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The 3 ways to find meaning in life

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The issue of the meaning of life is something that humanity has wondered about for centuries. From ancient philosophers to our children, all of us, at some point, have wondered if life, what we go through, the problems, the joys, and the people, make sense.

There are numerous answers for this. And almost everyone, in their search inside themselves, will find the meaning of what they live. However, we are going to explain the 3 ways described by Viktor Frankl, creator of logotherapy, who worked all his professional life on this issue.

  1. The meaning of life can be found through a mission, a duty to fulfill. It is the most basic form and the one that people seek the most. If we ask someone why they would live, they would answer: “because I have things to do”.

The mission or purpose is something that we create, that we build. And it is directly related to serving people. When you serve others with your talents and abilities, your life has meaning, you perceive that you are worth and that you contribute.

  1. The meaning of life can be found through love. Specifically love of people. You would not want to leave the world because there are people who are interested in you, and who are important to you.

This, in fact, is one of the most powerful and motivating ways to do things, to have projects and not to give up. The people we love are a constant inspiration to live and be better.

  1. The meaning of life can be found through contemplation. It's about enjoying the little things, the details, the little pleasures of everyday life. Although Frankl specifically spoke of art as a concept, contemplation is something broader.

Some people enjoy their life and want to continue living because they like a hobby, a sport, looking at works of art, enjoying a meal, enjoying time with a loved one, perceiving the changes in the world, traveling, etc. They are small and great pleasures that give meaning to life.

These are just a few examples of how to find meaning in your life. Of course, this is much more complex, and each one must speak, in his inner way, this sense.


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I wish you the greatest blessings.

Guillermo Mendoza Vélez www.SaludMentalyEmocional.com

The 3 ways to find meaning in life