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New technologies and new paradigms in education


From the point of view of teaching, through its different stages, cognitive developments have been taken into account, although not always and in all cases with the importance it demands, taking into account the psychological and neuronal process or cognition.

That is, considering the bases of the learning process. Despite everything, the educational process has been given the greatest importance in learning with information of facts that students had to apprehend and not so much to how that learning process was developed in the mind.

With the arrival of technology in education, it has led to restructuring the teaching - learning processes, aware that this changes both the concept of learning and the ways in which information is applied and how it influences the mind from an investigative perspective from of a topic proposed by the teacher and the use of technological resources, thus favoring a better development of cognition.

Today, children are more predisposed to using technology from an early age.


In the case study of chapter 2, the relationship between technology and cognitive development is considered, since with the evolution of technology and its incorporation into social, cultural and educational settings, the way in which information was previously processed and assimilated, undergo great changes adapting to the surrounding conditions.

From my point of view and in relation to the author's arguments, I understand that an adaptation process is necessary with strategies that give access to information, understanding it and assimilating it as a product of the process in which the brain adapts, which takes time and through him modifying structures about the interaction in everyday life with technology.

A very practical case that is evident in our teaching work with students is the ease with which they obtain information through technology about any topic, regardless of whether they have no knowledge in their brain regarding it.

After being socialized, they acquire the fundamentals with significant progress in a short time, which follows that even if they do not have the information in their brain, they know how to acquire and process it.

Here it is important to highlight the author in his appreciation regarding the interpretation of cognitive functions holistically and not in isolation, since in cognitive psychology the study of cognition conceives the human being interrelated with his environment and with his capacity of invention from his self-recognition and own experience.

In this way, it is understood that the brain changes in different generations, considering that technology has had different influence according to the context of each generation where it is currently considered an advantage in terms of resources and novelties in use and sources of information with compared to previous generations, but in the same way projecting ourselves at a disadvantage with future generations, probably due to the continuous advance of technologies.


  • Technology and cognition will always be interrelated as the foundation of learning processes Traditional learning based on the memorization of the human being for the learning process is replaced with a better organization and disposition of information generating transformative results in learning from Cognitive processes. The human being will be reinvented every day by the access and use of technologies, recognizing themselves from their experiences. It is necessary to change the teaching-learning processes from the use of technological resources.


  • Reuven Feuerstein and the theory of structural cognitive modifiability. Retrieved June 12, 2016, from: http://www.utemvirtual.cl/plataforma/aulavirtual/assets/asigid_745/contenidos_arc/39250_c_feuerstein.pdfCVUDES. Chapter 2. Cognitive Psychology. Retrieved July 11, 2016, from: http://aulavirtual.eaie.cvudes.edu.co/publico/lems/L.000.013.MG/cap2.html Education and new information and communication technologies: ¿Towards a innovative educational paradigm? Díaz, F (2008). Retrieved on July 11, 2016, from:
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New technologies and new paradigms in education