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Brands and their relationship with the consumer

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The essential objective of these notes is to analyze the relationship of trademarks with the public or consumer.

Trademarks are signs or a combination of these that serve to distinguish products or services from their similar ones in the market that may be capable of graphic representation, we can say that these are created by the consumer himself. It acts as a mental, affective and rational representation determined by experience, belief, attitude, feelings and information. The brand image can be created in the consumer, spontaneous or planned and must have attributes of notoriety, high esteem, image strength and fidelity.

Notes about the brands and their relationship with the consumer.

Undoubtedly, and more so in these times, we see the rapprochement of our businessmen and consumers with the intangible assets protected by the Law, that is, what we call Intellectual Property, seen through its two aspects, Copyright and Industrial Property.

Precisely the subject at hand is introduced into the world of Industrial Property made up of: inventions, scientific discoveries, industrial models, geographical indications and trademarks as well as other distinctive signs, including trade slogans, signs of trade establishments, trade names and we will see how brands relate to the consumer.

The trademark is defined by any sign or combination of signs that serves to distinguish products or services from their similar ones in the market that may be capable of graphic representation.

When we identify the products and services through the company that sells them, we are in the presence of an example Trade Mark: in the case of Cuba we have Suchel Camacho, Suchel Lever, among others.

If we identify the products manufactured by the company that produces them, for example: Coral Negro from the SUCHEL factory, we are faced with a Factory Brand and if we identify the services of the company that provides or offers them, we are faced with an example Service Brand: Enfrigo, Servi -Home, Photoservice.

Now, who creates the brands or the image of a brand? The Public or the Consumer. The brand acts as a mental, affective and rational representation determined by experience, belief, attitude, feelings and information. Each person has their own image of a brand; That is why it is important to study the image of existing brands in order to provide the new brand that we design with the appropriate attributes for the target audience.

The image of a brand can be created in the consumer, spontaneous by the action in the market or the product and planned by the company, which allows to achieve positive results since adequate productive, commercial and financial measures can be taken.

With this we can reach a first analysis, the brand is much more than the name of a product or service for the consumer, why? Because of the added value that is conferred on it, a product or service with a brand in front of to a non-branded product or service is a concept that depends on the consumer. It is worth meaning that the brand for the consumer establishes a reference of quality, guarantee and confidence in the product, allowing them to select the one of their preference.

Another analysis would be to ask ourselves if the consumer then considers the brand as an intangible element. The brand is one of the most tangible items that an example company can have: tangible material goods; machinery, obsolescence of technologies and even the man retires, moves, but the brand endures in time. An example of this is the Cuban Rum "Havana Club", Tobacos "COHIBA". For the brand to last over time, it has to become a Strong Brand, that is, it has attributes of:

  • Notoriety: That it is immediately remembered when thinking about its products High Esteem: That it enjoys the trust of the consumer Image Strength: Just thinking about the brand we reflect in our visual image the words or phrases associated with it and Loyalty: That it is repeat purchase from businesses by the consumer.

The most genuine example of brand strength is Havana Club preceded by the commercial slogan El Ron de Cuba.

A strong brand is a valuable asset due to its advantages for both the owner and the consumer.

For consumers, the strong brand has the advantages of:

  • Save time by allowing easy selection They are more reliable by reducing risks They have personality and character as there is a greater consensus in the description of the image Help consumers to define themselves and build their image They allow interaction with each other and consumers.

From this last advantage, we relate strong brands to communication over time and the use of advertising to achieve functional and emotional benefits.

Finally, we point out that when a consumer investigates about a brand, this allows them to make an important contribution in the construction of brands. Researching a brand makes it easier for us to address two fundamental aspects such as:

  • The management of the value of the brand and the measurement of its changes by allowing the company to know the relationship of the consumer with the brand, its image and personality, and, to monitor the progress in the construction of the value of the brand in front of its competition.

Consulted Bibliography

- Santana Pérez, Jorge. Article "Brands: a powerful symbolism". Magazine No. 10 of the Cuban Association of Social Communicators. January-April 2006. Havana. Cuba.

- Decree-Law No. 68 of the Council of State of May 14, 1983 "On inventions, scientific discoveries, industrial models, trademarks and designations of origin". Extraordinary Official Gazette No. 10. Legislative Selection of the CEATM. April-May-June 1983.

- Decree-Law No. 203 of the Council of State December 24, 1999 on “trademarks and other distinctive signs” Extraordinary Gazette No. 3 of May 2, 2000.

Brands and their relationship with the consumer