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Emotional skills, key factors in work and life

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Modern organizations, whether private or public, experience problems derived from an increasingly diverse and complex society, individualistic and battered by the great scourges of our times: addictions, violence, failure, divorces, unemployment and insecurity.

We take home problems to work, we take work problems home, due to disability, anguish and the terror of believing we are nobody in life, of knowing that there are thousands of people who can take our place in work, of the fear that it causes to think that the other is better, of believing that our unhappiness is due to the other, of supposing that if our children do not do what we want, everything is wrong, of feeling immersed in an aspirational structure that we never achieve reach. We are hijacked by our own emotions. Situation that leads us to compete disloyally without ever being interested in others.

Society prospers as long as its proposals are introjected, divorce is functional, and there is no longer a support structure to remain with a partner. In the process we all lose, including the organization, the company, because we never managed to join as a team to win: We organize to lose everyone because this fact alleviates pain and anguish. When everyone loses one is perceived less inefficient. In the intimate "being Mexican", we discover that we are solitary players, never team players.

The idea is to act as high performance athletes and produce the synergy of these Olympic champions who know perfectly that in the daily struggle for life, to reach the goal, the most fierce battle is the one that is established with oneself. There are many examples of this. The high performance athlete sublimates in sports and obtains an iron discipline that is not exhausting, on the contrary, it is pleasant

How many kilometers do you need to run a week to participate in a marathon? Up to 200 kilometers. How many hours of training does a gymnast, a swimmer, a fencer require? Many a day. And we ordinary mortals, how many hours do we put in to be efficient? Those who know how to overcome will also be ready to organize as a team, that's when the magic of synergy appears.

It happens as when Napoleon, having the great Egyptian pyramids as a witness, shouted to his soldiers: Brave French, hundreds of years of human history are witnesses of our triumph! This is how it happens when the victory achieved in the fight against our demons: The entire humanity expresses itself through us. In this case, the spirit embodied in the high performance athlete will be able to express itself in our intimate becoming.

In a five-year project sponsored by the WT Grant Foundation, a group of researchers discovered the active components essential to the success of effective team building programs. This group of researchers came to the conclusion that, regardless of the specific problem to be solved, the development of skills such as self-knowledge, self-esteem and communication (competencies that allow emotional intelligence) are key skills that must be developed for the

In this sense, Harvard discovered that the emotional quotient is much more important than the IQ. People who possessed emotional intelligence stood out over people with above-average IQs.

“A professional with a high Emotional Coefficient is a person who perceives easier, more skillfully and quickly than others, the conflicts in gestation that have to be resolved, the vulnerable points of the teams, the organizations to which attention must be paid, the distances that must be bridged or the gaps that must be filled, the hidden connections that signify opportunity and the dark and mysterious interactions that promise to be golden and profitable. ” (Robert K. Cooper).

Having adequate labor relations that lead us to fulfillment implies developing in a learning process a series of competencies that facilitate successfully facing the demands and challenges of productive life, whether in private initiative or in public administration.

Competencies allow people to transform knowledge, attitudes and values ​​into skills. One skill is knowing what to do and how to do it in a timely manner.

We consider it essential to promote reflection and the development of skills to achieve the integration of efficient work teams to discover in a self-managed way the importance of incorporating these skills in the complex task of making what is different work in one direction.

Managing emotions

All emotions are, in essence, impulses that lead us to act, automatic reaction programs that evolution has endowed us with. Each emotion predisposes the body to a different type of response.

The emotional mind is much faster than the rational mind, and it goes into operation without stopping for a moment to consider what it is doing. Its speed makes the deliberate analytical reflection that is the hallmark of the thinking mind impossible.

The term Emotional Intelligence refers to the human capacity to feel, understand, control and modify emotional states in oneself and in others. Emotional intelligence is not stifling emotions, but directing and balancing them, since the attempt to silence emotions leads to dullness and apathy, while its unbridled expression, on the contrary, can end in extreme situations.

The emotional life is an area that includes a certain set of skills that can be mastered with greater or lesser skill. The degree of mastery a person achieves over these skills is decisive in determining why certain individuals thrive in life while others, with a similar intellectual level, end up in a dead end.

Scientifically it is proven that people who impede work processes, who are boycotting, fearful, rebellious, submissive, negative, disqualifying, suffer from anxiety, anger and depression.

It is necessary to say that emotional abilities play a more decisive role than economic and family factors in determining whether an individual will ruin his life due to these difficulties or if, on the contrary, he could overcome them.

A key skill in mastering impulses is knowing the difference between feelings and actions and learning to make better emotional decisions, controlling the impulse to act and identifying the different action options and their possible consequences. Many of these skills are markedly interpersonal: the ability to adequately interpret emotional and social signs, to listen, to resist negative influences, to assume the perspective of others, and to understand the behavior that is most appropriate to a given situation.

Herrán, Gascón, A de la. Self-knowledge and training: Beyond education in values. Pedagogical Trends, Madrid 2003.

Op. Cit.

Emotional skills, key factors in work and life