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Product lines

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There are countless similar products but with different characteristics. It is up to the companies to create product lines according to their possibilities and if they want to satisfy consumer tastes.

When a company produces a product, it may determine that it would be convenient to market another very similar one, focused on the same segment of the population, that provides the same service and that is sold at the same point, but that totally differ in their marketing strategies. We are talking about the product lines of a company, thinking about the different tastes and preferences of consumers.

When entering an appliance store, we find all kinds of appliances; televisions, washing machines, stereos, VCRs, etc. If we stop for a moment and look at televisions for example, we see that the Panasonic brand has 15, 20 or 21 inches with almost the same specifications, prices commensurate with the size, very similar design and yet each of them is focused on the different tastes and preferences of potential buyers.

Likewise, when we go to a car dealership we see very similar Honda cars, aimed at the same segment of the population, with similar specifications and yet each one of them has a very different marketing strategy when it is being promoted for later sale.

The product line, therefore, as we said at the beginning, is a tool that companies use to sell more products and to be able to offer consumers a more extensive range of them, always seeking to satisfy the individual tastes of each person.

Depending on the objectives of a company, the expansion of its product line is defined. For example, if a high share is sought, it should be expanded, since it will try to invade the market with many products. If what you are looking for is high profitability, the line should be narrower and focused on few products but that guarantee the company great dividends.

2 different products may meet the same need. It is up to each person to choose the one that suits them best or the one they like the most


The union of all the product lines of a company and that is offered to consumers is called a product mix, and can be described according to its breadth, that is, the total number of product lines that a company markets; according to its length, that is, the total number of products that a company handles (for example Colgate; it has dental floss, toothpastes, brushes, etc.); according to its depth, that is, the number of versions of each product within the line (for example 20-inch televisions with or without additional speakers or luxury cars with automatic or gearboxes); and finally according to their consistency, that is, the similarity between the various lines in terms of their characteristics (for example line of luxury and cheap cars, toothpastes with or without mint flavor).

As we could see, there is a product for every taste. The important thing is to reach as many people as possible and be able to satisfy them in the best way. So don't complain if you don't like something, rest assured that sooner or later you will find what you like.

Product lines