality of the texts. This will allow to have clients from different parts of the world.

Fourth: Register the web in search engines.

The potential consumer will use web search engines to find the product or service they need. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate the company's website into international search engines such as google, altavista, yahoo, wanadoo, among others; as well as on the website of Associations, Chambers of Commerce, exporter directories, etc.

It would be interesting to highlight the importance of communicating and disseminating the existence of the company's website through various channels that have no associated cost, whether through newsletters, emails, brochures, business cards, articles about the company or others. through which the web address is made known.

Fifth: Adequate and descriptive domain.

A domain name is the way that websites are called. It is advisable to search for an Internet domain name that indicates the need for the products or services that the company sells. It is preferable to include the need in the domain and not the name of the organization, since this is rarely known abroad and customers will enter what they want to buy in search engines and not the name of the person who sells it.

What should be included in the web design?

The most relevant elements to take into account in its design are:

  • Company data:
  • Company name.Corporate image (logo, slogan, promotional video, etc.).Activity carried out (corporate purpose).Address.Telephone and fax number.Contact email. Internet address of the specific page
  • Provide information about the company and the products and / or services it markets. In the case of products, include a demo with the conditions of use of the same, quality policies, etc. It must also indicate its price, applicable taxes, shipping costs, among others. Classify the information reserved for partners of the company or special clients in sections with restricted access, using security codes. Links with the companies or related businesses as well as with the websites of the organization itself according to geographical area Links to pages of interest, such as official bodies, export promotion center (CEPEC), universities, research centers, related companies, etc.) Assess a possible exchange of banners with other sites web such as national and provincial portals, related companies,directories, digital press, etc. Publish news related to the company Possible development of an electronic store; That is, in addition to providing a catalog, also giving the customer the possibility of making purchases of the products through the website as regulated by the joint resolution MINCEX-SIME No.1 / 1999 Offer an attractive idea to establish a relationship with the market: well, books, utilities, a periodic bulletin, etc., in exchange for an email. In this way, it will be possible to have permanent contact with potential clients to promote the company's products and / or services if the client considers it necessary and allows it. Creating a contact form can also help in this regard.Possible development of an electronic store; That is, in addition to providing a catalog, also giving the customer the possibility of making purchases of the products through the website as regulated by the joint resolution MINCEX-SIME No.1 / 1999 Offer an attractive idea to establish a relationship with the market: well, books, utilities, a periodic bulletin, etc., in exchange for an email. In this way, it will be possible to have permanent contact with potential clients to promote the company's products and / or services if the client considers it necessary and allows it. Creating a contact form can also help in this regard.Possible development of an electronic store; That is, in addition to providing a catalog, also giving the customer the possibility of making purchases of the products through the website as regulated by the joint resolution MINCEX-SIME No.1 / 1999 Offer an attractive idea to establish a relationship with the market: well, books, utilities, a periodic bulletin, etc., in exchange for an email. In this way, it will be possible to have permanent contact with potential clients to promote the company's products and / or services if the client considers it necessary and allows it. Creating a contact form can also help in this regard.also give the customer the possibility of making purchases of the products through the website as regulated by the joint resolution MINCEX-SIME No.1 / 1999 Offer an attractive idea to establish a relationship with the market: well, books, profits, a regular newsletter, etc., in exchange for an email. In this way, it will be possible to have permanent contact with potential clients to promote the company's products and / or services if the client considers it necessary and allows it. Creating a contact form can also help in this regard.also give the customer the possibility of making purchases of the products through the website as regulated by the joint resolution MINCEX-SIME No.1 / 1999 Offer an attractive idea to establish a relationship with the market: well, books, profits, a regular newsletter, etc., in exchange for an email. In this way, it will be possible to have permanent contact with potential clients to promote the company's products and / or services if the client considers it necessary and allows it. Creating a contact form can also help in this regard.In this way, it will be possible to have permanent contact with potential clients to promote the company's products and / or services if the client considers it necessary and allows it. Creating a contact form can also help in this regard.In this way, it will be possible to have permanent contact with potential clients to promote the company's products and / or services if the client considers it necessary and allows it. Creating a contact form can also help in this regard.

Example of a contact form:

How to make the Web efficient and effective?

A good web environment will always attract the attention of users, it will increase the number of customers who visit it and therefore, sales; it will also enrich the prestige of the company and strengthen the corporate image. The website will be the face of the company at an international level, therefore:

  • It should be simple, quick response time and easy to navigate. Handwritten legible and recognizable by all browsers. With clear texts and without errors. With graphic designs that do not contradict the colors of the letters or the color. background, which is recommended to be clear. Elegant design and conceived for all types of clients. With updated information and links. In other words, the products and services that appear must really be those that are in existence, as well as the characteristics and descriptions of each one, with well-organized information. This facilitates the customer's search according to different selection criteria. With well-represented products and good quality images. Accompanied by a help with full information on the marketing of the product, warranty,Privacy and security in the event that sales are made online. Content adjusted and regulated according to current national and international legislation according to the countries to which it is intended.

It is appropriate to mention the role that the Cuban Web project group (Cuban Community on Interaction Design) is developing to reach a national standard. Finally,

  • Do not include the sending of unsolicited mail or SPAM for your promotion.

The web pages in Cuba.

The new approach that prevails in business in the world, increasingly oriented to the use of information technology and communications and the growing importance of electronic commerce; causes important rearrangements in the way of communicating business in the foreign market by Cuban companies. Those that are not disclosed on the Internet will gradually lose ground.

There are many advantages that the development of this concept provides for exporters, among which are: the achievement of greater efficiency in the organization's activities, the establishment of more dynamic forms of inter-company cooperation, the reduction of access barriers to current markets and the possibility of exploiting new markets.

Several companies in Cuba with a view to exporting have already begun to work in this regard, among them it is worth mentioning the company Inversiones Gamma (www.gamma.com.cu), winner on several occasions of the National Exporter Award in the category de Servicios, which has done excellent work on this front as well as deserves to recognize and distinguish the work done by other prestigious companies in the country and their contribution to Cuban exports such as Heber Biotec (www. heber-biotec.com), Habanos (www.habanos.com) and Cuba Ron (www.cubaron.com). Other companies, for their part, are beginning to dabble in the subject.

As far as electronic commerce is concerned, few have developed it.

CITMATEL (www.citmatel.cu), Company of Information Technologies and Advanced Telematic Services, is one of the creators and promoters in Cuba, of the development, not only of websites, but also of very popular electronic commerce sites such as Bazar- virtual.com and Compra d'todo.com, oriented to the export of products and services of various Cuban companies.

Some of those that have developed virtual stores are: GENIX (www.genix.cu), Tecnomática (www.tecnomatica.minbas.cu), SITRANS (tienda.virtual.cu), ACINOX (tienda.steels-net.cu), TECUN (tecun.cimex.com.cu) and Corporación Copextel (www.ofimatica.copextel.vcl.cu).

Also point out the support work provided by the DATOS Business company, aimed at the commercialization, operation, maintenance, management, technological development and investments of products and services related to Internet access and use, the development of portals and the provision of of data transmission services through the public networks of the Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba SA (ETECSA), www.etecsa.cu.

However, it is worth mentioning that despite the aforementioned examples in our country, even the development of a website is not considered a key tool of commercial communication for companies that intend to climb successful positions in the international market.

For this reason, it is necessary to recognize its importance by exporting companies and urge the fact that it is necessary to start taking the first steps for the design and implementation of a promotional website as well as assess the possibility of creating a virtual store.

Consulted bibliography:

Castañeda Chavez, Augusto. An effective navigation plan in 8 simple steps.

Escribano Otero, Juan José. Usability - Accessibility

Garcia, Rubén. Usability Evaluation.

Gómez Reyes, Marta. l Electronic Commerce a new paradigm in the Economy », Presentation at Global Vision Event, 2001.

Gómez Reyes, Marta Usability in Electronic Commerce sites. A need.

Manchón, Eduardo. Types of Evaluation

Universal Design Principles or Design for All

The web as a communication tool for Cuban exporting companies