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The workloads that generate stress and anxiety in our work

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To start we must know what are the workloads, what is it that generates and can trigger, workloads we find them day by day in our daily environment since in one way or another we are most of the time at work combined with the events of daily life, as a family, for any situation that may arise, we must know how to handle workloads to be efficient in carrying out our work or the tasks entrusted to us.

We can define as workloads: As the set of psychophysical requirements to which the worker is subjected throughout his workday.

Within our daily life, there are situations and / or factors that influence our health, work and family, such is the case of stress, which is a physiological reaction of the organism in which various defense mechanisms come into play to face a situation that is perceived as threatening or of increased demand. Stress is a natural and necessary response for survival, it is a defense mechanism that can end up, under certain frequent circumstances in certain ways of life, triggering serious health problems, therefore it will depend on each one of us, our abilities to control it and that it does not harm our health.

In order for us to carry out an effective measurement of workloads, it is necessary to keep two essential things updated: one of them is the manual of processes and procedures that determines what to do and the integral operation of the company and the activities to be carried out during the day. labor.

And the second is the manual of job functions and competences that constitutes the technical support that justifies and gives meaning to the existence of positions in a company, entity or body.

The most important condition to take into account in a workload study is that no charges are measured, the development of activities or tasks associated with the procedures and processes of the various units or dependencies is measured based on the standard time of development of each activity (recorded in the procedures manual) and the frequency (in a determined period of time: days, hours, minutes) with which each activity of the procedure is carried out permanently.

The study or measurement of workloads is not an isolated or independent job, it implies the realization of an internal project according to the area where it is going to be applied, since in our affiliation center there are different departments, technicians, administrative, heads, etc. This is achieved with the participation of interdisciplinary personnel of the company that integrates the realization of phases or sequential stages, among which the following stand out: diagnosis, planning, formulation of methodology, communication, application of methodology and consolidation of results.

With this knowledge we can manage workloads and follow up with collaborators, regarding their application, monitoring ourselves where the possible failure is, it can also be applied from home with the family itself, dialogue with the couple, with the children and foster a different culture so that the environment is very clear and thus be able to discern as soon as an excess of work or workload presents itself, knowing how to lead to a good achievement in a group or individually, knowing how to control stress and the anxiety.

Link of the published article:

The workloads that generate stress and anxiety in our work