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The 8 premises of companies that offer excellent service


Faced with the great competitiveness that Colombian companies have exercised today in the local, national and international market, we want to stop along the way after knowing the mistakes and dangers that can be committed in the effort to attract new customers and try to keep faithful to the current ones; Thousands and thousands of strategies have been recommended to constantly improve, but despite so many formulas, there is one that I consider to be the main one: Think of the customer above all else.

We are in the service business, and our goal is to conquer new blue oceans in a world surrounded by quality of service, that means putting the customer first in everything we do.

“Thinking of the customer above all” has the qualities of a great slogan, but how can we make it more than just a slogan? How can we make it a reality? What are the hallmarks of organization distinction that puts the customer first? How do we know it is one of them when we see it?

To begin, we can agree that companies that truly place their customers above all manifest their intentions to make a difference in the market and to do so:

  1. They want, dream, think and talk a lot about their customers Constantly evaluate customer impressions They try to solve priority problems in favor of the most profitable impact on the customer They confer, accommodate or add value for the customer in controversial situations where the value of good will outweighs the financial interest. They consciously recover from mistakes or mishandled moments of truth. They employ a “cost-what-cost” policy when trying to remedy the situation for a disgruntled customer or one with a special need. systems, reallocate resources and know that the customer is always above all, they are aware that they must prioritize when faced with blue and red oceans.

Este último punto puede ser una verdadera prueba cuando se llega a las grandes decisiones sobre recursos, ya que existen muchas empresas que se desgastan pensando cómo establecer estrategias en mercados ya copados (océanos rojos) y se olvidan por completo que existen mercados vírgenes inexplorados (océanos azules) en los cuales nadie ha pensado explorarlos y es allí en donde se encuentran los clientes que necesitan las organizaciones para educarlos en su cultura organizacional y lograr adaptarlos al cambio de calidad de servicio que están dispuestas a ofrecer para lograr su fidelización.

If Colombian organizations firmly believe in differentiating themselves from the competition through the quality of service, they must really recognize that it is only thanks to the above premises that an organization makes a difference in the market and even more so when its organizational philosophy is oriented towards satisfaction. total customer.

The 8 premises of companies that offer excellent service