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Launch, segmentation and positioning of a new product. comody jeans


This work is about the introduction of a new product. COMODY JEANS. Among the most important characteristics is that it will be oriented to men; because we observe that unlike the women's market, they are not satisfied with the current brands and models, that is, there is no adequate offer.

These jeans will be aimed at the medium-high income segment where they will have a price that will range between 150 and 200 Bs, in addition there will be models, designs and colors that are according to fashion and satisfying the wishes of consumers.

To obtain a differentiation in the product, it will be focused on the client for which there will be constant interaction with the market, in addition, you can choose to design tailored to the client's taste, who will be able to appear at the store to choose a model and take out the corresponding measures.



Our target market will be men who are in an age range between 15 and 29 years old, where we identify three groups, from 15 to 21; from 22 to 29 and from 30 to 39 years old, looking for the following characteristics:

Segment 1 (15 to 21 years old):

They seek comfort, fashion, they are not faithful to a brand, however they consider this factor as important when choosing a jeans and are willing to pay and consume more units

Segment 2 (22 to 29 years old):

They look for comfort, quality (referring to a good cut and quality of the fabric, durability, model, good sewing) another factor would be fashion where it is important but not decisive. This segment is not willing to pay as much as the previous segment, because they are more rational when choosing a jeans; in this segment they are already more loyal to the brand because they have already acquired some experience.

Segment 3 (30 to 39 years).

This segment is basically characterized by acquiring products that have higher quality, that are comfortable and above all a greater durability. This segment is characterized by having a higher purchasing power but nevertheless buying in smaller quantities since the Jean is not constituted as a priority for its wardrobe.


Our JEANS market product has the following characteristics:

Comfort, a good cut and quality of the fabric, durability, model, good sewing, diversity in colors. The satisfier can be designed upon request by the client, in this way it will be possible to add value and thus increase satisfaction.


According to the characteristics of our target market, we consider that the segments that we can satisfy at higher levels are segments 1 and 2 of which a higher “firepower” can be achieved.

IMAGES: This segment has the characteristic that, since we are adolescents, the image before the “other” is essential.

IMPULSES: They are easily carried away by fashion, that is, the purchase will depend on the perceptual characteristics of the satisfier, such as: colors, models, design, accessories, labels, etc.



Initially we will focus on the city of Tarija.


Men between the ages of 15 to 29 years (Segment 1: 15-21 and Segment 2: 22-29 years), approximately 22 thousand men.


We will focus on the upper-middle income segment, these are families or people who earn $ 500. or more.

By occupation:

Segment 1: Students- University

Segment 2: University - Independent and Dependent Professionals.


Segment 1: Characterized by a tendency to be jovial, athletic, emotional, informal, and forgiving. Personal and social interests prevail.

Segment 2: They tend to be jovial, formal, less emotional. Social and family interests prevail. They want to make their opinion known and prevail.



THAN? Tommy Hilfiger, Levis, Wrangler, Guess. To get dressed. Tommy Hilfiger, Levis, Wrangler, Guess.
HOW MUCH? Seg 1: 3 units / year

Sec. 2: 2 units / year

3 jeans a year 6-8 pants
HOW? Cash Clothing. Folded, hung.
WHERE? Exclusive stores and to a lesser extent in the mcdos. Everywhere Wardrobe, drawers, bags.
WHEN? On average every 4 months. Sec. 1: usually.

Seg 2: weekends and occasionally.

From 1 to 5 years.
WHO? Seg. 1: Parents or guardians.

Seg. 2: Final consumer.

Adolescents and young people. Mom, wife (or), consumer.


Wanted Benefits: Comfort, look informal and casual, look jovial and modern.

Perceived Attributes: Comfort, Quality (good cut and fabric quality, durability, model, good finish), Design, Durability, Color, Brand, Fashion and Price.

Perceived Functions: Dress: casual and informal.



Jeans is a product widely accepted by the components of our business market.

Assumptions - beliefs

Jeans are part of the dress culture in our region and the belief is that anyone who feels young and wants to be comfortable will wear jeans.


The consumer feels jovial and modern.


The members of segment 1 are influenced by the image of the brand and fashion, since they want to stand out and differentiate themselves through it, which is why they are willing to pay high prices.

Those in segment 2 seek to project a jovial and updated image through the satisfier.


The vast majority of the members of these segments are adolescents and young people who are single or recently married.


Segment 1: They are emuli.

Segment 2: Emuli made.


The development of this segmentation basically covers three levels in which the Subject (person who lacks a satisfactor) and the object (satisfactor) are linked.

Therefore, we are forced to develop all three levels in the application of JEANS.

Empirical level.

The person recognizes the lack of the satisfier, therefore, it seeks to satisfy a basic need for clothing. The subject is faced with a wide range of similar satisfiers since there are various brands of JEANS pants and other types of pants, where individual characteristics will act as guides for the purchase decision.

Explanatory level.

The subject will create an image about him and the satisfier in his moment of consumption. That is, the person will be able to experience in their mind how they will look wearing the JEANS jeans and how they will be seen by their social circle.

Applicative level.

Community - Belonging. Segment 1.

The value that consumers give to JEANS pants based on what this satisfaction means to them is high, since these are part of their life, because they identify with this garment. He even has an affective identification

Identity: Segment 1 and 2

Consumers in this segment seek an identity when using jeans, which through a design or brand seek to differentiate themselves from the "other", it could be looking for prestige, reflecting a modern personality. It is not that he does not take the "other" into account but that he wants the "other" to admire him.

Functionality: Segment 2

This segment looks for practicality in the satisfier, for example: a light, sporty jeans. It can be used in multiple ways, such as elegant dressing, casual dressing, casual dressing, going to the field, to work, etc.

Contributed by: Alberto Molina - [email protected]

Pablo Molina Student of Commercial Engineering,. Universidad Católica Boliviana Regional Tarija - [email protected]

Marketing according to Kotller, p. 52

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Launch, segmentation and positioning of a new product. comody jeans