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The ten most sought after qualities in a trainer

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If you can't, I'll help you. If you don't know, I'll teach you. But if you don't want to, there is nothing I can do for you »

How many times have we attended a training course where from the beginning we feel lazy, resistance to change, unwillingness to attend and pay attention. We came to consider it a punishment by the company towards us.

It sometimes happens that during a course we get distracted looking at the facilities of the training room, the trainer's shoes, counting how many sheets are left to finish the course guide manual, among others.

If a company has already chosen to stay at the forefront by training its employees on a continuous basis, it should start by looking for and promoting various qualities in its trainer (s).

Below is a guide of 10 tips for those who are just starting out in this world.

A trainer:

1. Choose the right time to teach your courses.

You should be able to establish a balance between a comfortable schedule that does not imply having tired or sleepy people and avoiding hindering the operation of the company by creating conflicts in the different departments.

There will be times when the trainer will have to give courses at times that he did not expect, however he will look for the appropriate techniques so that the time invested is really the most productive.

2. Take care of your image inside and outside of work.

The trainer is the image of the company and must take care of it at all times. You know you can have fun remembering that there are times and places for everything.

He will also take care of his appearance by arriving neat and with personal dressing, he will take care of his physique, his smell and the words he uses in front of people.

3. Prepare the topic to be taught and make a list of possible questions.

We may not know everything, but we can foresee some kind of question that may be difficult. The most important thing is to remember the commitment and mission of your work and focus on it.

4. Love what you do, do your job with pleasure.

His work is not a burden, he knows that he has the gift of teaching and he is passionate about the subjects he teaches. Try to find the good and interesting side of it and investigate beyond what it has captured in its material.

5. Know how to use your voice.

Develop a method that allows you to communicate effectively with others. It will modulate the volume of your voice, making it louder or quieter as required.

6. Recognize that human capital works with the company and not for it.

Learn to value people with an interest in what you teach and support them to realize their potential.

Thus, the trainer becomes a kind of headhunter, detecting the collaborators who have the best chances of moving up in the same company.

7. You will know how to be a good listener.

Often the staff find in the trainer someone to whom they can vent, telling them about their sorrows or their concerns. If it is within their power to help you, they will either do so or channel you to the right person or area.

Listen to the opinions of others without bothering, because it understands that we are all individual creatures with different backgrounds and encourages tolerance, since intolerance has been the mother of many tragedies in the world.

8. Value their work.

Recognizes and values ​​their work as a coveted benefit in our country, gives it the importance of receiving knowledge, since it is very common to find entrepreneurs who do not want to train their staff for not spending money or for fear that another company take them away and it was a fruitless expense.

9. Has humility.

Not just because you have a college degree will you try to minimize people or treat them with honors. Nor will it be believed less than the others.

You know the value of staff goes beyond that. You will not be believed a know-it-all, because every day there is something new to learn. You never stop learning, even after 2 years of managing this or that system, from the least expected people you will find tips that will help you do your job better.

10. Has a sense of humor.

Saying something funny from time to time allows for a relaxed atmosphere, or breaks the ice between participants.

A trainer will leave a mark where he is when he knows how to motivate the participants to better carry out their activities, to participate, to give their opinion and feel like continuing to climb.

If a group works motivated, a higher level of commitment will be generated. Motivation can be generated by the trainer when he makes them see that there is a world beyond the 4 walls of the office, when they are given a bigger picture and see everything they can achieve if they set their mind to it. However, it is also possible to find negative collaborators who violate the regulations intentionally, in these cases, if the attitudes violate order, probity or honesty, they will be made available to Human Resources to prevent the matter from escalating.

Thus, the result of the training program will be the sum of the effort and disposition of both the trainer and the students.

The ten most sought after qualities in a trainer